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12-01-2011, 03:42 PM
Why I want to pull my hair out 2.0

-Spawning in next to your opponents is an issue, and them spawning and rushing you at low health is as well. Would be nice to get a little regen boost after each kill or something,

-Rushers are insanely bad as people aim for position on LB's. Organized locked games are a must to prevent grey hair at a young age.

-Leaderboards are tainted already with kill boosting. Nothing can be done to prevent it.

-1v1 map is definately needed. Eliminates having to give excuse why you don't want to give PW to everyone who asks you.

-Was seriously hoping for two builds, since my Operative PvP build does me no good in PvE.

-No class is OP, despite what people say, they're just reasoning with themselves on why they're dying. Engineers even do well if you know what you're doing. Also, some skill bugs such as com's nebula, and gravity well don't work as intended. Gravity well is why lurch should be a strategic move. Then again, gravity well should be about 2x more powerful in PvE too.

-Doesn't show who's on opposing team like PL does, this needs to be changed, you should always be able to glance and see if teams are even. I hear this is a bug.

-Level span is too big, 28's can join 36's games, 28's dont stand a chance.

-Knockdowns should stop opponent skills and attacks from happening while opponent is on their back.

-If you haven't attacked yet, you should be able to leave the game without sacrificing a death, even if 3 opponents are hammering on you. This was my first death, getting rushed by a trio of 36's, I left before they killed me and still got a death. Also, in 1v1, if I leave too soon after winning a match to get full health and rejoin, I get awarded a death upon exit.

I'm happy overall with the beta, I'm having alot of fun testing builds and trading info with my team, and challenging other guilds to matches. Make sure you Password Lock Your Games unless you're prepared for people to come blasting without warning. PUGs are like a speed dating event. Love ya and leave ya, lol.

Hope my feedback was as helpful as possible, although like I said, It's the players, not the Dev's who need to make some changesx for the most part.

12-01-2011, 03:49 PM
I agree whole heartedly Eb. I was expecting much more but hey its still in its beta stages.

Also, I just wanted to point out that heals aren't that useful when you're in a very unorganized group. Im one of those people who lag on my phone despite tweaking my options so perhaps thats why I died in the middle of my heal ticking... But still, ENGs are helpful only when we got good team players at our sides. If I do try PvP again, I will be picky as hell on who I am partying with.


12-01-2011, 03:57 PM
It is pretty much PL PvP brought over to SL. It has all the same limitations and problems as PL PvP does. We do have a CTF map in work, so that will add something else to it.

We know that PvP needs rewards & more organized gameplay. But hey, people have fun with PvP in PL without those, so we thought we could offer the same up for SL.

12-01-2011, 03:59 PM
Nothing can be done about rushing. I tried one game of pub PvP to see whether people would carry over the accepted norms from PL PvP, but it was still terrible.
It is what it is.

That's the point of having password protected games.

Also, people shouldn't care about the underlying meaning of PvP leaderboards. Back in PL days, the good PvPers never cared about them. I know numerous players who have just as much deaths as kills in PvP but they could just beat almost anyone.

And I love the current damage scaling. It isn't the same with PL wherein the fight takes 3-5 seconds. SL PvP actually allows you to incorporate more tactical gaming instead of skill spamming. Each class can beat the other with the right spec and playing style.

Overall, PvP is pretty damn good considering it is only at beta stage.

12-01-2011, 04:07 PM
I'm with ya on the two builds!


12-01-2011, 04:31 PM
I really thought it would be different from PL.
I guess just copy paste eh. :eek:

I guess we cant get rid of rushers.
I dont mind gettin rushed by one... two or more well...

At least we got a playground map to test skills/weapons/gears :D

12-01-2011, 04:40 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I put this together in my spare time because people wanted it. There is so much more that needs to happen to make it a "fair" experience. I hope to keep iterating on PvP as time allows. CTF mode and bug fixes will come first with quality of life improvements as I can steal programmer time to help me fix them.

I spent a good deal of time balancing out the PvP to be reasonable. I think it's much more fun than PL over all. PL is all about 2 seconds of alpha skill spam while with SL PvP is much more a tactical slug fest.

I certainly can't and won't please everyone, but I do plan to keep improving on this basic PvP offering.

As for the Engineer comment. Your heals are amazing. Try unloading some damage on your target, rooting them enemy, and then backing out of range to heal. I think you'll find you're a 1 v 1 power house. In a group setting your heals keep the operatives up significantly longer, and make commandos defense machines.

Oh one more general tip. I've found using a 1h and shield is more effective overall. I'll talk with the design team about how we can balance this out more in the future.

Thanks again for all the feedback!

12-01-2011, 04:43 PM
-Rushers are insanely bad as people aim for position on LB's.
We have some ideas for tackling this issue in the future.

