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01-18-2019, 07:34 PM
Is killing all in one shot.


01-18-2019, 07:38 PM
Devs need to looking in new arc aegis lvl 71. His proc is broken. Rogue die from 1 hit and mage from 2 hits on Tank who have active proc on wep. Tank with new wep can vs against full dps team easy.

01-19-2019, 07:18 AM
Don't let the warrior hit you? Don't hit the warrior when the proc is up? Don't cry lol, any change to the weapon and it'll be bordering on useless.

01-19-2019, 07:45 AM
Don't let the warrior hit you? Don't hit the warrior when the proc is up? Don't cry lol, any change to the weapon and it'll be bordering on useless.

He got outplayed because he couldnt kill 1 person with a full team

01-19-2019, 03:32 PM
Imo...its quite fair on the proc of ebon aegis since it is quite rare to procs(very low proc %), so the damage reflect shield makes up for it.

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01-19-2019, 04:23 PM
Who CARE anymore for proc and balance... when PVP is dead. STS doing great job with do nothing, I told again STS need to remove PVP from game.

01-19-2019, 04:25 PM
Who CARE anymore for proc and balance... when PVP is dead. STS doing great job with do nothing, I told again STS need to remove PVP from game.

Just don't play. Lol

01-19-2019, 05:04 PM
1vs5 and still killing are hilarious lmao

Luciano Lobo
01-19-2019, 05:44 PM
Isn't it the same with staff and daggers reflection proc?


01-19-2019, 08:22 PM
Isn't it the same with staff and daggers reflection proc?


Edit:yes daggers and staff do the same 50% dmg reflect from my tests in pvp.

nobody is complaing about these weps tho *-*

please dont nerf! people just need to learn not to attck while enemy has proc up.everyone needs to adapt =))

01-19-2019, 08:44 PM
Can you pls take a look again the ebon gun it seem its useless now the proc isn't that good :-(

Quizno Sub
01-19-2019, 09:03 PM
Imo...its quite fair on the proc of ebon aegis since it is quite rare to procs(very low proc %), so the damage reflect shield makes up for it.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalkas a person u disgust me

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01-19-2019, 09:04 PM
Everything is OK with Ebon gun... I can one shot Hydra boss ez, run under 10 sec. I think gun needs more nerf. Pls STS nerf gun more.

01-19-2019, 11:29 PM
Your guys aree crazy, do you want new useless 71 arc weap? We do need good peocs expecially cause bosses on elite swamp got many hp weap are good like this,stop asking for nerfs

01-20-2019, 12:27 AM
this is not nerf but a fix.... do not mix up words

01-20-2019, 04:26 AM
Everything is OK with Ebon gun... I can one shot Hydra boss ez, run under 10 sec. I think gun needs more nerf. Pls STS nerf gun more.

Wafting for cincos reply "as you wish".

You'll regret the salt xD

Stevie Yap
01-20-2019, 05:29 AM
I think it's balanced, now pvp needs to use brain instead of just mashing buttons.

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01-20-2019, 06:15 AM
The proc needs a fix, make it equal to staff.

01-20-2019, 07:52 AM
I think it's balanced, now pvp needs to use brain instead of just mashing buttons.

Sent from my WAS-LX2 using TapatalkAgree....its about strategy n timing not just pressing skills n stacking stats.

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01-20-2019, 08:13 AM
New Aegis 71 also need more buff... Proc must be active all time during the fight, and need reflection same like mob mages in maus.

Quizno Sub
01-20-2019, 10:15 AM
if an item is causing this much mayhem it 100% needs be fixed this proc is killing from 100hp-0hp in 1 second much like the ebon daggers when they released the damage from the proc was crazy unfair and everyone had n issue with it so it was fixed but now every tank has this glitch and says it balanced when its not.

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01-20-2019, 11:08 AM
Warrior here. I think the Ebon Aegis proc is a bit overpowered in PvE. But I would also ask not to make it completely useless, a tank can't hit hard in other ways, so it should definitely deal some significant damage even if it's nerfed.

I still feel though that Rogues tend to complain about other classes whenever their complete domination is challenged. :P

01-20-2019, 11:31 AM
if an item is causing this much mayhem it 100% needs be fixed this proc is killing from 100hp-0hp in 1 second much like the ebon daggers when they released the damage from the proc was crazy unfair and everyone had n issue with it so it was fixed but now every tank has this glitch and says it balanced when its not.

