View Full Version : MAKE AL PvP GREAT AGAIN

01-12-2019, 05:43 AM
Greetings fellow Arlorians,

Now that the holiday season and winter event has come to a closing, I would like to address the elephant in the room. In my humble opinion, player vs player has been the most prominent aspect of Arcane Legends ever since its release in S2. Be that as it may, that is not at all the case as of today. Pvp is as good as dead. Yikes!

When viewing the issues regarding pvp, most people would jump straight to class balance. Although it may be the most eminent matter at hand, I believe the topic that should be concentrated on today is none other than how to bring people into pvp. Ultimately, I would like the community to discuss on this thread the changes that are necessary to improving the pvp aspect of this game. If you do not pvp, what changes to the game would make you want to pvp? For those of you that are veterans in the arena, how would you go about addressing this issue? I have asked friends, guildies, random people, and even myself, and here are some answers I have received that I feel would go a long ways in improving the current state of pvp.

You guessed it. First on the list would have to be regarding class balance. I would like to start off by saying that the game is not in a healthy state if a certain class can literally OHKO another class. If you disagree with this statement, I will now politely ask you to uninstall. In the past, I felt that a decent amount of time and effort was put into game balance, specifically in pvp, by the staff of sts. You can see this in the link below under "game balance".
On the other hand, in the next two links I will provide, there is absolutely no mention of game balance. This is also including this year's letter to the community.
Does this mean that no changes are being looked into by the team at sts for this upcoming year? I really hope that this is not the case. I understand that this is a pve centric game. However, a good portion of the AL population plays only for pvp. To add to that, I'd reckon that these players also play a considerable role in the incoming revenue factor of the game. Appealing in a positive manner to these players would indeed be of best interest to the company in the long run. Here are a few suggestions in regards to this matter:
-Reduce rogue damage
-Slightly reduce tank stats (to adjust for the reduced damage on rogues, to make warriors not invincible)
-Slightly reduce mage damage (to account for reduced tank stats on warriors)
-Increase defensive stats on mages
-Increase mana consumption for rogues (intended to keep mage spots in pvp)
-Remove speed set effects in pvp (do you ever wonder why they named these sets after toxicity? Yes, they are toxic to the game)
-Reduce the effects of certain pet arcane abilities (breeze, venim -- unhealthy amount of cc. Don't forget, pets are pets, not a class)

Moving on to the next topic is concerning gear difference. This issue seemed to be most prevalent to the people I asked that do not currently pvp. Their answer was simply because there is too much difference in gear at endgame pvp. A probable cause to this problem would be the introduction of awakenings to this game. Please do not misunderstand me, because I think that to a certain extent, awakenings have brought good to the game by providing variance and some economic growth. I can understand how it would be boring to see everyone with the exact same statistics, so in that sense, I can agree with bringing in awakenings. Despite that, I want to say that awakenings went too far. A lot of people are using arcane sets these days, so imagine five of your seven items having four awakening slots. In theory, this could potentially give you +84% armor or even +44% primary stat in just five items alone. This is absolutely ridiculous. Obviously sts will not change these numbers now, but in the future, I would hope that these statistics would be slightly reduced, and the number of awakening slots per item would be the same across all item rarities. I feel that if this were to happen, it would reduce difference in gear by a healthy amount. Another thing that would address this issue is to release more items in each level cap. For example, as of right now the best Lv71 weapons to use are the two arcane weapons for each class. Beneath that are spirit weapons, and under the spirit weapons are legendary crate gear. I am comparing my Lv71 arcane gun to the Lv71 legendary gun and the difference in damage alone is over 9000... jk... Its over 900. This means that the third best Lv71 weapon decreases my damage stat by almost 25%. The difference in statistics of these items are much too drastic, and this is why I propose there be more items available with slightly closer gaps in stats.

