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View Full Version : Jail (new Campaign)

11-29-2011, 08:42 PM
Hello Forumers,

Ihave a new plan for a cool campaign, maybe even for all different levels like the holiday campaigns. with items for all lvls.
this new campaign would be located in some part of balefort castle (looks best in my opinion)

Storyline: Back in the old days,when Alterra was in utter chaos, there was a special creature, so mighty the writers of alterran hystory could not even mention his heroic deeds. This heroic creature tried his best to solve all of the problems that faced him in alterra, mainly he went to the bosses of the evil forces and fought them. But he was young and foulish and he was merciful to the evils. He never brought himself to finish of any of them because he pitied them and though that if he locked them up then they could cause no harm to any other adventurers who live in alterra. his best bet was to lock them up in a dungeon deep in balefort castle beyond even the kings reach. In just a few years he had captured the most evil and vicious bosses known to all the creatures that roamed alterra. But one day as he was patrolling the cells of those vile creatures one of the corrupt jailers slashed at his legs nad crippled the epic hero, the hero had to crawl out of the damp and cruel jail and stop the others from escaping. in a last attempt to seal away the great evil in balefort he blew up the entrance to the jail with the rest of his life force and sealed the entrance shut....

... but now alterra in is yet again in need of saving as the forces of evil are slowly but surely digging theyre way out of the jail. But luckily for us the magic essence of all magic creatures in alterra has awakend the ghost of the hero. He awaits us in balefort castle surrounded by a mist so we cannot see wat he truly is.So he will be there to teleport us into the jail and destroy an evil larger and eviler than alterra has seen in manny, manny years. As you conquere and vanquish all evils the mighty hero has conquered over time you will learn of his past and the secrets he is hiding. Some which arr none to pleasent. Maybe even his mighty sould has been corrupted by the evil creatures. Some secrets that should have stayed buried in the loathsome halls of the "JAIL"

Who will answer the call? <---(guess what thats from)

Item ideas for this campaign
Bears:bloody shank of the conquerer, Bloody crowbar of the conquerer
archers: jewel thiefs sharpend projectile, jewel thiefs crowbow (crossbar made of crowbars)
mages: dreamers fiery seringe, dreamers frost whip (close range whip with frost perk)




Epic sets later introduced:escapees (mage), accomplices(mage) Deathrow(archer), juvenile(archer), jailers (bear), wardens (bear)
These sets would have either blood dripping from the people or maybe a could of fould smelling gas.

Plus new vanity Weapons. (Jail Related) or armours, helmets and shields.
Ideas: Ball and chain

7: Retrieve the magic shank

Bosses: Jailers(equivelent of ao3 snipers loresomethings and berserkers) jailers on every level
Level 1 boss: master Warden's assistent
Level 2 boss: Master warden
Level 3 boss: Mastermind
Level 4 boss:
Level 5 bosses: Resurrected master warden, Resurected Warden's assistent, all 3 parts of the corrupted soul, "HERO" there we will see the true evil unmisted.

Room requirements:
Room 1: first room would be unlocked by talking to the heroes ghost while have completed some requirements
Reqs: 25 quests, 10000 gold to make it worth his while (1 time payment) instead of plat or a 10 plat purchase.
Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:20 keys from previous beaten bosses (jailers not included) also should be like quest items so they dont fill up inventory. Plus this level contains more bosses and an improved droprate and drops set items.

Anyone diggin the idea for the new epic campaign?

11-29-2011, 08:44 PM
gonna add more stuff in the morning
Plz post any ideas for stuff i am missing i will edit in
Current thing to edit: quests

11-29-2011, 08:46 PM
Plus new vanity Weapons. (Jail Related)

a Ball & Chain xD

EDIT: wait... thats not a Vanity Weapon so it could just be an Armor Vanity^^

11-29-2011, 08:48 PM
Habitual offenders shank!
Deathrows bow!

11-29-2011, 08:49 PM
thnx might add in :)

11-29-2011, 08:53 PM

11-29-2011, 08:56 PM
Very nice idea bro :)
Would about master warden? Could be a seriously messed upedly tough bear with a whip. xD

11-29-2011, 09:02 PM
Amazing! This is the best idea ever! You could add a vanity key weapon to unlock secret doors to special bosses.

11-29-2011, 09:18 PM

11-29-2011, 09:20 PM
Also, let's make this a free campaign. (in otherwords, no plat required to buy anything, not even the campaign itself)

Also, make the room 5 boss the "mastermind". Epic mage that summons master wardens and bird minibosses.

11-29-2011, 09:26 PM
Srry bunny had my own idea for lvl 5 but i might add mastermind as mage set name

11-29-2011, 09:31 PM
Srry bunny had my own idea for lvl 5 but i might add mastermind as mage set name
Alright! But there are already sewer purples that are mastermind items.

11-29-2011, 09:32 PM
Ru roh hmm maybe "accomplices"?

11-29-2011, 09:36 PM
Ru roh hmm maybe "accomplices"?
Some more ideas:

Prisonguard's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (or guard's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Cell master's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Convict's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Corrupter's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Executor's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Keymaker's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Prisoner's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Interrogator's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-29-2011, 09:40 PM
Also some more:
Incarcerator's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warden's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Asylum manager's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Policeman's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Crook's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Villian's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-29-2011, 09:56 PM
I like keymakers, prison guard and villains so ill add tomoro

11-29-2011, 10:01 PM
I like keymakers, prison guard and villains so ill add tomoro
Also have
Patrolman's xxxxxxxxxxx
Supervisor's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Enforcer's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Patroller's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Watchdog's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (or watcher's)

11-29-2011, 10:04 PM
I love this idea, it's awesome. Great call man, you could have a daily quest to get the warden's key from him and set all the prisoners free.

11-29-2011, 10:05 PM
Wow I just realized I'm good at finding synonyms. xD

11-29-2011, 10:59 PM
Maybe ill add a quest section to..

11-29-2011, 11:11 PM
Bloody shank LOL maybe black and while striped armor?
A jail related theme for a game made for kids. I would love to have this, but it crosses the line a bit when it comes to kid friendly.
Could you imagine a unrated version of PL... Lol

11-29-2011, 11:20 PM
Amazing! Wouldnt be surprised if the devs see this n make it a reality

11-29-2011, 11:21 PM
Unrated version of pl hmmm... Maybe. But the jail theme is still apprpriste for this game. Rated e ten and up right? This campaign is just a fun idea for the new pl "Pain Legends" (the unrated version) lol

Maybe this should be the new lvl cap?
New skills would be epic to

Like shank and slaughter for bear
Shoot and assasinate for bird
Bomb and teleport for mage

above listed things should probably not happen though..

11-29-2011, 11:23 PM
Vanity = soap rope lololol

11-29-2011, 11:26 PM
Lets not get into soap and prison..
Dont want anyone to drop a soap joke.
(like the one above)

11-29-2011, 11:29 PM
Be epic hope dey do use ur idea!!

11-29-2011, 11:34 PM
This actually sounds really good. And I like the idea that instead of just progressing to the next level, you have to earn it somehow. There should be riddles or something for this.