From 100% hp to 0% hp for 1 sec is to slow. Aegis 71 need buff... to can kill for 0.3 sec. Better is if opo need just to look in proced tank to die (like medusa effect) :). And ofc some ppl here wll tell its ok just don't look in tank and wll be fine :) :) :)

01-20-2019, 01:17 PM
Buff Ebon Aegis, each player owning this weapon should automatically be ranked at top players lb

01-20-2019, 02:01 PM
I am bloody tired of all these “nerf this, fix that” threads by now because of pvp nonsense. Having op stats at 71 but shooting blanks does NOT seem fun at all. Don’t make any class useless by constantly “fixing” their weapons so they end up feeling left out, that too after players spend plat/millions of gold on getting new weapons.

I am a rogue and I am totally against this “fix”. Infact, buff all new weapons that are not performing the way they are supposed to, so they work better than years old weapons and their procs.

I am a pvp noob, but just like I know I am not supposed to attack mages in maus when curse is up or bosses who do reflect damage when that attack is active, I am sure all you pvp pros are smart enough to avoid hitting your opponent when their proc is up.

01-20-2019, 02:37 PM
I am bloody tired of all these “nerf this, fix that” threads by now because of pvp nonsense. Having op stats at 71 but shooting blanks does NOT seem fun at all. Don’t make any class useless by constantly “fixing” their weapons so they end up feeling left out, that too after players spend plat/millions of gold on getting new weapons.

I am a rogue and I am totally against this “fix”. Infact, buff all new weapons that are not performing the way they are supposed to, so they work better than years old weapons and their procs.

I am a pvp noob, but just like I know I am not supposed to attack mages in maus when curse is up or bosses who do reflect damage when that attack is active, I am sure all you pvp pros are smart enough to avoid hitting your opponent when their proc is up.

Since when is it tanks job to kill bosses insanely fast using the new ebon proc? What nerf DS and immo bow to bring this?
Warriors aren't supposed to do much damage especially not killing lich in like 18s.
Go back to being inactive on forums lol

01-20-2019, 02:52 PM
I am bloody tired of all these “nerf this, fix that” threads by now because of pvp nonsense. Having op stats at 71 but shooting blanks does NOT seem fun at all. Don’t make any class useless by constantly “fixing” their weapons so they end up feeling left out, that too after players spend plat/millions of gold on getting new weapons.

I am a rogue and I am totally against this “fix”. Infact, buff all new weapons that are not performing the way they are supposed to, so they work better than years old weapons and their procs.

I am a pvp noob, but just like I know I am not supposed to attack mages in maus when curse is up or bosses who do reflect damage when that attack is active, I am sure all you pvp pros are smart enough to avoid hitting your opponent when their proc is up.

Everyone is tired of this this bad constant adjustments. In last days activity in PVP is almost 0, devs have to think why. Perhaps the privilege is more addressed to the PVE content. I'm a more pvp player, and if this practice continues, I will probably look for some other game where I will be satisfied. I might get something more with my money in another game, I'm just getting nervous here.

01-20-2019, 06:00 PM
The proc its fine like it is, tanks does no damage already we cant even do damage reflect? So rogues should always be the best and spam skills regardless? No sense just let tanks have something good too. Also its really easy to counter the proc its enough to not attack while weap proc is active and wait, also this give more suvaiability to tanks wich is how it should be.

01-20-2019, 06:27 PM
I’d rather play the game and be active there instead of sitting here all day having pointless discussions over one nerf or another. It is after all a gaming forum. Also, long pointless discussions do not keep AL running, buying plat to use in-game does. I am sure STS also prefers it if we play the game more.

Being active in-game, I know that ebon aegic proc rate was reduced on recent update and it was a bug with low armour that caused that instakill. Tanks are not supposed to 1hit bosses, but they are also not supposed to be totally left out from parties either in favour of 3 other rogues :p Isn’t class balance what everyone here whines about or pvp rogues now can’t handle a tank hitting them back with reflect?

Back to being inactive on forums. Enjoy the long discussions ^_^

01-20-2019, 08:38 PM
Rogue here. I think tanks should have their ebon aegis as it is for a while PvE wise.

Or do we need a reminder of the dragon staff?

The mage community is filled with hypocrites.

Quizno Sub
01-20-2019, 08:43 PM
im a mage... and i say nerf aegis

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01-21-2019, 01:44 AM
Everyone talk about aegis but you guys know mage staff has just the same proc? And wow abuze u want nerf aegis in pve? Cool lets make tanks left out more none want tanks in pt only rogues and mages and you want our only weap make us some more useful get nerf nice yes lets kill tank class lol

01-21-2019, 05:56 AM
They were allowed to have their bugged dragon staff for 4 seasons to solo everything while everyone else was useless in pve but now the ebon aegis that has been around for a few weeks is a issue huh?