BRING BACK PvP LEADERBOARDS, remove old/unused pvp maps, and add new content. First off, I would like to propose seasonal pvp leaderboards. To do this, add an additional stat box right underneath the current K/D box (there's room, I checked). That stat box will display a character's ALL-TIME statistics. The top stat box will indicate a character's statistics during the particular season, and it will reset after each season. What about the dummy farmers? A solution to stop dummy farming from taking over the kills leaderboard is to only allow maxed level characters to be able to receive these awards. Dummy farming is more actively performed in twink levels, as it is easier to do so there. To prevent dummy farmers from simply leveling up their character to 71 after farming kills, sts can look up the top 25 kill leaders of each class (which should be fairly easy) and determine whether or not their kills were rightfully earned. This should go for flagging as well. Please get rid of FFA and Trulle's Forest -- these are useless maps that no one plays in. Several people I talked to wished for a new map that resembles the duel arena where teams can fight each other head on in 5v5 clashes without any terrain. I, too, personally think this is an idea worth looking into. Bringing back leaderboard rewards for pvp and creating new, good content would provide incentives for more people to play pvp again.

The last topic I would like to discuss is 100% on the players and not the developers of sts: player etiquette. All I ask here is for everyone reading this thread to make it a point to not block, gang, or maliciously trash-talk other players. I have only returned for about a month from my hiatus, and I can already see the toxicity and pettiness happening on a daily basis. People don't want to pvp if they know they're just going to get harassed or put-down. It's absolutely childish and sad to see these things happen. Many players only play to win which is certainly acceptable, but why can't you just play to have fun? Please make an effort to not have such an immature mindset and people will play pvp again. It's that simple. To the guild masters and officers, I hope you can get your guilds to comply with this modest task.

And to the rest of you, please, please, please voice your opinion. I am curious as to what you have to say on how to make pvp a more enjoyable and active place. For those of you who don't, what would have to be done in order to get you in the arena? Does anyone else not miss the good old days of clashing for hours, holding 1v1's in ctf spawn rooms, and playing in pvp tournaments? I certainly do, and I want to do whatever it takes to fully enjoy what I love most about this game.

01-12-2019, 05:47 AM
Add : make some tournament guild battle

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01-12-2019, 08:02 AM
Agreed. @Instanthumor

Some tweaks would be sweet. Just my opinion tho :)

01-12-2019, 09:08 AM
1. Stop making lovely videos with fake captions and and provocative titles on youtube just to mock people for no reason.
2. Disable awakenings in pvp.
3. Do not intend to go over people who want to try pvp of how good you are and how u gonna farm them - "veterans"
4. Gears that could be easier to obtain.
5. Global KDR reset = bring back PvP leaderboards starting with monitoring the kill count to prevent dummyfarmers keeping the spot.
6. Host some PvP tournaments with equal gears how it's been set in the past.
7. PvP kind of events aside from the PvE ones.

So far thats all I could think of.

01-12-2019, 09:47 AM
EVEN without awakening, pvp or non pvp gears will have a lapse in advantage amongst players as no one is on an exact equal footing.
Besides, with different varied gears, people are more motivated and feel challenged, which is something you can't really achieve through 'equal-geared' pvp.
By having equal gear pvp, yes it tests skill, then what about expensive pets? i personally dont even own a nekro.
There is too much knit knack into the details of reworking pvp in that way.
Let me give a counter-intuitive example, if two tanks both equally geared go against one another in a duel, and use their skills at exactly the same time, with exactly identical charge as well, there wouldnt even be a tie. The game is built in such a way where it highlights the idea of freedom of choice; choice in skills usage and skill points. This alone hints a more independent sort of pvp, where varied skills and gear would be required to establish and support such a system.

Instead of abolishing, i suggest creating the equal-gear, skill and pet pvp mode but also leaving the reality of the current pvp mode there.
Reason being is so that people can use the equal-geared pvp mode to truly test their skills, and can use any pet, or skill of their choice; skill of course being within the range of availability base on level, which shouldnt be a problem if the current level lock system in pvp maps remains.

In the current pvp mode, players can test their gear, skill and mettle against players with perhaps for the sake of this conversation, way better gear or way worse gear.
The equal-gear mode should be made to allow pvp players or non-pvp players to experience some form of pvp without the hassle of dying and just leaving with no apparent reason except to receive a bundle of toxic messages which follow death.

