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View Full Version : Noobish confusion...

11-26-2011, 11:06 PM
I really think that this is a really fun game, but new people don't know how it works because the tutorial dosnt explain enough :-/... When I first started this game with my dex birdy I was really confused because I didn't know how to upgrade my stats... I almost quit before some high lvl player told me to go to my avatar page and click upgrade stats (yeah I know... Mega noobish, but what can I say?). I know this problem has been partcially solved with notifications, but nothing about leveling is even mentioned in the tutorial so it can be confusing to newbies. Also When i first started i had no idea what my skills did... There really needs to be a little log on what each skill does (not just a list of stats). I had a mage once ask me what revive did because when she used it she couldnt kill enimies :-/... One more thing i want to mention is that new players are forced to learn the benefits of each stat on there own (dex, int, str, dodge, armor, dps...) there is nothing to help them learn the basics... I dont know how many tri specers i have seen in the beggining because they think that the game (like most games) is about a balence :-/. This can be really confusing because there is a human in forest haven who says that it is not about any one stat, but it is about all three together lol... Maybe the tutorial should be lengthened to explain all this, but something must be done this game is confusing to newbies...

P.S. this is not a flame it's just a helpful suggestion ;-)

11-26-2011, 11:13 PM
Well before some forum police comes in and says how this thread should be moved to the suggestions section of the forums, I just wanted to commend you.

The tutorial is definitely lacking. It only shows that things that are intuitive and one can already grasp, not the more in depth items. They should make two tutorials. A quick tutorial and an in-depth tutorial and have the player choose the option on which one to play when first creating a character.

11-26-2011, 11:14 PM
Thats what aoa is for. We try to help with many problems new players face. Theyre just isnt enough of us for all the new players. But we get to a bunch of em. Maybe put in pictures like
Dex = bows talons daggers
Str = swords maces shields 2 hands
Int = wands staff bracrs

11-26-2011, 11:16 PM
Thats what aoa is for. We try to help with many problems new players face. Theyre just isnt enough of us for all the new players. But we get to a bunch of em.

That's the problem though! We are all based relatively in the same timezone. I'm a late player myself, so when I log on, I hardly see any AoA members on. If anything, the developers need to expand by picking AoA members based on other time zones.

11-26-2011, 11:16 PM
Well before some forum police comes in and says how this thread should be moved to the suggestions section of the forums, I just wanted to commend you.

The tutorial is definitely lacking. It only shows that things that are intuitive and one can already grasp, not the more in depth items. They should make two tutorials. A quick tutorial and an in-depth tutorial and have the player choose the option on which one to play when first creating a character.

Ty for the ty :-D

And yeah ik about aoa and u guys r great, but not everyone can be reached...

11-26-2011, 11:17 PM
Agreed we need more members.i am on about 2 hours a day on my aoa char because i prefer him over my main. And when im on no one else is.

11-26-2011, 11:22 PM
The tutorial should show builds for succes full players at like lvl 10 and some end game char for each class and explain what stats are useful for the class and show what the people need skill wise. Also teach some pvp language like "rusher" "go" and most importantly "STOP" <---- most dont understand this one

11-26-2011, 11:25 PM
LMFAO cuz when she used it she couldn't kill enemies xD that's classic

11-27-2011, 12:51 AM
LMFAO cuz when she used it she couldn't kill enemies xD that's classic
Ikr? But it shows that the game needs to show what skills do certain things.

11-27-2011, 12:55 AM
I agree, my friend just joined and didnt know what the potions did and wasted all 12 xd

11-27-2011, 01:00 AM
True that. But that's funny xD

11-27-2011, 03:33 AM
No comment.... Is all I have to say....

11-27-2011, 03:41 AM
I like it. Good idea!

11-27-2011, 04:30 AM
They should be directed to these forums..I was lucky to find it pretty early in my pl career..without some of the guides on here my skills and stats would probably be all over the place lol