View Full Version : GUIDE: Rushers

11-29-2011, 12:26 AM
Uh this has turned into a Big FLAME thread! Deleted and Gonna be locked

11-29-2011, 12:30 AM
I call rushing back revenge kills which is completely different if you ask me

11-29-2011, 12:32 AM
Exactly! Repeat that? Did You say "Rushing Back?" Did you take the time and read Pios :) Cmon bro I know Your Smarter tha. That!

11-29-2011, 12:33 AM
Exactly! Repeat that? Did You say "Rushing Back?" Did you take the time and read Pios :) Cmon bro I know Your Smarter tha. That!
Fine I'll say taking free kills

11-29-2011, 12:34 AM
Hehe There ya go ;)

11-29-2011, 12:35 AM
Hehe There ya go ;)
It's the same difference 

11-29-2011, 12:36 AM
So booting is better than just killing em back?

11-29-2011, 12:37 AM
So booting is better than just killing em back?
Well I almost never host my own games so....

11-29-2011, 12:38 AM
Yes or no question...

11-29-2011, 12:42 AM
Yes or no question...

11-29-2011, 12:44 AM
I don't rush; I take preventative measures. :D

11-29-2011, 12:45 AM
Low lvl rushers always get the boot or ( my favorite option) they get dead.

11-29-2011, 03:11 AM
I hate those ppl that continuously rush u just becuz u rushed them once, I was accused of rushing when I had auto attack on, and person started attacking someone and my auto attack triggered when they stomped. I was rushed the rest of the game and the next.

11-29-2011, 03:54 AM
Im beginning to lean towards this.
If you enter a pvp arena be prepared to fight. Its not a social circle gather or a place to stay afk or chat all day.
Idk what happened to pvp but it used to be ffa fun all day. No crying bc u know and accept the possibility by entering you will die.
It seems like the weak began make the arena a domesticated formal dance.
May I have this dance? Sure. Or no or wait ... Zzzzzz.

Tell me this. Does anyone make pve games and just sit in there talking or afk? Do u wait for everyone and say go? Its a dungeon right? You kill mobs amd the boss no? I know pve is easy and a walk in the park compared to pvo but if you cant hang make a private game w ur friends and make your social pow wow.
Take off the kid gloves and fight! Itll make u better, a player forged under pressure will always be better.
People call rushers noobs but who is the real noob? The ppl sitting around talking or afk in an arena!!!! Or the person who came to pvp?
If you cant handle it there is also a leave button, pvp, or cs u could go to.

Not speaking to anyone in psrticular or personally. This is in,general.
Typically Mud Mash or alien underground matches are ffa gogogo paced. Where as forest fights are 1/1 pow wow social circles arena.

11-29-2011, 04:47 AM
Why do we kill murderers? I mean in real life in America. Makes you think huh?

Also Ililijopliliil is the best pvper at 23 and she/he rushes like nothing else...

My point is, I doubt all rushers are noobs, and I doubt letting them rush will solve the problem. I mean letting a spoiled child have their way just makes them more spoiled. A spanken on the butt however usually cures the problem. However, pvp wise, "Spanking them," or rushing back, won't solve anything unless they are aware WHY (caps for emphasis, not yelling) you are rushing them back.

Obviously this part my opinion, however I hope it is, and i believe it is, the right one. Cheers :)

Edit: My solution to this problem is listed in my thread "League of shadows (putting rushers in their place)"


11-29-2011, 04:58 AM
Some nice ideas, but at one point I have to disagree:

Of course I will fight back! And you can't call it "rushing" back with the meaning of attacking an unprepared player since whoever rushes will be pretty much aware of the propability that he will be killed.
Or does a person rush you and than just stand around waiting for something to happen? No, either they leave -.- or they try to go on rushing.
And actually, I like how some rushers spice up some PvP games aka as forest chatclubs *;)
You have to be always prepared when somebody joins the game whose intentions you don't know.
When I see them buffing and running towards me, I usually buff too, but I don't attack until they do the first step. If they do, so do I and most likely I manage to shoot them down quickly, since as you said, they are "noobs" (most likely...). But sometimes I'm in a 1v1 fight or texting or something, and the rusher get's me.
In both cases the first thing I ask is not "Noob rusher!" or something like this but simply "why?" or "why rushing?" So they have a chance to say something in case they are just new to PvP. If so, I don't mind.
I find all these players who always ask for "freebies" or "revenge kills" completely ridiculous. Many "pros" do it as well.
But in case they don't, but they try to rush me again, they can be prepared for some 1v1 rushing action, that goes as long as someone leaves or gives up.
And I, personally really enjoy those, since it requires much more strategy than a simple 1on1. Running, tree hugging, everything allowed!
Only thing I don't like, eventhough I might be sometimes guilty of this, is when the whole team - even non-rushed players - group up against this one person... No more challenge at all.