Typical mages.

Are we actually going to listen to those who blatantly lied about their class not being broken in PvP in the 61 cap to the point that STS actually believed their lies and did nothing about it?

Are we actually going to listen to those who made sure everyones weapons got nerfed while they were allowed to keep their broken dragon staff?

@rogues/mages, it might not be our job to delete bosses in seconds but its not our job to be useless in a era where mages and rogues just stack armor awakenings so they don't need warriors and go full HP builds while their procs do all the work. PvP wise, stop crying. The proc lasts like 3 seconds and you have to actually hit something for it to proc so it doesn't take a kid genius to know if you stay away from the warrior he can't proc. Or are you so used to spamming skills aimlessly that you can't use logic anymore?

Do the right thing in this situation for once STS.

01-21-2019, 06:08 AM
Feedback for ebon arc staff lv 71:

A strange staff I d say with different qualities: the proc summon a magma shield that reflect a little part of incoming damage and heal yourself. Deals higher damage than horrific cause of stats.

-highest damage staff
- good healing proc
- little damage reflection

- bad sides:

-No way it can be compared to immo staff for maus
- proc is too rare
- reflect incoming damage is little.

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01-21-2019, 06:22 AM
Hi above is feedback from us blessed mages.

So basically:

-ebon Staff does stuff all
-the gun is even more useless.

So at least one of the new tank weapons you got is half decent.

I don’t think your tank weapon should be nerfed for pve just pvp.
Honestly breakingbad since when has mage had the upper hand in pvp, cause that’s what all the argument on forums is about, balance.

So many mages go rogue now because there is no balance between classes, if this is how the game is supposed to be then I guess a lot of ppl including myself are gonna find something better to do with there time.

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01-21-2019, 07:11 AM
Rogues pvp are used to being on top n thats y all this saltiness. They cant accept that now tanks n mages can actualy kill them. Wow...

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01-21-2019, 07:38 AM
The rogues have to swallow their own medicine. 1 hit kill doesn't feel good right? Now you know how mages feel attacked by a rogue. The only difference is you can avoid the 1 hit kill, don't attack if the aegis procs. Just spamming skills doesn't work with this weapon anymore. Pvp becomes more balanced with the ebon weapons and interesting. You need skills usually for pvp. Was long time missing in Al. No need to nerf the weapon.

Since we are complaining about the new arcane weapons: Ebon staff isnt the best mage staff for pve, should be buffed to be a real arcane lvl 71 staff.

01-21-2019, 08:54 AM
The rogues have to swallow their own medicine. 1 hit kill doesn't feel good right? Now you know how mages feel attacked by a rogue. The only difference is you can avoid the 1 hit kill, don't attack if the aegis procs. Just spamming skills doesn't work with this weapon anymore. Pvp becomes more balanced with the ebon weapons and interesting. You need skills usually for pvp. Was long time missing in Al. No need to nerf the weapon.

Since we are complaining about the new arcane weapons: Ebon staff isnt the best mage staff for pve, should be buffed to be a real arcane lvl 71 staff.

Pointless post, sorry.
You can’t tell rogues “one hit doesn’t feel good right” if any class in this game is allowed to actually one hit, it’s rogue, and not warrior ;-)

01-21-2019, 10:02 AM
Yeah ofc and u think is fair rogue goes around spam skills and kill everything? Tanks shouldnt one hit i agree and they dont, its your own damage that one hit you thanks to the proc you just have to wait if wont die simple, and talking about pve is fair rogue and mages dont need tanks anymore? .. but we cant have something good in pve to let us play right .. lol

01-21-2019, 10:22 AM
Pointless post, sorry.
You can’t tell rogues “one hit doesn’t feel good right” if any class in this game is allowed to actually one hit, it’s rogue, and not warrior ;-)

Just shows that rogues do indeed feel they must be superior and invincible. I'm not saying yours is a pointless post, in fact, it just helps everyone see what Rogues really want.

Sorry to the rogues who actually want the classes to be balanced, but the majority are just special snowflakes.

And tanks aren't one hitting anything, it's just a reflective shield and it means you're killing yourself, like attacking a Curse Mage.

01-21-2019, 10:55 AM
Yeah, now we just need the ebon weapons to be affordable for the average player

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01-21-2019, 11:08 AM
Could a dev please find out what a mage used to top the solo swamp temple challenge leader board with 500,000+ points. Considering the ebon aegis warriors people here are complaining about couldn't do it.

