View Full Version : Good non pink items

11-29-2011, 08:40 AM
I just saw white item selling for 200k... I always liquidated all my non pink items, can I have a list of nonpinks worth more then 5k?

11-29-2011, 08:49 AM
It's usually just someone hoping that a player would think its valuable and buy it. Only level 1,2,3,4 wands, talons and shields, wings, bracers would be valuable if they exist for said levels. Maybe voodoo spoons from ancient swamps and the kite shields. Besides that, whites are just common invaluable drops.

11-29-2011, 08:50 AM
Well... that may just be someone trying to be funny... however, especially at the lowest levels (i.e. 14 and lower), orange and green items can be very valuable as these are pretty much the best items around (barring the extremely rare 'doom' items and DF special pinks), with 'very valuable' generally meaning between 5 and 10 K for most... still a waste to simply liquidate for about 20gp...

11-29-2011, 08:55 AM
There are quite a lot non pink items, that can be worth a lot.
Eg holyday stuff used to go at high prices, even for purples and greens (now prices are crashing, since we have the same content this year...)

Most likely this applies to discontinued items (eg Wammos) or particulary rare collector items.

A lot of level scaled items can also be sold for quite some money, even non-pinks.

For the latest campaigns (Nuri&Fang) all stuff other than pink is pretty use- and worthless.

Check out Yanis thread, about "other collectibles", eventhough that are by far not all items.

Edit: The above mentioned collectibles are in the thread about "Store and special levels" and give a good overview on low level items which have quite some value (most likely hard to sell tho, since they are only interesting for collectors)