It may not be balanced, neither could it be fair, but nothing is fair afterall.

01-12-2019, 12:47 PM
Pvp maintenance was totally abandoned.
There is too much to fix. Pvp times are over.

But if u wanna try....
First of all a general rebalance a huge fix for all class biggest problems are.
Too high armor and healt value on tanks that make them near unkillable.
Too high damage provided by daggers, daggers should have high attack speed not damage. Now they have best damage and damage for second.
Too much ping on pvp, too much spikes if u play a speed set game its totally garbage.
Waste of mana by mages, because u didn't go under 75 % of it always in fights.
A real new mechanic based on mana is needed maybe mages will come back.
And too light mana consumption and regeneration of other 2 class. Now u can easily play without a mage and have always mana bar full.
Armor values in low lvls.
Apply some reductions filters % on low levels for twinkers, because pvp from lv 0 to 40 is absolutely. Damage output is very low and armor values are just crazy.
Hope this will help

01-12-2019, 05:04 PM
Everything that is written is 100% correct.
Something needs to be changed about pvp asap.

01-12-2019, 07:07 PM
Good luck guys. God bless you all.

01-12-2019, 10:44 PM
Disable PVE gear in PVP zones.
Make PVP specific gear (Available for tokens/ from craft, so every one can get them).

PVP specific gear will enable devs to tune/tweak classes for pvp and will make it easy to resolve the issues mentioned in OP. And as the changes are only made on 1 specific gear set the rest of the game will not be affected by it.
Similarly, it will give more freedom to devs to make changes on the PVE side without having to think about affecting PVP. Will be easy to make classes more interdependent.

PS: I am not against awakenings (it generate revenue for sts and is a good and only gold sink in game atm), hence if awakening is enable in PVP then make sure they are not overpowered as they are at present. The power added from awakening should be equivalent to jewels.

01-13-2019, 04:47 AM
As i suggest in another thread maybe sts shud add new debuff awakening like
-%5 armor to enemy(stacking- to counter heavy armor)
-5% damage to enemy(stacking-to counter op damage)
5% chance to slow( to counter ss)
5% chance to stun( can be adjust if its op)
5% chance to silent( cant use skill for 5 sec..
Etc...theres alot of debuff awakening to spice up pvp and offcourse a win win situation for sts...adding new awakening wil rise the demand for awakening gem.more profit for sts

01-14-2019, 01:17 PM
As i suggest in another thread maybe sts shud add new debuff awakening like
-%5 armor to enemy(stacking- to counter heavy armor)
-5% damage to enemy(stacking-to counter op damage)
5% chance to slow( to counter ss)
5% chance to stun( can be adjust if its op)
5% chance to silent( cant use skill for 5 sec..
Etc...theres alot of debuff awakening to spice up pvp and offcourse a win win situation for sts...adding new awakening wil rise the demand for awakening gem.more profit for stsI wouldnt change my armor awake for a 5% awake to stun them, js

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01-14-2019, 01:33 PM
Thank you to all of you who responded. As players of this game, it is absolutely important that our voices be heard. Also, in time I think I would be interested in requesting information from sts on hosting a pvp tournament. Looking forward to more opinions on the subject matter!

01-17-2019, 01:34 PM
IMO, awakenings ruined the game for many of the reasons that you stated above. In addition, I feel that, because gold loot is so good right now, people are investing in gold loot gear and are unable to afford a second set to pvp. PVP players have high armor gear and are slow in pve and are not able to profit from gold loot as well. There's no longer a do-it-all set. Previously, a rich player had a good set with good jewels and could compete in both pve timed runs and in pvp. Now you need a set to farm, a set to pvp & a set to do timed runs.

Class balance is really bad. In a 3v3 tdm match, rogues account for 19 kills, mages 1 and tanks 0 or something like that. Mages and tanks also don't die...kinda pointless. It should be like before (say lvl 36) where rogues got 9, mage 7, tanks 4 and all classes died if they weren't careful. I think a lot of this goes back to awakenings and high armor because rogues are too tanky and hit too hard, mages are too tanky and can't kill enough and tanks are just a wall that heals.

