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View Full Version : Ebon Aegis vs Terror Blade

02-11-2019, 08:14 AM
Hello guys, I'm in a doubt about what weapon should I use. I am not PvP, and most of the time I'm farming in ESG or Mauso... I want to know if does it worth to trade TB for Ebon Aegis just for PvE? Is Ebon Aegis so much better than TB?

Thank you.

02-11-2019, 08:35 AM
tried to run with many those RICH PRO WARRIORS who has ebon aegis (in maus, deep marsh and temple event; for esg it doesnt matter which weapon u have), as rogue/mage i like more warriors who use tb, warriors with ebon totally useless and every time when i meet that aegis i thinking why didnt i just invite 1 more dps (rogue/mage), also that ebon aegis proc 1shotting rogues in pvp, and i guess it will be nerfed in future. with tb u can control big packs of mobs; with ebon aegis u waiting to be lucky to get proc in time and then deal some damage by reflecting, if u want go solo - buy ebon, if wanna be useful warrior - tb. and good luck with reflecting if ur party using breeze/mishi/nekro + good mage with stuns :D

02-11-2019, 09:22 AM
Go for ebon Aegis.
Why? Because it’s a weapon u can use for every difficulty. It reflect so much dmg that this weapon is useable for a few expansions.

For those who think u need to be lucky to proc: Use every Dmg Skill and it will proc often. For even more procs use magma AA.

It hits also like a truck against boss, for example in Mauso I can hit the boss around 5-6 times for a proc and he is dead. Be sure u keep Aggro like Sky smash and Axe, so u can reflect dmg.

It’s up to u :)


02-11-2019, 10:23 AM
For those who think u need to be lucky to proc: Use every Dmg Skill and it will proc often. For even more procs use magma AA.

ye, thats why i told about warrior as tank and as damage dealer, warriors comming to maus even with 3 damage skill + jugg and starting to try deal damage + magma instead of tanking and making pulls of mobs... not everyone can avoid curse + many people lagging to use glow/nilbog in time. just my opinion: if i need damage dealer i'll prefer to invite rogue or mage, no need warrior with ebon for dd; if i feel that my party need tank - it means my party need warrior with tb for pulling, with skills for stuns and defensive pet AA (not magma ofc)

02-11-2019, 12:18 PM
I been using TB for about week now and I Luv it! Being able to have so much control with Mobs/Bosses with high Proc Rate Pulls is nice. I have bought 2 Ebon Aegis before last Hotfix, hesitant of buying it a 3rd time, already wasted 93m and not sure if the current state of the weapon proc is going to stay or be nerfed.

02-11-2019, 04:00 PM
I been using TB for about week now and I Luv it! Being able to have so much control with Mobs/Bosses with high Proc Rate Pulls is nice. I have bought 2 Ebon Aegis before last Hotfix, hesitant of buying it a 3rd time, already wasted 93m and not sure if the current state of the weapon proc is going to stay or be nerfed.

Yeah, probably I'll wait sometime before buy one for me.

02-11-2019, 04:08 PM
Both are more than good for maps you farm. I had TB for more than year, now i use aegis. My advice: best to have both Tb and Ebon Aegis. There is one issue with ebon aegis proc. Each stun/taunt/knock back from any player/pet literally kill effectiveness of aegis proc.

02-11-2019, 05:45 PM
If you run with a party with no stuns ebon is pretty great but that pretty much makes all mages useless and stun pets too, also requires your party to have to change their setups just for running with you. If you have good ping you can use tb and ebon together, pull with tb then proc ebon to kill but you need to be fast. Tb still better overall and for the price I think, still testing stuff with ebon...

02-11-2019, 08:17 PM
agree TB + ebon mix combo is the best ... dont leave the mobs scattered around it is hard to kill in maus ... some archers are hidden if not pulled 1 AS anyone can die

02-13-2019, 08:54 AM
if you have much gold just buy tb and ebon aegis. but i love TB weapon it is unstoppable proc

02-13-2019, 04:56 PM
If you run with a party with no stuns ebon is pretty great but that pretty much makes all mages useless and stun pets too, also requires your party to have to change their setups just for running with you. If you have good ping you can use tb and ebon together, pull with tb then proc ebon to kill but you need to be fast. Tb still better overall and for the price I think, still testing stuff with ebon...I have ran with ebon warriors, and everytime the whole party was useless. They run in ahead and kill everything (and it was a high geard mage/rogues) very not fun to play with. But i guess if u dont wanna rely on anyone u use ebon

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02-14-2019, 10:07 AM
I would give third option. When spending 30m you can get a good spirit weapon. Tb was my favorite but now its outdated. Yes op pulls with tb but your doing no damage at end game . You can pull with spirit and do damage for those times your not in an op party. I miss being able to pull at will but don't miss hitting something for a half hour waiting for health to drop.

02-14-2019, 10:29 AM
I would give third option. When spending 30m you can get a good spirit weapon. Tb was my favorite but now its outdated. Yes op pulls with tb but your doing no damage at end game . You can pull with spirit and do damage for those times your not in an op party. I miss being able to pull at will but don't miss hitting something for a half hour waiting for health to drop.

tb's vortex deals much more damage (if u keep enemies on vortex) than spirit, lol

02-14-2019, 11:32 AM
Best test to know which sword is the strongest imo is to solo timeskeeper's crypt first wave of mob and first boss, i have test tb, ebon aegis and ebon sword, i have sold tb and ebon aegis and i have kept only the ebon sword, i personally find the ebon sword to be the best of all 3, it does the most damage and the DOT proc is really nice, tb dont output enough dmg as capeo have said and ebon aegis proc is tricky as when your pt do a lot of stun and freeze the proc is way less useful.

