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View Full Version : Unfair Event LB?

01-24-2019, 01:38 PM
Just saying this before the event starts. I couldn’t play much during the trial period of the Swamp Temple Challenge, was busy in rl. But from what I hear the idea of a LB system in this event is kind of wrong. This one doesn’t test a player’s resilience to persevere through lb but rather decides who will ace the event by the mere decision of OP party they decide to run with. This way a few individuals will get most of the positions in the lb and others won’t even have a chance. Rogs have rare mire arti drops, wars still have to struggle with random pt. Most people don’t have even 3/3 mire sets because of rarity let alone 6/6. People with new weps and gears will immediately win this one. So this comes out as rather unfair. Idk if sts fixed and changed stuff before today’s release; but I am hoping they did.

01-24-2019, 01:42 PM
Just saying this before the event starts. I couldn’t play much during the trial period of the Swamp Temple Challenge, was busy in rl. But from what I hear the idea of a LB system in this event is kind of wrong. This one doesn’t test a player’s resilience to persevere through lb but rather decides who will ace the event by the mere decision of OP party they decide to run with. This way a few individuals will get most of the positions in the lb and others won’t even have a chance. Rogs have rare mire arti drops, wars still have to struggle with random pt. Most people don’t have even 3/3 mire sets because of rarity let alone 6/6. People with new weps and gears will immediately win this one. So this comes out as rather unfair. Idk if sts fixed and changed stuff before today’s release; but I am hoping they did.

Well for war thing i quitted cuz of pt problems

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01-24-2019, 01:46 PM
You would think they would have added ring to raids by now, guess they forgot or something idk.

We will see but this event is more than likely going to be severely one sided.

01-24-2019, 03:15 PM
Mire set of 3 can be easily achieved with buying dex armor, helm and str amu. So far I've only seen evidence of shadow arti drop from infested swamp and 0 proof from hydra. I think ppl say hydra drops it to make ppl lose their time while merching shadow arti themselves.

And this event is kinda elite. There are 0 bosses in 1-9 wave and after wave 15 you have them every 2 waves. So loot gain change has geometric progression. This is even more unfair for pugs/tanks

01-24-2019, 03:24 PM
Totally agree..

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01-24-2019, 03:42 PM
During the trial period I found this particular comment by a mage so frigging hilarious. It went something like "is it just me or is this challenge going to be dominanted by rogues lmfao".

So imagine the rest yourself.

And yeah mire set boost in the event was a bad call imo.

01-24-2019, 10:42 PM
Its ok if sts give us some event like this in my opinion, there is people who cant get any banner or title from prev events because you need literally run 24/7, here not and i appreciate it, its true who got best gears wins, and people will be partying only best geared people, but u gotta have some organization and skills too anyway and its nice to have a event like this sometime.

01-24-2019, 11:38 PM
People spend billions on gears and farmed/merched or plat to get those gold and now they are getting what they deserve. Be happy for them.

01-25-2019, 01:22 AM
People spend billions on gears and farmed/merched or plat to get those gold and now they are getting what they deserve. Be happy for them.

I'll try to break it down and explain why I think it is not really fair to have the mire buff in the event. It is okay if you disagree, everyone has their opinions

* People are getting their value for money in PvE zones for their mire sets already - Festerfang swamp, deep marsh, Hydra, etc.
* Events are launched for everyone to play, but this event is not one that can be played by just anyone. If you study the lb it will be the more or less the same people you see
* Players op- ness varies for XYZ reasons like- weapons, artis, sets, awakenings (because this a variable). Not everyone can have the same awesome gears because players differ in terms of the resources they possess (gold)
* There is a difference caused in gameplay already because of the numerous variables I mentioned above.
* Adding the buffs increases this gap more between players

Although I like how this new system of lb has been designed (where you have to beat your best score), this brings me back to my point where I said that an event is for everyone to play. So, in a nutshell it seems that the event is saying that unless you are rich or well-geared you will get nowhere. Everyone should get a shot at lb instead of creating a rift no?

01-25-2019, 02:41 AM
I understand and value your opinion and think you have some very good points but...

I'll try to break it down and explain why I think it is not really fair to have the mire buff in the event. It is okay if you disagree, everyone has their opinions

* People are getting their value for money in PvE zones for their mire sets already - Festerfang swamp, deep marsh, Hydra, etc.

People spent 150m+ getting the set when it came out then sts nerf gl from hydra and people lost over 100m on set. Now they arent worth running anymore. Arti drop too rare, hard to sell and not much profit. There isnt much to get from deep marsh for the gold spent and very time consuming. Even lvl 50 spirit was not worth all the effort but now it is not the most Op weapon anymore.