#MAPGA 2019

01-17-2019, 03:35 PM
+1 #mapga2019

01-17-2019, 04:09 PM
Just as rogues have automatic damage debuffs upon entering pvp, each awakening should have a standard % debuff too.

An item with 3 awakenings being
- 150 armor, 10% move speed and 2%str.

After an auto debuff of 70%
- 45 armor, 3% speed and 0.6%str.

This minimises "gear" gap while effectively maintaining the price of awakenings. Win-win.

01-20-2019, 03:00 AM
Determining a specific level for pvp, for instance, level 5, 10, or 15 that all gears will be eliminated but just those free gears which are already given by STS as of level 5, 10, and 15 packages will be used at those one of specific levels. Plus, there will be new pvp zone for that new type of pvp system in order to prevent dramas which could be made by those players who have had level 5, 10, or 15 gear and so they can still play pvp with their current gears at normal mode of pvp.

This idea may not be regarded as profitable by STS. However, this could bring dynamism to AL simply because not only for current players who are retired from pvp just playing pve but also for the players who already quit the game can be back to try that new pvp system due to the fact that trying this new pvp system is close to free and reminds the old style of pvp without no difference between gears thanks to free gear package given by STS at level 5, 10, and 15. Additionally, pets will be still allowed to use in that new pvp system and so players will try to have best pets which will again enable STS to make profit out of this system, as well.

At this new pvp system, those pets which give armors that are in numbers such as heroic dreambot that gives 450 armor will not be allowed but just those armor pets that gives percentage armor such as %6 armor bonus will be allowed to use. The reason doing that is the number armors ruin the balance but percentage ones donot so. For example, let us say level 10 tank has 300 armor with the free pvp gear. Heroic dreambot gives 450 armor which is %150 increases that tank's armor to total of 750 armor. However, if just percentage armor pets are allowed to use let us say %6 armor one, tank's armor will just increase by 18 to total of 318. Such a huge difference which ruins the balance eventually.

At this new pvp system, awakens on those free pvp stuff which I, personally, donot suggest to make the free gear adaptable to awakens but since it is a good part of revenue for STS just donot make number armors (150, 125, 100, 75, and 50 armor) adaptable to free gear but just make those percentage armors (%4, 3% etc.) so. The reason is explained in the previous paragraph.

Best regards,
The Ordinary Citizen of Arlor

01-21-2019, 11:44 AM
Wrong game. This is PvE legends.

01-22-2019, 06:28 PM
Already did. Enjoy of proc of Ebon Aegis. Mage with Flame or rogue with 8k dps, pfffffff hold my beer. Like Kenshiro said: you are already dead.

01-27-2019, 11:46 PM
Unpopular opinion nerf rogues and everyone will start playing other classes too, its heck rogue legends [emoji23]

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01-28-2019, 10:43 AM
Rogues damage is broken,and they cry for damage reflect lol they r just hypocrite, need a class balance and sts need to care more about pvp they just let it die like they dont care anymore

03-11-2019, 10:53 PM
I think it is unrealistic and unfair to the players who have invested alot to do anything that results in their current pvp sets becoming irrelevant. I personally think the biggest problem in pvp is OP procs that completely decide the outcome of a clash. E.g. at lvl 50, flame staff proc by mages can destroy a whole team if there is no heal or glow that happens to occur at that moment. Same goes for dragon sword proc, and glint set.

However, with the current state of pvp, I think it is impossible to expect pvp to improve without some sort of drastic change. I quite like the idea of PvP specific items, meaning they are the only items to work in pvp. But in order to introduce this fairly, I think that a new level cap, which makes all current gears irrelevant, is required; OR a specific PvP zone.

In this PvP zone, anyone despite their level can join. Everyone has a set amount of skill points with a PvP 'spec' that is enabled in pvp zones. This would make it easier for devs to control variables as they wouldn't have to consider such a wide spread of levels, and the effects it could have across the board; They could implement legendary gears only, with no, or very subtle procs, that arent complete gamechangers.