So, I think everyone can handle rushers like they feel to, but IMO, if they really ASK for a beatup, they will get it and I will serve it with a smile on my face. ;)
Worst thing to do is to smack talk against the rusher, this won't help!

I don't know who posted this once in a thread, but it's so true, it stuck to my mind:

"Only a noob calls others noob. Pros shut up and kill."

11-29-2011, 05:46 AM
^good quote^

11-29-2011, 05:56 AM
I was never a fan of what became of pvp in PL... the maps are designed for teams to blast away in a sort of organized free-for-all. that is what all the trees and columns and side passages are for. All this one on one stuff probably came about due to people simply not being able to execute what they want unless they have a pristine, lab-ready environment.

frankly, the true measure in pvp is whether you can survive a $h17-storm free for all with a better ratio. not only does it test your general skill usage and timing, it also tests you ability to adapt to a fluid environment, and use it as you have the ability to.

There is a reason we no longer fight wars by lining up on opposite sides of a field and shout "fire!".

11-29-2011, 02:44 PM
dude... so what your telling me is ull let me farm kills of u? cos u wont rush me back for rushing u? because really, standing there doing nothing encourages them and they will rush again... so imo your suggestions are not the best

11-29-2011, 04:14 PM
Exactly! Just Leave or Boot , Because once you start rushin theres no turning back!

11-29-2011, 04:25 PM
Exactly! Just Leave or Boot , Because once you start rushin theres no turning back!


So when there would be no host to boot (which happens quite often), than I am supposed to leave the arena because I can't touch the rusher?!?

And what is this "no turning back"? When you fight back you will be a rusher yourself for ever after? :P

Seriously, if they ask for it I will give it to them, and I will enjoy it.
And guess what? Some of the persons who rush also enjoy this challenge ;)

11-29-2011, 06:06 PM
Dude seriously it is pvp ... Ppl talk mess, rush, spawn, sneak, leave and come back fully buffed while you arent. Are you going to make more silly meaningless posts everytime you see something mentioned above happen?
No on rushes me, if they do they fail immediatly and never try again.
My suggestion: Get big.

11-29-2011, 06:13 PM
There are no rules in PVP. Who are you to say that rushing is bad? Think about it.

There is a good possibility that PVP was created for FFAs, and was not created with 1v1 in mind.

11-29-2011, 06:54 PM
Im beginning to lean towards this.
If you enter a pvp arena be prepared to fight. Its not a social circle gather or a place to stay afk or chat all day.
Idk what happened to pvp but it used to be ffa fun all day. No crying bc u know and accept the possibility by entering you will die. Wi
It seems like the weak began make the arena a domesticated formal dance.
May I have this dance? Sure. Or no or wait ... Zzzzzz.

Tell me this. Does anyone make pve games and just sit in there talking or afk? Do u wait for everyone and say go? Its a dungeon right? You kill mobs amd the boss no? I know pve is easy and a walk in the park compared to pvo but if you cant hang make a private game w ur friends and make your social pow wow.
Take off the kid gloves and fight! Itll make u better, a player forged under pressure will always be better.
People call rushers noobs but who is the real noob? The ppl sitting around talking or afk in an arena!!!! Or the person who came to pvp?
If you cant handle it there is also a leave button, pvp, or cs u could go to.

Not speaking to anyone in psrticular or personally. This is in,general.
Typically Mud Mash or alien underground matches are ffa gogogo paced. Where as forest fights are 1/1 pow wow social circles arena.

I disagree. You don't own the room. The host does. You cannot go into a room, whether it's PvP or social chat, and just demand for PvP. If you do so or decide to rush, you're the one doing wrong. This is a free game, and people have free will, as long as it stays within ToS. Rushing makes one's gameplay ruined, and violates the ToS INDIRECTLY. If you find a game incooperative, simply leave and don't cause trouble.
As with rushing, the answer is to rather prevent it before it happens, IMO.
Don't start a rush back at them; it won't do any crap.
They still have the kill from you, and they'll go away laughing at you, the second that you're about to kill them back.
I honestly think that PvP should seriously have a 30 second join cooldown, where you cannot attack or be attacked when you join. A lot of games at twink levels have people who RUSH YOU when you join. I've encountered so many of these that I don't even bother to twink PvP anymore.

Anyways, yeah, either have a good and very alert host that can boot, be near a group of people on your team, or simply spec some STR and have STR gear. If you look at a pally, they don't even need Mana Shield...

