View Full Version : Some changes i would like to see in the future.

01-24-2019, 10:33 AM
hello folks
i have been playing this game for quite some time now, and throughout the years i have been thinking about changes to the game of my own
i would love to share these with the DL Community and hear all thoughts on the idea's me and some friends have came up with.

First i want to bring you back all the way to the start and by that i mean

The tutorial and nightly award

personally the tutorial is well made but it surely skips some important things a new player should know
like how to sell stuff properly in sanctuary
how to talk in guild chat (this took some time for me)
tell them in some dialogue how forge works
the tutorial is kinda outdated with all the updates that came thoughout the years
the nightly reward system should guarantee you on getting 5-10platinum on the 5th day since nothing is worth 100 plat or below anymore (only for forge)

next thing i really wanted to see is

character customization

something that makes everyone in the game somewhat different
for instance
let us choose the color of our eyes or different skin colors
this is a small example of making everyone in the game feel like they have a somewhat unique character
let there be a beard option for men

Tiny Bio's

there is some space left on the right side of your screen above your KDR so why not fill it up with some Bio about yourself
like your birthday, name, where u live
for example
you can type anything you want in that Bio (except for hate speeches ofcourse)


there was once a rumour saying there would be new PVE maps on the way..
that rumour was 3years ago and we still got our final boss Harg'Kyth who now only takes 2-3 hits from any Elder relic weapon.
i would enjoy fighting some hard to kill zombies, witches,werewolves or .... Rock..monsters...?
but there also could be some new enemies like other vampires
and some other maps the beach/school/etc could be great map idea's
make the enemies harder to kill

Guild improvements

let there be a Practice room for PVP in a guildhall with training dummies
(the kills won't count on the KDR ofcourse)
if u wanna test some cool build you just made but u can't find a proper VS in Dm give us this option to practice if the build is actually good

guild announcements
Officer chat is yellow normal guild chat is green
let there be guild annoucement chat for bigger guilds like EOE CIB etc who have guild events very often
where the guild officers and master ofcourse can make announcements in a bright red colour so nobody can miss the message
/GA could be used and it stands for guild announcement and it would look something like this


PVP has been harder to get in lately for players who are new.
back in the day u could beat someone 1v1 using viper twins or elegant death but that is just gone now.
luckily i haven't missed a single pvp related event so far
But there is really something that bothered me with the last weapon event..
last halloween u could find a new Elder relic blood,moon and shadow gem and 6 new weapons
one of the weapons being blackmetal razors
this weapon gives u a total of 35armor (wich is allot and important in pvp)
my biggest problem with this event was it was all luck based and 0 reward for trying your best like other events
i farmed till 55k points didn't find a single weapon while seeying other players getting 2 or 3 is just heartbreaking
especially since i have been very busy and couldn't farm more than that
but even worse some people on the leaderboard ended up finding nothing wich is just kinda bs if u ask me

see this luck based event has his negative and positive things
positive - u don't need to spend gold on it
- u can find 2 if u are lucky enough
- u don't need to farm more if u have it
- new pvp players can join easily once they find it
- everyone can get it
negative- the price is now 300 000 000million gold for a weapon that could be found by anyone
- u can try your best but u have chance u will never get it
- if you are busy irl it will become a challenge against time
- hard works doesn't pay off

personally i don't like the luck based events but i'm sure some people enjoyed it

and last thing fix the wall bug in CTF
some people will take the flag out with them making it impossible to end

So these were some changes i would like to see someday in the future
please share your opinion and what you would like to see in DL

i hope some people of STS read this to get some ideas of it

i thank you for your time reading and have a nice day =)

01-24-2019, 10:45 AM
hello folks
i have been playing this game for quite some time now, and throughout the years i have been thinking about changes to the game of my own
i would love to share these with the DL Community and hear all thoughts on the idea's me and some friends have came up with.