Maybe I haven't thought this through enough, feel free to provide criticisms

03-11-2019, 10:56 PM
Just to clarify, by pvp spec I mean that each person can create their own load out that becomes enabled in pvp zones. For example, every person is given 50 skill points to allocate at their free will.

03-14-2019, 12:47 AM
I feel that specific Pvp zone is the way to go. That way we aren't directly hurting the people who have spent their time playing this game and acquiring op stats.

We can go into more details later but we need to start with the idea of a pvp zone

03-22-2019, 12:40 PM
Class balance and awakenings could be perfect, but PVP will never return to how active PVP was when I started back in 2013. Reason? STS keeps upping the level cap. You only have X number of players spread out over Y number of levels, and right now that number of levels is 71. When i started, that X number of players was spread out over i think 26 levels (2013 was a long time ago). Do the math. Unfortunately, STS should have just released content while not increasing player level cap, but too late now unless they hit the RESET button.

03-25-2019, 11:08 PM
Class balance and awakenings could be perfect, but PVP will never return to how active PVP was when I started back in 2013. Reason? STS keeps upping the level cap. You only have X number of players spread out over Y number of levels, and right now that number of levels is 71. When i started, that X number of players was spread out over i think 26 levels (2013 was a long time ago). Do the math. Unfortunately, STS should have just released content while not increasing player level cap, but too late now unless they hit the RESET button.

Not too TOO late, to fix pvp all they got to do is disable Awakened gear for PVP but not PVE. gem kits will go from 40k to 25-20k but it’s a good sacrifice to revive pvp.

Pvp 2012-2016 were the best years!!! But this year is turning out pretty good. Hopefully it gets a lot better!

I agree with you. Sts should have a level cap every 2 years instead of the same old every year. That could have saved the game aswell.

Idk what other type of gear they can add to the game, maybe a RELIC next? They can also add BRACELETS and BOOTS, GLOVES, and shoulder pads.

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03-27-2019, 02:01 PM
STS what about just try having another specific pvp zone that everyone have said.

Just do a trial run with it, you can even make it an event.

In this pvp zone you can choose a pvp spec and you are assigned gears that isn’t too op. That way it’s feels more fun and we can have really good battles.
Just try it for a week and see ppl’s opinion on it. You can always make new changes such as instead of assigned gears ppl can choose from a list. OR if the interest is high enough ppl can farm for pvp gears (this should be in a separate map but if it isn’t it shouldn’t affect the drop rate of pve gears.)

Point is just do a trial run at the very least!

03-30-2019, 09:30 AM
simplest way of reviving the game is stop level cap from rising and just improve the loot chance for every map! plus stop banning people from nonsense excuses such using multiple devices,players are not quitting for a petty reason sts is just being irrational lately.

04-26-2019, 11:58 AM
I support the whole idea of making PvP great again!
Great Post Instahumor!

04-27-2019, 11:25 PM
Very fast no satisfaction

05-07-2019, 02:51 AM
well me and my pvp buds mostly quited pvp alrd ( my ign was pvtency/hovenrock in 23/24 pvp, and hovenrock too in 26 pvp, im in a guild called decimation/judgement day/ is feeling awesome) i starts goin inactive after they release para and eyes, nekro n others ( i bought these pvp stuff too, but as time goes, it feels like the new comers got 0 chance, and tbh i kinda know pvp is gonna die sooner or later based on the fact they release these para eyes nekro n stuff ) i really miss those days where we can teach new comers how to pvp even with average gears ( yea im talking about only legend gears and pets like malison/blinky/ribbit ) well right now pvp is only based on gears and class, id say u can still do damage usin rogue with only taint set, arc arti and cotton aa, but if ur a mage u gon need ebon ( and ebon staff cant even beat rogues smetimes , unless u spent like 200m+ ) and about warriors, i dont think i needa say anythin, ebon aegis alrd owned pvp.

if the game can actually be considerate and make a different pvp mode where players are only allowed to use legend-myth pet and average gears, i can guarantee pvp will be as active as it was, well tbh i really wanna pvp but u know, what can u do against 8k armor rogues 10k hp, 10k+ dps when ur only usin a mage with below 100m gears. im not those crazy rich peoples who gon spent 200m just to do some damage as a mage.

well i hope the admins gon rly think about the pvp system we used to love that made us hooked up to this game ty!

