View Full Version : New Campaign Idea: The End, The Fall of Blackstar

01-12-2019, 02:36 AM
This is just a idea i thought of a while back and i thought it would be nice to see this actually happen.
This would probably be overlooked (ofc) and i dont have any concept art to show or whatever
This also might not sound very cool to most people but this is my idea so please bare with me :l i will add for stuff in this in the future once i thought about this more

So my idea for a new Final Campaign story in Star Legends would be called “The End: The Fall of Blackstar”

Basically to sum it all up, Something went wrong in UCS Blackstar and its your job to stop it, Many Blackstar Merceneries are being controlled or possessed by a dark/evil Aura which cause them to turn against their allies and try to destory UCS Blackstar.

This would be a Story in 6 parts of you trying to stop this problem in maps of different parts of the UCS base (parts which you cant go to in the Normal base) like for example, one part of the base could be inspired by the Al Core Deck in the Scorn Crusade Campaign.
These Maps would look depressed and in ruins, like there would be fire everywhere, many things are destroyed and dead people around.

As i said, this would be the last canpaign to like give it a good ending or final Battle and speaking of Final Battles

At the 6th part or the Last part you go through the actual Neutral UCS base but ofc there are no people their except for many Possessed Blackstar Merceneries and everything is destroyed and rubble everywhere. This would also be some sort of Puzzle where you need to go to many different parts of the map and activate different doors to advance and then at the final door, there is a explosion on the roof of UCS Blackstar which then leads you to the final battle with A powered up Zyra Roh and a Powered up possessed Admiral Corbin, You defeated the Admiral first before you face Zyra Roh and after defeated him and you are facing Zyra, You would have to Face Scorn Soilders and Possessed Blackstar Merceneries when you take a certain amount of hp from Zyra.
Once you defeat Zyra, it doesnt die straight away instead with its overwhelming madness, Hatred and Anger, Zyra turns much much bigger to the point till you are the size of its hand, this is the True final battle of Star Legends to save the whole Galaxy from Zyra Roh
Zyra has a extre bar on top of its hp, i will called this the “Stun bar”, this bar would slowly go down the more you attack Zyra and when its completely down, Zyra would be Stunned for 15 seconds Your job here is to get an explosion and place it on Zyra, this would take a big chunk of its hp and after 15 seconds has passed, its Stun Bar would Go back to Full and you would have to do it again.

After this Battle, a Cutscene will happen of showing Zyra’s death. This leads to a huge explosion luckliy no where close to UCS Blackstar and it would be the end of Zyra Roh’s Rampage. Everyone would turn back to normal and everything is in peace (except the base, there would stil be in ruins) and then

Roll credits

This is my idea for a final campaign in the game and i personally think, it would be a good idea for one.
Im not done yet, i have another idea

Once you finish the Campaign for the first time, you will receieve the Title <Saviour of the Galaxy> In Yellow text and for a second time, You are given a special type of Armor

It would be the Golden Versions of a already existing set in the game, depending on your class
Colors: Gold and depending on your class (Blue = Operative Green = Engineer Red = Commando)
Name of Armor: The Golden Hero
Desecription: “Legend says, whoever wears this armors obtains Ungodly Powers” - Blackstar Captain
Level: 55
Rarity: Heroic (This is a new Rarity i made, it would be more rare then Elite and the colout would be Bright Yellow)

I will try to add more if i can ofc (sorry for any Grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, please tell me if any pary of this doesnt make any sense, i will try to use all my power to explain it in my depth if i can :p )

01-16-2019, 07:33 PM
Nice Idea, Like this new Campaign, keep updating this awesome post

01-17-2019, 05:22 PM
Sounds good. Would love to see this campaign implemented into the game, well done.

01-18-2019, 04:51 PM
now that's a good idea

01-18-2019, 09:14 PM
I like this idea a lot. I hope the devs take note of your idea.

01-24-2019, 06:20 PM
Release date pls ?

01-24-2019, 06:21 PM
Release date pls ?We don't know.

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02-10-2019, 03:54 PM
Aye Im tired of sitting around update or somthing all other gammes gettings stuff wat the crap going on sts.... Hire more people or somthing jeezus .Then when u update us a get a hat for christmas u trollig us or som like wassuh

01-27-2020, 07:24 PM
keep it 300

01-28-2020, 02:16 PM
the concept of sl is amazing idk why it is getting neglected

Sent from my vivo 1806 using Tapatalk

04-13-2020, 01:36 AM
this is legit cool