As for your suggestion, remember this is a game suited for kids at younger ages than you;it's not just adults. The people who swear and curse, they're doing wrong stuff.
If you want to go ahead, and encourage that and do that, then you might as well be just as bad as them.

11-29-2011, 07:12 PM
when some one rushes... there should be a sensor that gives you a damage, crit and armor orb then go get your kill back... then when your even, offer advise to the "noob'ie" show them that rushing in bad for there health....

that is my solution

11-29-2011, 07:28 PM
make private games and there are no rushers O.o

11-29-2011, 07:37 PM
I disagree. You don't own the room. The host does. You cannot go into a room, whether it's PvP or social chat, and just demand for PvP. If you do so or decide to rush, you're the one doing wrong. This is a free game, and people have free will, as long as it stays within ToS. Rushing makes one's gameplay ruined, and violates the ToS INDIRECTLY. If you find a game incooperative, simply leave and don't cause trouble.
As with rushing, the answer is to rather prevent it before it happens, IMO.
Don't start a rush back at them; it won't do any crap.
They still have the kill from you, and they'll go away laughing at you, the second that you're about to kill them back.
I honestly think that PvP should seriously have a 30 second join cooldown, where you cannot attack or be attacked when you join. A lot of games at twink levels have people who RUSH YOU when you join. I've encountered so many of these that I don't even bother to twink PvP anymore.

Anyways, yeah, either have a good and very alert host that can boot, be near a group of people on your team, or simply spec some STR and have STR gear. If you look at a pally, they don't even need Mana Shield...

As for your suggestion, remember this is a game suited for kids at younger ages than you;it's not just adults. The people who swear and curse, they're doing wrong stuff.
If you want to go ahead, and encourage that and do that, then you might as well be just as bad as them.

Why are you speaking to me as if I am a rusher or violate any terms of service or curse? You should know better than to associate me with amything like that.
Rushing is not a violation it is not agaisnt any rules. If the game is a social chat circle i'll either chat if they are my friends or leave, or make my own game, or join another room if possible.
All I am saying is rushing is apart of the game it happens, people need to accept and get over the fact thst it does, will, and may always be/happen. If you want to be upset about it then that is on you. You can either play the pvp arena GAME, stay dead, leave, host your own game, boot if it is already yours, go forums, cs, pve...
Player vs player right? Not chatter vs afker.
I'm no better than who whirlz? Excuse me?

11-29-2011, 07:52 PM
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe "1v1" originated as a combat against lag spikes. And I don't care if you think lag spikes is just "part of the game." If you do you clearly have not lagged as much as I have. I've got a 2nd gen Ipod and I'm on a Korean server. Both of those=constant 300-400 ping, and thats good. Lowest ever ping I had was 250. I was like :O
This is solely my opinion, however there are many that agree with me.


11-29-2011, 08:05 PM
I really don't mean to be disrespectful here but.... The funniest thing I have ever read on here is that rushing is against ToS. If that were really true than everyone in pvp would be banned by now. Lol why would sts EVER make the games for multiple players if it was not intended to be played as FFA? How do u pvp multiple players saying "go" and not "rushing" (in your definition) ? Explain to me how that works with 3v3 on a team level? Even the scoring system is set up for FFA like games, so that it can be kept track between 2 teams and not just random sets of players. If u want to 1v1 that's cool, I understand that. Lock the game then.

This whole idea that "rushing" is disrespectful has gotten to such an outrageous level of no common sense.

11-29-2011, 08:09 PM
Im beginning to lean towards this.
If you enter a pvp arena be prepared to fight. Its not a social circle gather or a place to stay afk or chat all day.
Idk what happened to pvp but it used to be ffa fun all day. No crying bc u know and accept the possibility by entering you will die.
It seems like the weak began make the arena a domesticated formal dance.
May I have this dance? Sure. Or no or wait ... Zzzzzz.

Tell me this. Does anyone make pve games and just sit in there talking or afk? Do u wait for everyone and say go? Its a dungeon right? You kill mobs amd the boss no? I know pve is easy and a walk in the park compared to pvo but if you cant hang make a private game w ur friends and make your social pow wow.
Take off the kid gloves and fight! Itll make u better, a player forged under pressure will always be better.
People call rushers noobs but who is the real noob? The ppl sitting around talking or afk in an arena!!!! Or the person who came to pvp?
If you cant handle it there is also a leave button, pvp, or cs u could go to.

Not speaking to anyone in psrticular or personally. This is in,general.
Typically Mud Mash or alien underground matches are ffa gogogo paced. Where as forest fights are 1/1 pow wow social circles arena.