05-07-2019, 05:07 PM
<25 twinks PvP already started to die when Arcane Hook level-16 came out.

schrodinger's cat
07-07-2019, 09:52 PM
I turned of my xp gain after i turn level 63. That was like 3-4 years ago. Since then i did free plat offers with the intention to pvp with the best, and with a great deal of effort i got some gold loot items and farmed like crazy until now. But how was i supposed to know that pvp isnt desigend with game balance in mind? This is a fact and its been recently established by Cinco in a forum post in the general discussions area. I spent 4 years developing my mage, spent countless hours farming and suffering through free plat offers because when u play a game u assume its designed to be balanced.

I want retributions. In some way STS needs to make this up to people who have been led down a rabbit hole that has a design flaw.

07-09-2019, 02:09 PM
I turned of my xp gain after i turn level 63. That was like 3-4 years ago. Since then i did free plat offers with the intention to pvp with the best, and with a great deal of effort i got some gold loot items and farmed like crazy until now. But how was i supposed to know that pvp isnt desigend with game balance in mind? This is a fact and its been recently established by Cinco in a forum post in the general discussions area. I spent 4 years developing my mage, spent countless hours farming and suffering through free plat offers because when u play a game u assume its designed to be balanced.

I want retributions. In some way STS needs to make this up to people who have been led down a rabbit hole that has a design flaw.

I felt the same way when I read that post. It was a huge finger in the eye

07-10-2019, 04:02 AM
I turned of my xp gain after i turn level 63. That was like 3-4 years ago. Since then i did free plat offers with the intention to pvp with the best, and with a great deal of effort i got some gold loot items and farmed like crazy until now. But how was i supposed to know that pvp isnt desigend with game balance in mind? This is a fact and its been recently established by Cinco in a forum post in the general discussions area. I spent 4 years developing my mage, spent countless hours farming and suffering through free plat offers because when u play a game u assume its designed to be balanced.

I want retributions. In some way STS needs to make this up to people who have been led down a rabbit hole that has a design flaw.

The lvl 66 expansion came in July 2017. Your 3-4 year statement of "Turned of XP at lvl 63"is serverly exaggerated. You were lead down a rabbit hole and want retribution lol?? Umm, you did that to yourself bub, stop blaming sts.

For all the twinks out there, maybe give Hardcore smurfing a try, seems like the logical choice.

I mean, you tried decently hard to make your story seem like its StS's fault, but it is 100% clear that you did this to yourself. Take responsibility for your own actions.

Gets old seeing people spew stuff that isnt true, or completely passing off blame to others when it is in fact 100% their own fault.

schrodinger's cat
07-10-2019, 08:21 PM
The lvl 66 expansion came in July 2017. Your 3-4 year statement of "Turned of XP at lvl 63"is serverly exaggerated. You were lead down a rabbit hole and want retribution lol?? Umm, you did that to yourself bub, stop blaming sts.

For all the twinks out there, maybe give Hardcore smurfing a try, seems like the logical choice.

I mean, you tried decently hard to make your story seem like its StS's fault, but it is 100% clear that you did this to yourself. Take responsibility for your own actions.

Gets old seeing people spew stuff that isnt true, or completely passing off blame to others when it is in fact 100% their own fault.

If im incorrect that ive only been level 63 for 2 years instead of 3 it isnt an extreme exaggeration and wasnt the point at all. The point is that people assume a game is designed with fairness in mind, which isnt the case in this point. And to say im 'spewing exaggerations' is an exaggeration. Ur fake news.

07-13-2019, 06:40 AM
i dont pvp cus i tend to get 1hit.