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12-01-2011, 09:48 PM
Don't like rushers?
Hate being rushed?
What do you think would be a good way to prevent this??

Here is an example of how to stop rushing

I'm with you on rushing. It's lame here because there is no form of waiting till everyone is ready. It would be great if when joining a game you could choose a team enter the map. But no dmg can be done until everyone clicks "ready to play".

Suggestions below! Lets make SL pvp nothing like PL pvp, no rushing:)

12-01-2011, 09:53 PM
Revolution! I never had a bad PvP experience in SL yet. But if I see trouble I can boot pretty hard. :D

12-01-2011, 09:55 PM
Or this, though explained in many threads.

You think y'all could make the spawn portals like a safe zone that u can exit but not return to so that while your waiting for your team to arrive u don't get rushed

12-01-2011, 09:58 PM
Revolution! I never had a bad PvP experience in SL yet. But if I see trouble I can boot pretty hard. :D

Trust me buddy, booting them makes rushers real mad lol.

Or this, though explained in many threads.

You think y'all could make the spawn portals like a safe zone that u can exit but not return to so that while your waiting for your team to arrive u don't get rushed

Yes Ty bud I forgot to add that!

12-01-2011, 10:01 PM
Revolution! I never had a bad PvP experience in SL yet. But if I see trouble I can boot pretty hard. :D

How do you boot something you can't see :p

Yes Ty bud I forgot to add that!

No problem, if this was implemented it would help alot!

12-01-2011, 10:04 PM
Or perhaps, just perhaps, players could sacrifice their K/D ratios to improve their skills enough to be able to play the way the game it is, instead of trying to make everyone else play by their rules.

12-01-2011, 10:07 PM
Or perhaps, just perhaps, players could sacrifice their K/D ratios to improve their skills enough to be able to play the way the game it is, instead of trying to make everyone else play by their rules.
LoL get off your high horse. Join a game. And join the team with less players. Example the team with no players. Get rushed by 3 guys. Learn to play better? Gimmie a break.

Posts like yours irk me to no end.

12-01-2011, 10:09 PM
Ever seen how it's done in WoW? Pretty much teams gather separately until both sides fill up and a count down takes place... Once door opens for both sides, game on!

12-01-2011, 10:13 PM
LoL get off your high horse. Join a game. And join the team with less players. Example the team with no players. Get rushed by 3 guys. Learn to play better? Gimmie a break.

Posts like yours irk me to no end.

Getting rushed by one player is different then getting rushed by three. At least I think is. I could be wrong, it might be the same. Hmm, sorry, my bad.

12-01-2011, 10:17 PM
Let me reiterate what I said. When I play the PvP, I tell everybody to wait for the signal at the beginning of the game. When both sides are even and we all say "ready", we try to murder each other. I suggested a small room or something to occupy us while waiting or spectating in a safe zone in a different thread. I've never had one person disregard me asking them to hold up for the others. I hate booting and if I did I would be inviting them back in my reason why telling them to think over what they did and that they are welcome to return. So far the PvP in SL is WAY better than the PL one.

12-01-2011, 10:21 PM
Alls fair in love and war

12-01-2011, 10:47 PM
Or perhaps, just perhaps, players could sacrifice their K/D ratios to improve their skills enough to be able to play the way the game it is, instead of trying to make everyone else play by their rules.

If you're going to do these kinds of replies, please don't post on here anymore. I take it your pro-rushing, so go play an all rusher game. This is for the people against rushing, so please I ask refrain from these kinds of replies. All this will do is cause a flame war, your a GoA so you can understand you should stop. I'll only ask once.

Let me reiterate what I said. When I play the PvP, I tell everybody to wait for the signal at the beginning of the game. When both sides are even and we all say "ready", we try to murder each other. I suggested a small room or something to occupy us while waiting or spectating in a safe zone in a different thread. I've never had one person disregard me asking them to hold up for the others. I hate booting and if I did I would be inviting them back in my reason why telling them to think over what they did and that they are welcome to return. So far the PvP in SL is WAY better than the PL one.

I wish all players listened like that! :/

12-01-2011, 10:50 PM
Ever seen how it's done in WoW? Pretty much teams gather separately until both sides fill up and a count down takes place... Once door opens for both sides, game on!

I've done a few games like this. Gather ur 3v3 then FFA (free for all) till one team hits 10 kills then redo

12-01-2011, 10:58 PM
If you're going to do these kinds of replies, please don't post on here anymore. I take it your pro-rushing, so go play an all rusher game. This is for the people against rushing, so please I ask refrain from these kinds of replies. All this will do is cause a flame war, your a GoA so you can understand you should stop. I'll only ask once.