First i want to bring you back all the way to the start and by that i mean

The tutorial

personally the tutorial is well made but it surely skips some important things a new player should know
like how to sell stuff properly in sanctuary
how to talk in guild chat (this took some time for me)
tell them in some dialogue how forge works
the tutorial is kinda outdated with all the updates that came thoughout the years

next thing i really wanted to see is

character customization

something that makes everyone in the game somewhat different
for instance
let us choose the color of our eyes
this is a small example of making everyone in the game feel like they have a somewhat unique character
let there be a beard option for men

Tiny Bio's

there is some space left on the right side of your screen above your KDR so why not fill it up with some Bio about yourself
like your birthday, name, where u live
for example
you can type anything you want in that Bio (except for hate speeches ofcourse)


there was once a rumour saying there would be new PVE maps on the way..
that rumour was 3years ago and we still got our final boss Harg'Kyth who now only takes 2-3 hits from any Elder relic weapon.
i would enjoy fighting some hard to kill zombies, witches,werewolves or .... Rock..monsters...?
but there also could be some new enemies like other vampires
and some other maps the beach/school/etc could be great map idea's

Guild improvements

let there be a Practice room for PVP in a guildhall with training dummies
(the kills won't count on the KDR ofcourse)
if u wanna test some cool build you just made but u can't find a proper VS in Dm give us this option to practice if the build is actually good

guild announcements
Officer chat is yellow normal guild chat is green
let there be guild annoucement chat for bigger guilds like EOE CIB etc who have guild events very often
where the guild officers and master ofcourse can make announcements in a bright red colour so nobody can miss the message
/GA could be used and it stands for guild announcement and it would look something like this


PVP has been harder to get in lately for players who are new.
back in the day u could beat someone 1v1 using viper twins or elegant death but that is just gone now.
luckily i haven't missed a single pvp related event so far
But there is really something that bothered me with the last weapon event..
last halloween u could find a new Elder relic blood,moon and shadow gem and 6 new weapons
one of the weapons being blackmetal razors
this weapon gives u a total of 35armor (wich is allot and important in pvp)
my biggest problem with this event was it was all luck based and 0 reward for trying your best like other events
i farmed till 55k points didn't find a single weapon while seeying other players getting 2 or 3 is just heartbreaking
especially since i have been very busy and couldn't farm more than that
but even worse some people on the leaderboard ended up finding nothing wich is just kinda bs if u ask me

see this luck based event has his negative and positive things
positive - u don't need to spend gold on it
- u can find 2 if u are lucky enough
- u don't need to farm more if u have it
- new pvp players can join easily once they find it
- everyone can get it
negative- the price is now 300 000 000million gold for a weapon that could be found by anyone
- u can try your best but u have chance u will never get it
- if you are busy irl it will become a challenge against time
- hard works doesn't pay off

personally i don't like the luck based events but i'm sure some people enjoyed it

and last thing fix the wall bug in CTF
some people will take the flag out with them making it impossible to end

So these were some changes i would like to see someday in the future
please share your opinion and what you would like to see in DL

i hope some people of STS read this to get some ideas of it

i thank you for your time reading and have a nice day =)

Totally agree I
Hope cinco takes a look into this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-24-2019, 11:00 AM
hello folks
i have been playing this game for quite some time now, and throughout the years i have been thinking about changes to the game of my own
i would love to share these with the DL Community and hear all thoughts on the idea's me and some friends have came up with.

First i want to bring you back all the way to the start and by that i mean

The tutorial

personally the tutorial is well made but it surely skips some important things a new player should know
like how to sell stuff properly in sanctuary
how to talk in guild chat (this took some time for me)
tell them in some dialogue how forge works
the tutorial is kinda outdated with all the updates that came thoughout the years

next thing i really wanted to see is

character customization

something that makes everyone in the game somewhat different
for instance
let us choose the color of our eyes
this is a small example of making everyone in the game feel like they have a somewhat unique character
let there be a beard option for men

Tiny Bio's

there is some space left on the right side of your screen above your KDR so why not fill it up with some Bio about yourself
like your birthday, name, where u live
for example
you can type anything you want in that Bio (except for hate speeches ofcourse)


there was once a rumour saying there would be new PVE maps on the way..
that rumour was 3years ago and we still got our final boss Harg'Kyth who now only takes 2-3 hits from any Elder relic weapon.
i would enjoy fighting some hard to kill zombies, witches,werewolves or .... Rock..monsters...?
but there also could be some new enemies like other vampires
and some other maps the beach/school/etc could be great map idea's