But it's all about personal taste of gameplay i guess

02-15-2019, 04:28 PM
solo wars - i can't comment, not play war endgame, so not my topic.
but for pt play - i personally never call a war in maus if he doesn't use tb (,or at least spirit). stopped calling all friend wars that sold the tb and switched to (any) 71 arc wep.
(sry, but my personal opinion is - its probably better without war, if he doesn't pull.
and btw - the op is in my fl and the reason for this is - he uses tb.)

02-15-2019, 04:32 PM
Ebon op in pvp

02-15-2019, 04:41 PM
I would give third option. When spending 30m you can get a good spirit weapon. Tb was my favorite but now its outdated. Yes op pulls with tb but your doing no damage at end game . You can pull with spirit and do damage for those times your not in an op party. I miss being able to pull at will but don't miss hitting something for a half hour waiting for health to drop.
Hmm. I have owned a Lvl 50 Spirit Sword before TB. It was not bad. The Proc Rate is much lower than TB. And the pull is slower, needs a mob to hit to even proc, and less control v.s TB Pull. It didn't feel at all it was doing more damage then TB current wep. Didn't Proc a lot during boss fights either. Tbh it almost felt like NM Aegis overall DOT + Proc Rate did more damage than Spirit Proc DOT + Proc Rate.

02-16-2019, 12:54 PM
Honestly a good rogue with 50 spirit wep is better for the mage then a tb war. If all you want is pull no reason to have tb in party.

For pull tb is king. If you, as a war, want to run hard maps your doing no damage with tb. Not the pull or dps or overall damage.

Spirit proc doesn't do significant damage or healing but base damage is better. It does pull so thats a plus.

Ebon weapons deal significantly better damage base and proc but dont pull. I miss pulling mobs but not as much as enjoy killing stuff. I like to have a mage or rogue with spirit wepon to pull. If not just do it the old fashioned way before weapons pulled.

On a side note. Multiple pull weapons in a map is a riot. Like playing pinball with mobs bouncing all over the map.

02-16-2019, 04:18 PM
" If you, as a war, want to run hard maps your doing no damage with tb. Not the pull or dps or overall damage." Ok good to know thanks for the heads up lol! #NoBuffs #NoMire #IncompleteStats


02-17-2019, 12:03 AM
Wow nice stats. Didn't realize this was you until now. Good to see you again. Last time you and your buddies ganged me and a random rogue 5-2. Didnt even wait for us to call. Keep up the good work:)


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02-17-2019, 12:16 AM
Capeo Capeo ...Capeo. Last time lol? So that's the only time we have clashed in pvp cmon now lmao. And your right we didn't wait for you...with all the Lobby Blocking and Ganging C.U was doing at Lvl 71 (And we have it all on video :) ) you guys were kill on sight plain and simple. Nice try though. And nice stats to!

02-17-2019, 12:49 AM
These guys are low-key trashtalking right now lmao

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02-17-2019, 02:00 AM
Lol. All jokes aside I'm all smiles, Pvp is dead at Lvl 71 anyways there is no bad blood on my part. Now I can just relax with my Girl and do Pve again. I could not pvp with armor this low so it's fun to do this High HP Low Armor build with stats now, and see how far I can push things Pve wise. A lot of great tanks: Bruiizer, Marros, TheWolfbull, Capeo, and Pat D have left good feedback in thread. Feedback that will help other tanks in game in future with what path weapon wise they would want to go. Or what weapons they will want to test.

02-17-2019, 06:00 AM
Just coz a guild had a couple of bad apples do not mean all are bad. I saw videos made by both sides. Both video producers should be ashamed of what they produced.

02-17-2019, 07:12 AM
Tyvm bro <3

02-17-2019, 08:05 AM
If u prefer good stat use ebon sword i used aegis before that proc very cool but i prefer try hard with my sword and high damage :) but tb still the best proc if u play w team https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190217/e98482a9b52c33e9a6cfe64f099067fb.jpg

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02-17-2019, 12:40 PM
I ran swamp with 3 wars with ebon weapons and they were dropping everything before I could even touch it. I am a rog...

Just saying ebon weapons changed the game for warriors. They can now clear maps as good as any class using ebon weapons...

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02-20-2019, 01:38 PM
Ideally you want to use both ebon weapons to be most effective. Run ebon sword for clearing mobs, as the proc is very consistent down and one proc will take half health from any affected mobs in end game maps. The proc can affect multiple mobs, in a single charged attack (yes, I know the fog area affects one mob but you can generate multiple fog areas at once). For bosses aegis proc is still best then switch back to sword when you have ultimate. This strategy has been working best for me in the event area and end game maps.

02-20-2019, 10:03 PM
Tb! Tb! Tb! Tb! Tb! Its better for farming mous and esg - keep tb all these comments dont know anything about warrior / better u tank and pull

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02-21-2019, 01:23 AM
i really hate ebon warrior running away in maus and not tanking leaving dps to die .... at least TB warrior they have to do their part in maus

02-22-2019, 07:02 PM
A good war stays with the pt or group no matter what weapon they have. No different than any other player or class. Its rude to run off but that is the player not the class or weapon.