View Full Version : Return of eyegems

12-26-2018, 01:44 AM
Many people want to play pvp but do not for lack of items, one of them being syrillax eye gems.
People want to buy them but they are not available.

How about we have surprise eye gem drops from brood? Or put it on a vendor to be bought with crate tokens maybe?

If there is a solid reason, one could reply with How about NO?! (please state in what way would it be bad in the current game environment) but what I see is more people would want to pvp if it was made available.

12-26-2018, 04:15 AM
i would prefer farmable and tradeable reinforced gems and para soul stones (by different tokens like planar fragments or teeth or something...)

12-26-2018, 08:40 AM
I would like to see reinforced and tarlok gems, eyes and para shouldnt be re-released