View Full Version : Are you "NOOB"?

11-28-2011, 06:41 PM
The Term Noob = Newbie = New Player!

Is anyone Really a Noob? I mean, Why do You Use this Term In PVP? Is it suppose to be Offensive? Noob , Meaning "New Player" Is Really not just worth saying? Were all Noobs At some point or another? So.. Tell me this?

Why Do You Call People "Noobs"

Possible Answers!

A- They Rushed me!

A- I beat them ;) Therefore That makes me the best Pvper!

A- Im just better than everyone else and can say anything I want Because "I" Rock!

A- They Just are...

The Right Answers!

A- He's a Noob... maybe I should give him Pointers?

A Boot: TonyLama , Reason: Ill help you later But Thank me I'm Protecting Your K/D ratio! Meet me In Balefort!

Ex. of a Pvp Match Using TonyLama (Me) And Gomgurl! (Longtime friend!)


Gom to Tony: Hey Wanna pvp?
Tony to Gom: Sure Ill make a game!
Gom to Tony: Kk Joining Now(:


Gomgurl Killed Tonylama

Tonylama Killed Gomgurl

Wait a Minute!

New Player Joins!

New Joiner Rushes Gomgurl!

Hsjsklehrb Killed Gomgurl

Gomgurl: Why you rush me!?
Hsjsklehrb: Because your a "Noob"

Now notice? Something?

Gomgurl's Pvp K/D is 2,800+ Kills and 1500- Deaths? Now why would Jhakdlbfbal (What ever) Call Gomgurl a Noob?

Leave your Feedback on What you think!

Tell me Why You sometimes Call People a "Noob"

P.s. If Someone Sees Tonylama Or Legendspvp PM them "Noob" ( With Quotes and Get 500g!!!!


11-28-2011, 06:54 PM
I think noob is just the most offensive word one can use without being reported:)

11-28-2011, 06:54 PM
Newb I someone new
Noob is someone who doesn't understand the game ad can't play it properly....

11-28-2011, 07:02 PM
Im a noob and proud of it, no matter what the haters say <3

Lol why this was thanked i dunno, but please feel free to thank it anyway LOL!

11-28-2011, 07:18 PM
Im a noob and proud of it, no matter what the haters say <3

Me to! <3 P.S. Love your Sig. Pic! Way better than mine lol!

11-28-2011, 07:37 PM
i love this thread!!!

11-28-2011, 07:41 PM
Yeah, I'm Noob.
Were you looking for me?

11-28-2011, 08:00 PM
Okay, let me use the Noobtionary.
Many different uses can be used by the genetically named homo sapien sapien, or otherwise known as the average human, to express or show the intense expression of anger projected from the brain and mind, or simply known by humans as, hate of a new personal or thing that is introduced into their surroundings and inflicts annoyance, causes a motion known as agitating, pesters, or desatisfies the human in any way, or fails epicly to follow given orders or the generally accepted humane norm and ethics, provided as the ones the human, or the one who accuses the personal/thing as being a "noob", usually accepts to those who act around him, or his general surroundings and knowing, or just offends or aggravates the human enough to invoke many arrisings in the brain known to humans as anger, or intense dislike for one, and so the anger is expressed through the human's mouth, or the primary communicating system of the humans, as being the verbal sound of "noob."

I hope that defines the word noob.
Now, there are many capabilities of noob.

First of all, we have...

-A friendly or respected word to define a new player, who has done nothing wrong.
"Let's go help Whirlz the newb! He's a great buddy of mine!"

-Generally used to express dislike that fades away very quickly.
"Wow, that nub just rushed me in PvP. I hate him!"

-Generally used to express a longer period of time-dislike of a person.
"Wow, that guy kept rushing us, he's such a noob!

-Generally used for...you know what? I think you get it. No explanation necessary.
"No example needed either."

11-28-2011, 08:01 PM
hey paar lol i luv how you put me in the thread lol!

11-28-2011, 08:04 PM
Lol Thanks Everyone! Nice Long Post Whirlz(: and Raz I only thought of the best bear! ;)

11-28-2011, 08:06 PM
Your welcome Paar'
After all, I am the #1 Expert on Noobs.

11-28-2011, 08:09 PM
Your welcome Paar'
After all, I am the #1 Expert on Noobs.

I am! ;)

Dur iz noe ekwul!

11-28-2011, 08:15 PM
Lol Thanks Everyone! Nice Long Post Whirlz(: and Raz I only thought of the best bear! ;)lol im flattered :)

11-28-2011, 08:19 PM
Hey my bear's good too!
Oh, you mean level 30.
Well, my bear's level 1T.T

11-28-2011, 08:25 PM
Hey my bear's good too!
Oh, you mean level 30.
Well, my bear's level 1T.T lol i have lv 1 bear atm too named omggirl btw paar you messed up on the 1500 deaths thingy XD!!3134

11-28-2011, 08:35 PM
Im a noob lol. Im horrible at pvp and proud of it and am L65 and just found out the other day on my own that repulse shot nocks the enemy back XD

11-28-2011, 08:47 PM
Im a noob lol. Im horrible at pvp and proud of it and am L65 and just found out the other day on my own that repulse shot nocks the enemy back XD lol very nice

11-28-2011, 08:58 PM
Hey my bear's good too!
Oh, you mean level 30.
Well, my bear's level 1T.T lol i have lv 1 bear atm too named omggirl btw paar you messed up on the 1500 deaths thingy XD!!3134

Lol I thought so but I put 1500 (-) Lol but even better!

11-28-2011, 09:00 PM
I think noob is just the most offensive word one can use without being reported:) lol actually "cry" is more offensive, don't know why people say that. It's so annoying.

11-28-2011, 09:10 PM
lol actually "cry" is more offensive, don't know why people say that. It's so annoying.i dont see how the word cry is more offensive but whatever floats your boat.

11-29-2011, 09:46 AM
Already posted it in the other thread and it's not even my own quote, but it fits - again - perfectly:

"Only noobs call other people noob. Pros shut up and kill".

For PvP, this is absolutely true, since the "term" noob is used to offend other people and nothing but that. A good player doesn't need to call others names.

Everytime someone calls me "noob" the only thing he showes is immaturity and just makes me loose my respect for him.

11-29-2011, 12:02 PM
Im not a fan of the word "noob" since it has essentially been made to be a derogatory term to put others down. I prefer Newbie :) its got a slightly better ring to it and isnt constantly used to make others feel bad so it has a better history behind it :D

11-29-2011, 01:38 PM
Noobs of the world unite!