View Full Version : The Return of WT/KT farming.

12-28-2018, 01:07 AM
I wish experience gain would be enabled in the tombs again for the entire journey to cap. Or maybe even a new procedurally-generated tomb with the same enemies if the point of disabling was to combat bot-farmers. I personally dont like running anything post-tindirin, especially repetitively.

I think crates should make a return in KT3 as well, or some kind of decent mid-level gold farming (that doesnt involve crafting the same jewel 50x) to make the xp grind less of a chore.

I liked the casual pace the tombs brought to the game and i wish it was an option in near-endgame.

12-28-2018, 02:12 AM
I agree to the locks being put there. Not so sure about exp.

Let the lower levels farm crates and earn gold. Then tombs can have a purpose besides to farm energy essence for energy events.

Whats the cap for exp in them, 5x? Seems fair.

12-28-2018, 12:21 PM
I wished that even if areas don't give XP, you can still earn PvE kills in them. That'd be nice (: Would probably be over a million PvE kills from farming certain areas that don't give kills anymore