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View Full Version : bug about big guys in maus (their fake red zones)

12-18-2018, 04:38 PM
bug: when u trying to pull that big guy (whim, swift, maybe warrior terrorblade or somethings else) or push it (mage's shield 2nd upgrade) it can seems that they are not able to be pulled or pushed
but really they are able to be pulled or pushed, but on our screens they slowly going to that place where they were pulled or pushed (instead of immedeatelly appear in that place) and that incoordination causing bug with fake red zones by their smashing

here one of simple examples (mage with shield upgrade):
1) im mage with all shield upgrades, staying on one place (very close to him, to push him later by shield's upgrade) and waiting for his red zone (with charged but still not spelled shield):
2) he creates red zone of his smashing and i immideately activate my shield (it pushes him away):

on these screens it shows that i am not in red zone, and i wouldnt take any damage, but:

3) his real place and his real red zone will be like this (because he already there and didnt change angle of his view and still have agro to me, and i didnt move, but on previous screenshots he still slowly walking to that place where he is already):

it was only shield upgrade one time per 27seconds, now imagine what happens if warrior with terror blade pulling it every 2 seconds, or venim AA ..

12-18-2018, 04:46 PM
+ add some slowing/rooting/stunning things to that, guess it will add more chaos

there can be only 2 solutions:
1) he will have immune to pulling/pushing
2) he getting pulled/pushed immideately same as all normal mobs and dont changing angle of his red zones

12-18-2018, 05:02 PM
also bug about ALL mobs in maus with red zones:
when mob got pulled too far from his spawn and he start to charge red zone, (smashing or curse or aimed shot), then he reseting (going back to his spawn) but their red zones really still stay and will be activated in place where they started charge it
1) undead mage charging his red zone (his curse)
2) u pulling him far from his spawn place - he going back (to refill his hp) with red zone around him, he already on half way and almost reseted, he is far from you and u are out of his red zone
3) but when he activate curse (very far from you) - cursed zone will be around that place when he started to charge it (close to u), same about smashing zones by big guys, same about undead rogues with their aimed shots

maybe if mob reseting and we are not longer able to kill him - he will reset his skills too? and not activate it on half way to his spawn...

12-18-2018, 06:02 PM
Thanks, will look into these when I have time.

12-18-2018, 10:32 PM
The warning zone facing when pushed thing should be better in the next update. I may or may not get to the leashing one before then.