Guild improvements

let there be a Practice room for PVP in a guildhall with training dummies
(the kills won't count on the KDR ofcourse)
if u wanna test some cool build you just made but u can't find a proper VS in Dm give us this option to practice if the build is actually good

guild announcements
Officer chat is yellow normal guild chat is green
let there be guild annoucement chat for bigger guilds like EOE CIB etc who have guild events very often
where the guild officers and master ofcourse can make announcements in a bright red colour so nobody can miss the message
/GA could be used and it stands for guild announcement and it would look something like this


PVP has been harder to get in lately for players who are new.
back in the day u could beat someone 1v1 using viper twins or elegant death but that is just gone now.
luckily i haven't missed a single pvp related event so far
But there is really something that bothered me with the last weapon event..
last halloween u could find a new Elder relic blood,moon and shadow gem and 6 new weapons
one of the weapons being blackmetal razors
this weapon gives u a total of 35armor (wich is allot and important in pvp)
my biggest problem with this event was it was all luck based and 0 reward for trying your best like other events
i farmed till 55k points didn't find a single weapon while seeying other players getting 2 or 3 is just heartbreaking
especially since i have been very busy and couldn't farm more than that
but even worse some people on the leaderboard ended up finding nothing wich is just kinda bs if u ask me

see this luck based event has his negative and positive things
positive - u don't need to spend gold on it
- u can find 2 if u are lucky enough
- u don't need to farm more if u have it
- new pvp players can join easily once they find it
- everyone can get it
negative- the price is now 300 000 000million gold for a weapon that could be found by anyone
- u can try your best but u have chance u will never get it
- if you are busy irl it will become a challenge against time
- hard works doesn't pay off

personally i don't like the luck based events but i'm sure some people enjoyed it

and last thing fix the wall bug in CTF
some people will take the flag out with them making it impossible to end

So these were some changes i would like to see someday in the future
please share your opinion and what you would like to see in DL

i hope some people of STS read this to get some ideas of it

i thank you for your time reading and have a nice day =)Wew nice nice :)
Cinco plz look into these.
Pvp practice arena in guild hall*

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

01-24-2019, 12:18 PM
You are just a noob. Lol jk

01-24-2019, 01:11 PM
hello folks
i have been playing this game for quite some time now, and throughout the years i have been thinking about changes to the game of my own
i would love to share these with the DL Community and hear all thoughts on the idea's me and some friends have came up with.

First i want to bring you back all the way to the start and by that i mean

The tutorial

personally the tutorial is well made but it surely skips some important things a new player should know
like how to sell stuff properly in sanctuary
how to talk in guild chat (this took some time for me)
tell them in some dialogue how forge works
the tutorial is kinda outdated with all the updates that came thoughout the years

next thing i really wanted to see is

character customization

something that makes everyone in the game somewhat different
for instance
let us choose the color of our eyes
this is a small example of making everyone in the game feel like they have a somewhat unique character
let there be a beard option for men

Tiny Bio's

there is some space left on the right side of your screen above your KDR so why not fill it up with some Bio about yourself
like your birthday, name, where u live
for example
you can type anything you want in that Bio (except for hate speeches ofcourse)


there was once a rumour saying there would be new PVE maps on the way..
that rumour was 3years ago and we still got our final boss Harg'Kyth who now only takes 2-3 hits from any Elder relic weapon.
i would enjoy fighting some hard to kill zombies, witches,werewolves or .... Rock..monsters...?
but there also could be some new enemies like other vampires
and some other maps the beach/school/etc could be great map idea's

Guild improvements

let there be a Practice room for PVP in a guildhall with training dummies
(the kills won't count on the KDR ofcourse)
if u wanna test some cool build you just made but u can't find a proper VS in Dm give us this option to practice if the build is actually good

guild announcements
Officer chat is yellow normal guild chat is green
let there be guild annoucement chat for bigger guilds like EOE CIB etc who have guild events very often
where the guild officers and master ofcourse can make announcements in a bright red colour so nobody can miss the message
/GA could be used and it stands for guild announcement and it would look something like this


