View Full Version : Guildbattle

02-02-2019, 12:11 AM
Alright so if you run against the red line in certain places before the guildbattle starts, it will let you walk over the barrier, now I made a thread about it before but it was minor because it seemed to bump you back over the barrier 2 seconds after you crossed it, but I tried it again and if you continue to push against the barrier eventually you will completely pass it and it won’t bump you back, and you can walk all over the map, and even go to the other sides barrier and pass over it too, so you may be able to attack the opposing guild before the guildbattle even starts.

Link to previous thread: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?440880-Guildbattle-glitch


^here is me after I passed over the barrier, in the 2nd ss you can see I’m on the inside of the map trying to run to the outside.

02-06-2019, 11:54 AM
This should be fixed in the next update.

02-07-2019, 11:29 AM

/11 char