View Full Version : Ebon scepter of vision weak AA.

12-23-2018, 12:42 AM

This new Ebon staff the AA reflection seems weak on reflecting damage and not process often enough for a 71 new arcane weapon compared the the rogues ebon bow triumph. I have tried it on fester swamp map and taking ages to kill the mobs solong compare to the spirit gun process.

The Ebon Staff process is like magma AA, the toon is surrounded with a shield like thingy (very short AA 3-4 second?) and doesn't process much, what if the mobs are froze by ice bolt or timeshift? No damage will be done to the mobs as they are froze and not attacking the toon, only auto attack damages now since no reflection damage done which doesn't really help in PVE maps. It will be more usefully to add heavy DOT to the mobs like horror staff damage together with the reflection damage.

Appreciate if any mages uses this staff feedback please i don't want to be still tapping on old staff process like immo staff or flame. I know this is a relatively new staff not many has it yet and turn into a white elephant weapon.


12-23-2018, 02:20 PM
Not a bug, moving to suggestions.

12-24-2018, 01:36 PM
I do agree the staff does need to be tweaked, a heavy DOT would be nice, as this staff seems to be a rare drop and is selling for 20-30m currently.

12-24-2018, 02:54 PM
EDIT-after the nerf all the weps need buffs EXCEPT daggers which are insanly op hence the 90mil price tag!

12-24-2018, 03:19 PM
I only use in maus and how is it insta kill? reflect is not dealing great deal damage.. and mage don't need heal from the AA

12-24-2018, 11:02 PM
The Ebon gun, at 71 arcane the process is lower than level 50 spirit process i don't think it is normal. Arc > Spirit (Mythic) as sts said.

Spirit AA have 3 type of process... heal / pull / damage. ARC 71 gun 2 type ... why is it inferior even in "heavy damage" ?

Also the heavy damage is hardly noticeable with the purple smoke at small range does it even do any heavy damage at how many %? ........... and is very short time 2 sec? does it damage all the mobs 1=2 or more ? (description says damage enemies ...)

+added to main thread - i sold my staff the second day i own it***

Please check...

12-25-2018, 01:16 PM
All these threads could've been avoided if only Sts had given detailed information about each weapons procs.

They have done this with the lv46 Arc weapons. But since then it has been vague.

Its pretty obvious that it was like this on purpose, so people would actually risk opening locks, waste money, at the end wasting more $ than intended as they need to risk it for the sake of studying the procs.

If they were to give out the detailed infos, then people can decide by just reading, either to waste plat opening or not. Pretty smart STS.

Another smart choice is the selection of procs. "Deals massive damage", but it turns out its only on paper. Seems like Rogs daggs is broken killing warrs basically at full hp while in the effects of Jugg. Like others have said, Mages gun proc needs a buff in terms of proc Dmg output.

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01-03-2019, 05:23 AM
the reflect dont seems to work or not working well on the scepter it is > 30m please check sts...

01-05-2019, 11:49 AM
Wich reflect? Staff doesnt work. Perhaps ive forgotten to put in batteries? This so-called arcanestaff is more a rare one. All my other staffs with low levels working better. Arcstaff is useless for mobs n bosses.....immo and hex are much better than this new "masterpiece".

01-06-2019, 05:21 PM
not sure dev looks at suggestion thread... they move mine from issues to here..

01-08-2019, 01:51 PM
Sure they will..........but not sure if they will answer or fix it :(

01-22-2019, 11:10 AM
Sure they will..........but not sure if they will answer or fix it :(

hope i can afford one ,one of these days