PVP has been harder to get in lately for players who are new.
back in the day u could beat someone 1v1 using viper twins or elegant death but that is just gone now.
luckily i haven't missed a single pvp related event so far
But there is really something that bothered me with the last weapon event..
last halloween u could find a new Elder relic blood,moon and shadow gem and 6 new weapons
one of the weapons being blackmetal razors
this weapon gives u a total of 35armor (wich is allot and important in pvp)
my biggest problem with this event was it was all luck based and 0 reward for trying your best like other events
i farmed till 55k points didn't find a single weapon while seeying other players getting 2 or 3 is just heartbreaking
especially since i have been very busy and couldn't farm more than that
but even worse some people on the leaderboard ended up finding nothing wich is just kinda bs if u ask me

see this luck based event has his negative and positive things
positive - u don't need to spend gold on it
- u can find 2 if u are lucky enough
- u don't need to farm more if u have it
- new pvp players can join easily once they find it
- everyone can get it
negative- the price is now 300 000 000million gold for a weapon that could be found by anyone
- u can try your best but u have chance u will never get it
- if you are busy irl it will become a challenge against time
- hard works doesn't pay off

personally i don't like the luck based events but i'm sure some people enjoyed it

and last thing fix the wall bug in CTF
some people will take the flag out with them making it impossible to end

So these were some changes i would like to see someday in the future
please share your opinion and what you would like to see in DL

i hope some people of STS read this to get some ideas of it

i thank you for your time reading and have a nice day =)I personally think pvp scores should reset bc a lot of ppl fake their kdrs

Enviado do meu SM-J710F através do Tapatalk

01-24-2019, 01:20 PM
Agreed about the wall glitch. Please fix it asap. It's been here for years. About time it's fixed.

01-24-2019, 02:51 PM
I totally agree with this and you forgot to add a few things which I think should be added
• we should be able to choose our skin tone for character customization cause not all of us are white and everyone will agree with me in that
• the nightly reward system should be made inna way that on the 5th day you have your guaranteed 10 plat..Yeah I know sts needs the money but 10 plat isn't really a loss cause there are players who'll still spend tons to get plat ..I'm speaking about this in view of most of dl population..a whole lot of the players are students and teenagers and they don't have the money to pay for plat so a whole lot of them (myself included) have to do free offers which are not only time consuming but also are not guaranteed to pay out which is why I suggest that it should be made that way..if it's done we'll have plat for the necessary things like inventory slots,auction slots and stash
•finally new maps with bosses as strong as those in the withering realm should be brought in it will make the game more fun to play.
I hope this thread gets noticed and all our ideas get incorporated into the game
Thanks in advance
IGN- evildantee

Sent from my SM-J250F using Tapatalk

01-24-2019, 02:56 PM
hello folks
i have been playing this game for quite some time now, and throughout the years i have been thinking about changes to the game of my own
i would love to share these with the DL Community and hear all thoughts on the idea's me and some friends have came up with.

First i want to bring you back all the way to the start and by that i mean

The tutorial

personally the tutorial is well made but it surely skips some important things a new player should know
like how to sell stuff properly in sanctuary
how to talk in guild chat (this took some time for me)
tell them in some dialogue how forge works
the tutorial is kinda outdated with all the updates that came thoughout the years

next thing i really wanted to see is

character customization

something that makes everyone in the game somewhat different
for instance
let us choose the color of our eyes
this is a small example of making everyone in the game feel like they have a somewhat unique character
let there be a beard option for men

Tiny Bio's

there is some space left on the right side of your screen above your KDR so why not fill it up with some Bio about yourself
like your birthday, name, where u live
for example
you can type anything you want in that Bio (except for hate speeches ofcourse)


there was once a rumour saying there would be new PVE maps on the way..
that rumour was 3years ago and we still got our final boss Harg'Kyth who now only takes 2-3 hits from any Elder relic weapon.
i would enjoy fighting some hard to kill zombies, witches,werewolves or .... Rock..monsters...?
but there also could be some new enemies like other vampires
and some other maps the beach/school/etc could be great map idea's

