View Full Version : Suggestions and Bugs of 1.7.5

12-01-2011, 03:33 PM
Since I have more suggestions than bugs, I will just make one thread:

First of All:

Tiny Chat, for me on iPhone 4, iOS5.


I think spam is a harsh word, I would say ask:


Already on the Menu so it should just say [Store]:


I wouldn't use the word, "Allocate" I would just say "Move" Or "Rearrange" or "Position":


Whats a Gemstone Proc?


I would just say "Strategy":


I think this should say "Spawn":


Should say "Tap the [Store] Icon to purchase Platinum"


The button now reads "Mute", not "Ignore":


YouTube Allows Icon use? Just looking out and the URL cuts off:


I would consider revision as it looks like one sentence and is read awkwardly:


I would say, "Concentrate on killing the minions before attacking the Boss":


"Cog" Is a weird word for that sentence, I would say "Settings" or "Shield":


All of these don't state how to use the command, I would put "Type (Command whatever it may be) in the chat bar to......":


Text cut off:


I would consider removing the word "Keep":


This should say "Bear Tip" instead of just "Tip":


Possibly spell out "Experience" rather than "XP"?:


I believe you don't need your mouse and can use keys, no?:


We can't friend PL on Facebook, but we can Like :) This may be nothing just a suggestion is all:


I wouldn't say "From your" I would say "In" or consider revising:


This sentence confused me at first, consider revising:



-I didn't see a Slide about PL on Google Chrome
-Something explaining what the trade Icons look like would be nice
-"Alien Oasis II Plasma Pyramid drops lots of gold." Would be a cool slide.
-Explain what Platinum is.

Also, I get a sound of a cash register when I log out.

Although a lot of people on here are going to 'frown' upon me and say "I didn't know you were an english major, /sarcastic", I'll say in advance that it's the little things that make the game smoother and more welcoming to newer players.


12-01-2011, 03:49 PM
i agree with you on these points

12-01-2011, 03:51 PM
wow lots of suggestions

12-01-2011, 03:51 PM
Dang....... That's a lot of points, I agree with all of them, and especially on the mute instead of ignore, because then people think they are muting you from everyone

12-01-2011, 04:03 PM
Courtesy of some overly geeky player:


12-01-2011, 04:06 PM
There are some great suggestions in here. We'll definitely look to change a few of these around.

I'll address some of these others as best as I can, but, here a few:

"Mages are great healers, don't be afraid to spam it." - This refers to spamming the heal button; not spamming the healer with tells.

"Allocate..." - See definition. This is a common term for spending and re-spec'ing skill points. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/allocate)

"Strategery..." - This is a joke. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategery)

"Meathead only pawn in game of life." - This is a joke from a famous movie by Mel Brooks. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRma7PDW10)

"Mages and Archers: Keep..." - This is saying, "Hey, Mages and Archers, you should keep moving while fighting."

"Tip: Bears..." - This tip is for everyone, though. There are some players who play archers who may not understand who is the tank, why, and how they tank.

Experience vs XP - We very commonly use XP instead of experience. When you get a kill it shows XP over your head, for instance.

Chrome - Most players are probably using Chrome with a mouse and keyboard, as is typical of the WASD format of gaming. This tip just applies to them.

Facebook - Just an implication to come "like" us and to follow our Facebook feed. We consider our players our friends! =)

Hope that helps clear some of these up.

I definitely see a way we can fix the /commands and clear up the Magic Mirror. Great catches, WoundedEagle.

12-01-2011, 04:10 PM
There are a few spelling errors, but there are some that it should leave the way it was.

Here are some that does not need fixing from above:

3rd picture: You can purchase platinum by tapping [Menu] > [Store] - Some people probably don't even know that they are even at the menu. It's best to lead them from start to finish.

2nd picture: Mages are great healers. - There is nothing wrong with the sentence. I have a level 64 pure int. mage, soon to be 65, and I've notice that there are many mages out there that doesn't even use heal unless only themselves are injured.

There are many above that does not need fixing. It's just another way of explaining the sentence, but in conclusion, it is the same meaning. Although, there are some (such as Trash Heaps), I do not understand fully. This is what they should review at.

12-01-2011, 04:16 PM
Text cut off :o GASP!
Perhaps make the text size a bit smaller?

12-01-2011, 04:20 PM
Text cut off :o GASP!
Perhaps make the text size a bit smaller?

You can still read what is written but making the text size a little smaller would benefit everyone.

12-01-2011, 07:29 PM
Suggestion: there's a distinct difference between tips and in-game advertising. I don't want to see 'tips' like, 'Birds look cool (something like that) in sombreros." Won't be long before all sorts of plat items get mixed in with the tips.

12-01-2011, 07:40 PM
Honestly I think all of tht is like why does he care so much -_-

12-01-2011, 07:41 PM
But it is a tip lol. If you think about it, it says bears look cool in hooch hats. Those aren't plat. Devs are just advising you that oh... I think this item looks cool on archers. Even if you have a different opinion, it is just opinions.

12-01-2011, 09:13 PM
Can we have an option to turn them off, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase?

12-03-2011, 04:46 PM
Im at the picture of him lol