View Full Version : Problem Crafting Lvl 65 Lilith Staff

11-30-2011, 08:54 AM
Hi guys,
I have been having a problem crafting the Lvl 65 Lilith Staff.
I see plenty in the CS so I thought I was just losing it, but I keep having the same issue over and over again. Maybe someone could help me and it is just me.
Here is what I am having happen. I of course have the lilith staff and therefore while in MT Fang see the crafter. I go to craft the staff and see what I need and purchase the recipe for platinum. I have 99 % of what I need so I craft the materials then due to excitement run to cs to purchase the last needed basic lilith staff I believe its called. When I go back to MT Fang and try to craft on the list it says I need the recipe as well as the items I crafted and 1 I purchased. I check my inventory to find I have the recipe required, but I have 2 basic lilith wand components. I know I didn't craft 1 and purchase the other for wand. I dismiss as my error and craft another 2 basic lilith staff only to find I don't have them or the recipe and am missing a vampiric wood that I had. I am just stuck. I don't understand how to fix this, but it has been on my mind and if someone could help me I would be grateful.
Thank you

11-30-2011, 10:27 AM
For the plat recipe, u nees to craft by using easier craft menthod then they will show that the recipe is present. For the other issue, i have no idea how to help. Resale them? Rebuy the proper materials?

11-30-2011, 11:43 AM
Thank you for answering.
I did buy the plat recipe, but when I go to craft the staff it isn't checked off.
Basically it is saying that I don't have it.

11-30-2011, 12:02 PM
For crafting theres 3 options..crafting materials (something like that), crafting legendary items, and finally, easier crafting with plat...you need to select the 3rd option since you bought the recipe with plat...I hope this helps

11-30-2011, 05:02 PM
Thank you so much!!!!
That solved it I was thinking it was a bug.
I really appreciate your help that seems to have fixed my issue!
I am smiling so much its not even funny.