Guild improvements

let there be a Practice room for PVP in a guildhall with training dummies
(the kills won't count on the KDR ofcourse)
if u wanna test some cool build you just made but u can't find a proper VS in Dm give us this option to practice if the build is actually good

guild announcements
Officer chat is yellow normal guild chat is green
let there be guild annoucement chat for bigger guilds like EOE CIB etc who have guild events very often
where the guild officers and master ofcourse can make announcements in a bright red colour so nobody can miss the message
/GA could be used and it stands for guild announcement and it would look something like this


PVP has been harder to get in lately for players who are new.
back in the day u could beat someone 1v1 using viper twins or elegant death but that is just gone now.
luckily i haven't missed a single pvp related event so far
But there is really something that bothered me with the last weapon event..
last halloween u could find a new Elder relic blood,moon and shadow gem and 6 new weapons
one of the weapons being blackmetal razors
this weapon gives u a total of 35armor (wich is allot and important in pvp)
my biggest problem with this event was it was all luck based and 0 reward for trying your best like other events
i farmed till 55k points didn't find a single weapon while seeying other players getting 2 or 3 is just heartbreaking
especially since i have been very busy and couldn't farm more than that
but even worse some people on the leaderboard ended up finding nothing wich is just kinda bs if u ask me

see this luck based event has his negative and positive things
positive - u don't need to spend gold on it
- u can find 2 if u are lucky enough
- u don't need to farm more if u have it
- new pvp players can join easily once they find it
- everyone can get it
negative- the price is now 300 000 000million gold for a weapon that could be found by anyone
- u can try your best but u have chance u will never get it
- if you are busy irl it will become a challenge against time
- hard works doesn't pay off

personally i don't like the luck based events but i'm sure some people enjoyed it

and last thing fix the wall bug in CTF
some people will take the flag out with them making it impossible to end

So these were some changes i would like to see someday in the future
please share your opinion and what you would like to see in DL

i hope some people of STS read this to get some ideas of it

i thank you for your time reading and have a nice day =)

I honestly would love to see everything mentioned here, added to the game.
It would make everything alot more fun and better, especially the guild annoucements part. I would do anything for that to happen since I myself lead a massive guild of over 11k members.
Guild annoucements as ( /GA ) is a great idea as to make what you type with it stand out. Guild chat is in green and even when officers and master talk in it it shows as green still, so it would also be a nice idea if when Master types in guild chat it shows as a specific colour and when officers type it shows as a different colour than Green also, and green stays for the members and recruiters. This happening especially for officers would make it alot better, so everyone can know each others Rank/Position in the guild without checking the list since it can be hard to check in a big guild.
This would give becoming an officer alot more ''cool'' as simple said as that

01-24-2019, 04:01 PM
I did indeed forget to mention to add new skin colors thank you for the reminder! I will change this asap also i like the other points you made and i will add these here aswell

01-24-2019, 04:03 PM
I did indeed forget to mention to add new skin colors thank you for the reminder! I will change this asap also i like the other points you made and i will add these here aswellas a black man i would apreciate that skin color option ^^

Enviado do meu SM-J710F através do Tapatalk

01-25-2019, 11:59 PM
I honestly would love to see everything mentioned here, added to the game.
It would make everything alot more fun and better, especially the guild annoucements part. I would do anything for that to happen since I myself lead a massive guild of over 11k members.
Guild annoucements as ( /GA ) is a great idea as to make what you type with it stand out. Guild chat is in green and even when officers and master talk in it it shows as green still, so it would also be a nice idea if when Master types in guild chat it shows as a specific colour and when officers type it shows as a different colour than Green also, and green stays for the members and recruiters. This happening especially for officers would make it alot better, so everyone can know each others Rank/Position in the guild without checking the list since it can be hard to check in a big guild.
This would give becoming an officer alot more ''cool'' as simple said as thatHaha

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