Wowwww thank you DTF. I literally could not have phrased this is any other way. I miss the old get in the arena and act like there's no tomorrow. Some people ask me to teach them to pvp as a mage (many skilled pvper's, not sure why i get asked on times). Main reason as DTF stated... I learned to PvP under pressure. It gives you many skills and progressively makes you better. Now, I'm no rusher, I like to be friendly with every PL "era" to come with new people. PvP from when 40-45 was the cap was a lot different, so i understand most of those who hate those intense on-going games. Just saying, under pressure helps with your technique. Technique transfers to the 1/1 arena too!

And it's always nice to have those forest fight matches with a social group... ;)

11-29-2011, 08:38 PM
I don't know who posted this once in a thread, but it's so true, it stuck to my mind:

"Only a noob calls others noob. Pros shut up and kill."


11-29-2011, 08:40 PM
So True... :-D

11-29-2011, 08:41 PM
This is a funny thread :D
There are a few typos though XD
<--grammar freak

11-29-2011, 09:09 PM
I disagree. You don't own the room. The host does. You cannot go into a room, whether it's PvP or social chat, and just demand for PvP. If you do so or decide to rush, you're the one doing wrong. This is a free game, and people have free will, as long as it stays within ToS. Rushing makes one's gameplay ruined, and violates the ToS INDIRECTLY. If you find a game incooperative, simply leave and don't cause trouble.

Why should you be able to make the decision that 'rushing makes one's gameplay ruined?' Other people could argue that 'standing around and talking without pvping' makes one's gameplay ruined.

11-29-2011, 09:32 PM
Call yourself a rusher now Paar, rush my twink dare ya

11-29-2011, 10:12 PM
I meet sooooooooo many failures who Freak out when they are rushed (even if it's an accident cause they thought it was ffa), and they kill the "****ING RUSHER!" like 12 times... It ruins the whole game. Thank you for writing this!

11-29-2011, 10:16 PM
I really don't mean to be disrespectful here but.... The funniest thing I have ever read on here is that rushing is against ToS. If that were really true than everyone in pvp would be banned by now. Lol why would sts EVER make the games for multiple players if it was not intended to be played as FFA? How do u pvp multiple players saying "go" and not "rushing" (in your definition) ? Explain to me how that works with 3v3 on a team level? Even the scoring system is set up for FFA like games, so that it can be kept track between 2 teams and not just random sets of players. If u want to 1v1 that's cool, I understand that. Lock the game then.

I don't think FFA is as fun, but if you want to FFA you should make a game and whenever someone joins say FFA... Most people assume its 1v1 not all games have to be played like that.

P.S sorry for double post...

11-29-2011, 10:25 PM
Guide to rushers

1.) get some skills
2.) don't have skills? fight the rusher and stop typing...you might actually get better

11-29-2011, 11:24 PM
Call yourself a rusher now Paar, rush my twink dare ya

Does this "Sentence" even make sence? No you must of not read this? It's saying SOME forms of rushing are bad!

I have no Pleasure in Rushing whoever Your twink is?

11-30-2011, 09:42 AM
I don't think FFA is as fun, but if you want to FFA you should make a game and whenever someone joins say FFA... Most people assume its 1v1 not all games have to be played like that.

P.S sorry for double post...

This is why I say that if you want 1v1, make a game and lock it. Not only does it seperate the 2 styles, but you dont have the distractions with people leaving and entering, you dont have to stop to say only 1v1, you dont have some random player killing another thus messing up the actual score. You can still let others join with password so that they can watch. I just dont understand these "go" matches with several people. What does one dual prove? That is why the score system is best out of 10.

Also during an FFA, its extremly difficult to have to tell everyone FFA everytime someone enters, this could mean a death. I see people complaining of being killed when you enter a game. Have you ever noticed that when you spawn, you spawn in the opposite side or direction of the opposing team? If the devs didnt intend to have games as FFA in the beginning, why would they bother have everyone spawn so far away from the opposing team? If they thought all would be the polite "go" system, why wouldnt you spawn in the same spot as everyone else? Ever play alien underground? see how far away from opposing team you spawn there. The minute I enter a game I buff and shield regardless. The only place I see this as a problem is in CTF, and I think most players respect the "dont go into spawn room" unspoken rule. But again it is unspoken, and if it were intended not to allow someone in then you wouldnt be able to get in.

11-30-2011, 10:21 AM
this the way i see it. ctf= ffa arena= 1v1 someone rushes in arena they on my hit list, something i love to do, birng my lvl 28 birdy dressed as a noob to games, no one dares rushes my voodoo but they see my bird and think hmm easy prey. i then come back with my voodoo and they cry

11-30-2011, 11:08 AM
Uh this has turned into a Big FLAME thread! Deleted and Gonna be locked

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