-1v1 map is definately needed.
More maps will be coming, this is the earliest beta version.

-No class is OP, despite what people say, they're just reasoning with themselves on why they're dying. Engineers surprisingly do well if you know what you're doing.
Engineers were by far the strongest PvP class before we started balancing. Their various heals made them pretty indestructible.

-Doesn't show who's on opposing team like PL does, this needs to be changed, you should always be able to glance and see if teams are even.
Good catch.

-Level span is too big, 28's can join 36's games, 28's dont stand a chance.
Joining PvP instances is buggy right now, we're working on a fix.

12-01-2011, 04:45 PM
Just out of curiosity, and due to the decently high expectations of PvP in SL, if the SL PvP is just a cut out of PL PvP, why was it held off for a few months?

Not to be critical or anything, just wanted to share my personal expectations that since the PvP system was held off, unique and new stuff were being done towards it.

12-01-2011, 04:46 PM
Nice new sig flip :).

12-01-2011, 04:48 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I put this together in my spare time because people wanted it. There is so much more that needs to happen to make it a "fair" experience. I hope to keep iterating on PvP as time allows. CTF mode and bug fixes will come first with quality of life improvements as I can steal programmer time to help me fix them.

I spent a good deal of time balancing out the PvP to be reasonable. I think it's much more fun than PL over all. PL is all about 2 seconds of alpha skill spam while with SL PvP is much more a tactical slug fest.

I certainly can't and won't please everyone, but I do plan to keep improving on this basic PvP offering.

As for the Engineer comment. Your heals are amazing. Try unloading some damage on your target, rooting them enemy, and then backing out of range to heal. I think you'll find you're a 1 v 1 power house. In a group setting your heals keep the operatives up significantly longer, and make commandos defense machines.

Oh one more general tip. I've found using a 1h and shield is more effective overall. I'll talk with the design team about how we can balance this out more in the future.

Thanks again for all the feedback!

I just gave it a try, and it was a lot more fun then the PVP in PL I was used to. Since SL is a faster paced game in general, I think that really brought out the excitement in the PVP. Though, I will admit I do NOT use buffs in SL at all, so that made it have a better flow then the PL 'wait for buffs, OK attack, wait for cool down'.
Only prob I have seen so far is not knowing how many people are on the other team (to know if it is fair).

:note to original poster, that game may have been started by a lower level player. In PL, the span is 5 levels in BOTH directions, so if a 60 starts, it can have players as low as 55 and as high as 65.

12-01-2011, 05:02 PM
Nice new sig flip :).
Thanks! ArtStar gave it to me as a present.

12-01-2011, 05:30 PM
Thanks for addressing my concerns guys, I understand it's still in Beta stage, just was less than impressed at the way people were playing it I guess.

That and I hear everywhere I go that Engi is underpowered, I'm like heck no it ain't!

12-01-2011, 05:39 PM
Why I want to pull my hair out:

-Spawning in next to your opponents is a major issue.
Agreed, it's an issue for them if your team is still alive lol :p Guy spawning with all skills and full health. Could also be bad if you're the only one there.

-Rushers are insanely bad as people aim for position on LB's.
I've got no problem with rushers really...no rules, and having "honor and pride" on the internet is well...having honor and pride...on the internet. 1 v 1 is the only solution to this.

-Already busted a certain well known guild kill boosting, nothing can be done to prevent it.
Doesn't bother me, my stats are on my account, don't need leaderboards

-1v1 map is definately needed. Eliminates having to give excuse why you don't want to give PW to everyone who asks you
Agreed. Good way to learn the mechanics before charging into team battles too

-Was seriously hoping for two builds, since a proper Operative PvP build does you no good in PvE.
Agreed. Although for most of my builds I changed like 1 or 2 things...and I've died once and have a leave game 'death'...and a lot of kills.

-No class is OP, despite what people say, they're just reasoning with themselves on why they're dying. Engineers surprisingly do well if you know what you're doing.
Operatives dominate anything under 30 from what I've seen so far. Commandos came close to killing me 1v1 a few times...engineers stood 0 chance. Might have just been TERRIBLE players, but one girl was decent from what I could see...killed her before she could even get my hp dented. My 26 op has gotten 7+ kills in every game I've played thus far...and that's out of 10

-Doesn't show who's on opposing team like PL does, this needs to be changed, you should always be able to glance and see if teams are even.
Agreed. Should be able to view all players before joining a pug. Joining a game with no engineers and poorly equipped players is quite annoying

-Level span is too big, 28's can join 36's games, 28's dont stand a chance.
Levels should be held to armor categories. Take the base armor level (35, 30, 25, etc) and add and subtract 2. There's your groupings. Different for under lvl 5, but it's a start. I believe this best spreads out the armor/skill differences and gives everyone an ALMOST fighting chance. Maybe even put 35/36's, and update to current cap when it's time, in their own game because let's face it, that's the top of the food chain and it's not fair.