01-21-2019, 05:57 PM
Could a dev please find out what a mage used to top the solo swamp temple challenge leader board with 500,000+ points. Considering the ebon aegis warriors people here are complaining about couldn't do it.

That was because devs forgot to make mobs change health every wave. It's fixed now none of swamp temple leaderboard will count after it's fully released

Quizno Sub
01-24-2019, 12:17 PM

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01-24-2019, 09:23 PM
warriors also need fun in pvp rather than being a punching kit, all the fun of pvp is getting the kills.
Warriors need to achive pvp aps too, this aps is difficult for only one class ie warriors. so getting kills is important to warriors also.Or make warrior pvp aps kills to 1k or 2k :)).
“Look all warriors Kdr, most of them having bad Kdr in pvp. I am nab in pvp, but wars with op gears can be killed easily by an undergeard rouge or mage.” Now only wars can stand and fight.
Anyway for ebon Aeigis we all have spent plat and gold. I bought this wepon too coz of the proc. It’s not fair after we spent this much and it get nerfed,
I know sts won’t do so coz there is no point to do. Players should learn how to deal with proc. And aeigis is rare wepon too. So no need to worry about.

Quizno Sub
01-24-2019, 09:27 PM
warriors also need fun in pvp rather than being a punching kit, all the fun of pvp is getting the kills.
Warriors need to achive pvp aps too, this aps is difficult for only one class ie warriors. so getting kills is important to warriors also.Or make warrior pvp aps kills to 1k or 2k :)).
“Look all warriors Kdr, most of them having bad Kdr in pvp. I am nab in pvp, but wars with op gears can be killed easily by an undergeard rouge or mage.” Now only wars can stand and fight.
Anyway for ebon Aeigis we all have spent plat and gold. I bought this wepon too coz of the proc. It’s not fair after we spent this much and it get nerfed,
I know sts won’t do so coz there is no point to do. Players should learn how to deal with proc. And aeigis is rare wepon too. So no need to worry about.na it needs to be fixed. theres no way they should leave it cuz everyone cried about tje mages and daggers proc now yall get it and wanna leave it

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01-24-2019, 10:08 PM
Can someone record the proc in pvp for me ?

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01-24-2019, 10:32 PM
Go to game and test yourself the proc with a tank in duel, i made also a thread called sts pls dont nerf aebon glade fortress, i show screen shots of me and a rogue versus end up at 2vs2 cause he adapat and know how to play, i dont know why mages and rogues want tanks to be useless only them wnt to play?? What we tank do? No pve cause none want tanks, no pvp cause every clas beat tanks what we do?? And also not ok tanks can reflect some damage but ok mages and rogues got high armor and hp like tanks and dont even need tanks anymore right lol

01-24-2019, 11:52 PM
everyone wants a tb tank .... so much better using pets to pull thats for PVE we mage still use DS for boss is there an exception we are not using old weapon and IMM staff too.....

pvp ebon gun is weak too so we all get some of each ..

01-25-2019, 05:58 AM
You are talking about mausoleum, yeah tb tanks get more parties than who dont but what about tanks want tk farm hydra and parties dont want him cause there what to pull? Tank at boss is useless thats it they go full dps team for maps like hydra. Truth is tank need this aegis to make this good reflect to be something and compensate the gap with other classes

Quizno Sub
02-04-2019, 11:14 AM

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02-05-2019, 08:31 AM
Nerf it, this item scales wrong in pvp mode: no matter 3k dps or 9k dps it will one shot. Or another option - buff mages Ebon staff(reflection barrier aura) to Ebon aegis aura lvl. It will be fair Sts.

02-08-2019, 10:55 PM
i am not asking for a nerf on ebon aegis since the reflect works the same for all ebon weapon....

why does a tank ebon aegis can do 1/3 damage to bosses irregardless on what boss in maus 5/6? I see it many times even tank solo now since of the damage it can do... why is the mage staff not doing the same amount of damage?

Thanks hope dev can explain on this.

02-09-2019, 01:05 AM
Is killing all in one shot.


Should sts nerf the creep mage in mauso also? Coz i die from 1 hit coz of curse.

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02-11-2019, 12:04 AM
i am not asking for a nerf on ebon aegis since the reflect works the same for all ebon weapon....

why does a tank ebon aegis can do 1/3 damage to bosses irregardless on what boss in maus 5/6? I see it many times even tank solo now since of the damage it can do... why is the mage staff not doing the same amount of damage?

Thanks hope dev can explain on this.

anyone knows if they are all the same process ? Ebon Aegis / staff ?