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View Full Version : Ideas!

11-30-2011, 09:02 PM
I have some ideas for classes. I want more classes, but you may go with 3 if you like.

Knight: Tank, defensive, focuses on Vitality.

Shaman: Damage, Casts spells, focuses on Mind power.

Priest: Healer, Casts healing spells, focuses on Holy.

Rogue: Damage, fast, not many spells, focuses on Stealth.

Dancer: All-rounded, Does almost all things, except weaker, focuses on Grace.

Skills! As mentioned in above.
Vitality: Defense increase, HP restoration increase, Health increase.
Mind Power: Spell damage increase, MP restoration increase, Mana increase.
Holy: Healing effectiveness increase, MP restoration increase, Mana increase.
Stealth: Speed (dexterity) increase, Better luck, Damage increase.
Grace: Everything except smaller.


Whips ( A thing for dancers!)
Shields (not really a weapon but its something)
Shurikens (ninja stars) (for rogues)!
Hope you like :)

PL Playa
11-30-2011, 09:11 PM
These seem strangely similar to WoW classes
But it still sounds like a great idea for classes if they make a game that these classes would suit

11-30-2011, 09:26 PM
These seem strangely similar to WoW classes
But it still sounds like a great idea for classes if they make a game that these classes would suit

I do agree these sound like classes from some other MMO's, but I would like to see these in PL and SL :).

11-30-2011, 09:27 PM
Would this be for PL or DL, hopefully not SL, but for PL that might work. The devs probably won't make anymore classes for SL or PL.

11-30-2011, 09:54 PM
Having vanity whips and PvE whips would be awesome.

11-30-2011, 11:46 PM
Oh oops i didn't know WoW had these classes. I thought i was original lol

11-30-2011, 11:48 PM
Does sound close to WoW but still good