-Knockdowns should stop skills and attacks from happening while opponent is on their back.
Skills: yes, Attacks: no. Should be SOME benefit to knocking down your opponent, but they should still be able to defend themselves with some kind of attack because otherwise commandos would dominate.

-If you haven't attacked yet, you should be able to leave the game without sacrificing a death, even if 3 opponents are hammering on you. This was my first death, getting rushed by a trio of 36's, I left before they killed me and still got a death.
AGREED. Should be able to leave without a death REGARDLESS of what you've done, but you should be penalized somehow because people will do it to not get a bad kdr. They should not be allowed to join another pvp game for like 10 or 20 minutes. They might think it's worth it for a while...but playing every 20 minutes would become very annoying. I didn't know about this leaving death and I left a 1 v 1 game after I killed the kid WAY too easily 3 times in a row. He had ZERO chance. Felt bad, left - first death. What if you cared about KDR and you had an irl emergency? Or had to step away for a second. Your account is messed up because you have real life problems? Explain how that's fair? =\

My ideas not already discussed above:

- guild specific pvp matches (much later date obviously as it's beta)

- a game similar to Gears of War's "Warzone" where you only get 1 life per game. 5 v 5. Last team with players standing wins. Can have multiple rounds with the same people. Very quick games.

- a game similar to Juggernaut from one of those fps games (Halo I think?) where it's a free-for-all. No stats are taken because it's a frantic game. Juggernaut is picked at random at the start. The juggernaut tries to kill everyone. Everyone gangs up on the juggernaut. You are awarded points for getting kills as the juggernaut, and as the juggernaut only. This means killing the other players is pointless, as even though it's FFA, they're technically working with you. When the juggernaut dies, the person who got the kill becomes the juggernaut. The juggernaut should get a big increase to armor, health, mana, attack power, etc. I think this would be a fun way to have some hectic games (perhaps 6-8 people per game??) without worrying about rushers, stats, boosting, complaining, etc.

12-01-2011, 05:43 PM
Does this mean theres hope For better PVP in PL?

12-01-2011, 05:56 PM
Also, people shouldn't care about the underlying meaning of PvP leaderboards. Back in PL days, the good PvPers never cared about them. I know numerous players who have just as much deaths as kills in PvP but they could just beat almost anyone.
Overall, PvP is pretty damn good considering it is only at beta stage.

so true,some of the best pvpers wernt even on leaderboards.

12-01-2011, 07:17 PM
Woot I am!! The leaderboards wont load the pvp kills though, which is a bummer :(

12-01-2011, 07:40 PM
Why can we not see how much health our opponents have? This is a problem for me. I would like to be able shift focus to a player with low health when I need to.

Woot I am!! The leaderboards wont load the pvp kills though, which is a bummer
This is likely due to the fact that it is still in beta form.

12-02-2011, 04:51 AM
The worst part about it is it's nothing STS can fix since it boils down to 70% of the people PvPing in SL this second, are cheapshotting, rushing, ganging up, and boosting, and rushing/cheating/dishonourable play can't be fixed with a patch.

Yeah the players are a bit ridiculous, I've been invited to several games with one team full and as soon as I join the other they all rush me so I'm forced to quit. This can be fixed with a password though, inviting mature players. It's hilarious how people rush to the top of the leaderboard real quick the cheap way like that. Especially with it in beta form. When the k/d gets wiped that's where the true leaders rise to the top. :]

12-02-2011, 04:52 AM
Thanks! ArtStar gave it to me as a present.


12-02-2011, 09:23 AM
I enjoyed pvp in PL, and I'll have to say that I think even this basic beta works very well. The fights are longer and the classes are all pretty even. I enjoy joining random games with 5 players already, and unleashing a much havoc as I possibly can. (no, I still don't rush) ;)

12-03-2011, 03:07 PM
It is pretty much PL PvP brought over to SL. It has all the same limitations and problems as PL PvP does.

Sooo basically you copy/pasted the code for pvp from pl to sl and added 1 map?..

smh http://www.throwlights.com/images/smilies/megusta2.png

12-03-2011, 03:41 PM
Sooo basically you copy/pasted the code for pvp from pl to sl and added 1 map?..

smh http://www.throwlights.com/images/smilies/megusta2.png

While I know for a fact you are a smart guy, you are clearly not a programmer ;)

12-03-2011, 03:54 PM
While I know for a fact you are a smart guy, you are clearly not a programmer ;)

heheh I know there is a lot that goes into it, i was just being a exaggerated troll


12-03-2011, 05:45 PM
I think this is true, but the Devs will definitely be aiming to improve PvP, I am not a huge fan of PvP mainly because of people saying that they are better than so and so