* Events are launched for everyone to play, but this event is not one that can be played by just anyone. If you study the lb it will be the more or less the same people you see
I think you are confusing this event with major events like Winter, Halloween and Ursoth etc. Those are for everyone to play but this events is not released for everyone. This event is aimed at people who are Lvl 67-71 because it is end game content. This is a perk for all the work people put into levelling so they can play and enjoy the event. LB is not meant for everyone. But These people are extremely active and play a lot so I am not surprized they are the same people getting positions since they are constantly learing and creating better strategy to do better.

* Players op- ness varies for XYZ reasons like- weapons, artis, sets, awakenings (because this a variable). Not everyone can have the same awesome gears because players differ in terms of the resources they possess (gold)

Everyone has the same chance of making gold in Arcane Legends. If they didnt farm/merch//buy plat etc enough to make gold for OP sets, it is their own fault.

MMO's are not designed to be fair. A few people will always have advantage over others.

01-25-2019, 02:46 AM
I disagree with regards to the leaderboard, it should be whoever is best, wins. Simple as that.

Having said that this event does leave a lot to be desired for everybody but lb runners, simply because there is no desirable loot again (OK H Sam but that's not a realistic loot drop for 99.9%) imo it would be nice to see some of the more coveted mire pieces in the event vendor (huge amount of tokens also non tradeable) and as drops from event bosses.

Personally i like the event and reward structure, but would like to see more f2p loot if nothing else to keep the event busy.

01-25-2019, 03:09 AM
I disagree with regards to the leaderboard, it should be whoever is best, wins. Simple as that.

Having said that this event does leave a lot to be desired for everybody but lb runners, simply because there is no desirable loot again (OK H Sam but that's not a realistic loot drop for 99.9%) imo it would be nice to see some of the more coveted mire pieces in the event vendor (huge amount of tokens also non tradeable) and as drops from event bosses.

Personally i like the event and reward structure, but would like to see more f2p loot if nothing else to keep the event busy.

I agree. Vendor needs mire artis, belts and rings. Even if for for 6666 tokens.

Luciano Lobo
01-25-2019, 03:39 AM
I think this event is more relied on skills playing the game rather than gear. Ofc gear gives you a big advantage on this event but without skills when playing, timing changing gears or pets and knowledge of the best mechanics and builds you will not advance too much. Im talking about solo runs in this case. On groups this is multiplied by 4. Im pretty sure there are lots of good or well geared players who dont have knowledge on what to do in this scenario. I dont have overpower gear but somehow Im fighting my way to the lb cause in this case is not about using event elixirs or farm event essences and playing non stop. Even though I think the boss (the shaman) in this event needs a tune cause Ive found that is not fair that the spawning mobs are based on luck. Sometimes you get a full spawning of giant skeletons and sometimes you just have little ones. And there is no difference between enhaced or non enhaced, you just relied on luck when you reach the boss. It would be great to tune this a little.


01-25-2019, 03:46 AM
I agree that a mire ring/belt should be added, let it be 10k tokens and untradeable. I see no possible way im going to be able to spend all these tokens, and im not evem farming the event hard.

Also wondering if the recipe will be like the winter recipe, "cannot craft after event", even though still to this day we can craft them.

Hero sam is cool and all, and maybe there is something else that drops.. But its just weird and disheartening seeing only a recipe in the vendor.

Add just one thing to vendor please! There has to be something u can let be obtainable for 6 days..

Also, with events like this.. Leachers just go afk, dont attack or are next to griefing runs with their lack of interacting with the pt. Please somehow find a way to stop this. I know i can just make a pt, but sometimes its nice to meet new people too..

Cant wait for lovecraft :).

01-25-2019, 07:54 AM
I disagree with regards to the leaderboard, it should be whoever is best, wins. Simple as that.

Having said that this event does leave a lot to be desired for everybody but lb runners, simply because there is no desirable loot again (OK H Sam but that's not a realistic loot drop for 99.9%) imo it would be nice to see some of the more coveted mire pieces in the event vendor (huge amount of tokens also non tradeable) and as drops from event bosses.

Personally i like the event and reward structure, but would like to see more f2p loot if nothing else to keep the event busy.

I'm also 100% with it. Even for a f2p is a doable (and even profit event).

I would love to see mire belt and ring, however is not a must (and by a long shot) since you can have mire 3/6 easily + arc ring (from raid tokens) + spirit wep and arc arti. Are you going to be mega-super-hyper high end DPS/HP, surely not but with a good parti you should be able to get to 20+ waves.

If you want to be "dressed" in high end, then you need to invest yourself in a way of another (via Plat, or time for farming, or time for merching). There isn't other way, same as IRL (you want a branded T-Shirt to work for paying for it).