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View Full Version : L27 with DPS over 5000?

12-29-2018, 12:11 PM
Played yesterday with someone who was an L27 bird. He was faster than probably any player I've ever seen. He said he'd been playing for several years and has a Damage/DPS over 5000. Naturally, with the rest of us L20's, he was blasting everything in a single shot and zipping through way ahead of us. No challenge for him or us, pointless really. I guess we were supposed to be impressed.

I looked at his stats and mentioned his damage stats: he said he was using his L105 character's weapons. I said that was not possible but he replied that once you got to L105 that all the secrets would be revealed. I haven't played in a 2-3 years and had a couple L80's when that was the cap and there were no secrets revealed to me at that time. WTH?

Has the game changed or is this guy not telling the truth? Hacked Pocket Legends?

12-29-2018, 03:02 PM
Hi there and welcome back to PL! There is good news: this is just a bug.

As we've been discussing in similar threads...

The new winter fest 2018 stat pets Tinsel and Gleam are temporarily working in PvP, and that's what you are experiencing. The are some common sense suggestions to deal with it until it is fixed, such as, host your own game so you can boot abusers, if you have one of these pets, use Tinsel or Gleam yourself as needed to level the playing field against abusers, etc. The bug will be fixed next week, so this won't last forever.

If you're curious about the stats these pets offer, here's the info:

Tinsel gives +25 STR, DEX, INT, +3K Health & Damage, +25% Gold Loot, +25% Re-Roll, 3X Towne Speed!
Gleam gives +15 STR, DEX, INT, +1.5K Health & Damage, +15% Gold Loot, +15% Re-Roll, 3X Towne Speed!

You can learn more about this year's winter event here: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?437011-Preview-Winter-Fest-2018-New-Vanities-Equipment-and-Power-Pets!

Happy Holidays everyone!!

http://www.pocketlegendsreborn.com/downloads/brosig.jpg (http://pocketlegendsreborn.com)
Links: Pocket Legends Reborn! (http://pocketlegendsreborn.com) /// PL Party Zone Discord Server (https://discord.gg/crkUCUx)

12-29-2018, 10:59 PM
Thanks, Draebated
So, I just checked the prices for Tinsel and Gleam and my goodness are they expensive. 25 -35 million. When I last played, I think the limit for gold was 9.9999 Million. So, that's obviously been lifted, but I'm baffled where anyone would come up with that kind of gold. I know you can buy it and maybe that's the way STS has monetized PL. 250k Gold costs 350 plat or 1 million gold for 1400 plat which is around $60+. More power to em if they can afford to drop over $1000 to buy a pet that gives them 3x speed and ridiculous DPS and Health, but gz for the rest of us... this is just outta reach.

12-30-2018, 02:12 AM
Thanks, Draebated
So, I just checked the prices for Tinsel and Gleam and my goodness are they expensive. 25 -35 million. When I last played, I think the limit for gold was 9.9999 Million. So, that's obviously been lifted, but I'm baffled where anyone would come up with that kind of gold. I know you can buy it and maybe that's the way STS has monetized PL. 250k Gold costs 350 plat or 1 million gold for 1400 plat which is around $60+. More power to em if they can afford to drop over $1000 to buy a pet that gives them 3x speed and ridiculous DPS and Health, but gz for the rest of us... this is just outta reach.

there are occasionally events that yield ~300k a run for 2minutes of effort. this causes inflation and causes everyone to be crazy rich. unfortunately, this also increases the gap between rich and poor.