Javi you can't make these kind of threads and then tell people they can't have the opposite opinion...There are two sides to this, and both sides deserve to be said, be it through actual...paragraphs...or witty sarcasm-driven comments. Fluffnstuff makes a very valid point in the fact that the only reason everyone is complaining is because they're dying. If people were rushing and you still killed them, the these threads wouldn't exist. I personally would find it very lame if every time I wanted to fight someone I had to play 20 questions with them before I could attack. Where's the fun in that? If I wanted to play turn based combat I'd play one of those script all-words rpg games. You're in pvp, it's kill or be killed. If you're in my zone, I'm gonna take you out, and I'm sure not going to warn you first. Don't join the game if there aren't people on each team. I sat in the little pick teams page for a while today waiting for it to fill.

Sometimes a counter-attack defense is better than a rushers offense. Gotta be ready for both. Rushers come in and spam skills to try to get you. Have a counter defense ready, and if you die, so be it. Respawn, and go again.

12-01-2011, 10:58 PM
Let me reiterate what I said. When I play the PvP, I tell everybody to wait for the signal at the beginning of the game. When both sides are even and we all say "ready", we try to murder each other. I suggested a small room or something to occupy us while waiting or spectating in a safe zone in a different thread. I've never had one person disregard me asking them to hold up for the others. I hate booting and if I did I would be inviting them back in my reason why telling them to think over what they did and that they are welcome to return. So far the PvP in SL is WAY better than the PL one.

Once you say 'go', it is on till the ten count, right? There is no 'wait till my cool down on such and such skill is done' or 'wait for my health to regenerate after I kill you'? If so, that is cool. I might be mistaken on the definition of rushers.

12-01-2011, 11:25 PM
Javi you can't make these kind of threads and then tell people they can't have the opposite opinion...There are two sides to this, and both sides deserve to be said, be it through actual...paragraphs...or witty sarcasm-driven comments. Fluffnstuff makes a very valid point in the fact that the only reason everyone is complaining is because they're dying. If people were rushing and you still killed them, the these threads wouldn't exist. I personally would find it very lame if every time I wanted to fight someone I had to play 20 questions with them before I could attack. Where's the fun in that? If I wanted to play turn based combat I'd play one of those script all-words rpg games. You're in pvp, it's kill or be killed. If you're in my zone, I'm gonna take you out, and I'm sure not going to warn you first. Don't join the game if there aren't people on each team. I sat in the little pick teams page for a while today waiting for it to fill.

Sometimes a counter-attack defense is better than a rushers offense. Gotta be ready for both. Rushers come in and spam skills to try to get you. Have a counter defense ready, and if you die, so be it. Respawn, and go again.

Its not that u don't want him not posting, I just don't want post that lead to a flame war.

I really don't care if I die, as many have said its kill or be killed. I really don't have a problem if I get rushed, I know I'll get up and fight back. The problem is a spawn rush, a rush while fighting someone else, and a team of rushers.

Being given some of the suggestions above would at least let you be ready.

Teams in safe zones*
Red team: You guys rush?
Blue team: Yes be ready to be rushed.
Red team then has the option to stay and fight the rushers or leave.

Like I said 1 on 1 rush no biggie, because once you respawn you know you'll be rushed so you'll be ready. If you die again you know to improve.

A 1 on 1 rush won't cause spawn rushing, because the team will step in. Once the team steps in, the rushers team steps in. Then it turns into FFA, which I have no problem with either. Once you see you have been rushed you can either stay or leave. On PL I personally don't leave if I'm being rushed, I fight back. Only time I leave is if the opposing team is spawn rushing or I'm outnumbered due to my team bailing on me.

Now you said only reason these threads exist is because people are dying? I can partially agree and disagree.

Yes some do make these threads. I'm not one of them. You may think I am because I got rushed and killed so I made the thread correct? Well that's partially correct. I only died twice against rushers. 2 deaths of rushing don't matter to me, I can care less. The thing that bugged me is the fact that it pvp was just released and there's many rushers. I made the thread so we can stop the rushing, before it becomes a team rush on spawn. As I said above and many time before. If you're rushed 1 on 1 that's fine, team rushers is what I have a problem with.

This thread is for ways to prevent these kinds of rushing. You play fair at the beginning, after that its anything goes. If you don't like it you can leave the game.

Please leave any posts that may cause a flame war in my inbox. I'll be glad to discuss that on a pm, because this is for suggestions not discussions my dear friends. :)

12-01-2011, 11:26 PM
Javi you can't make these kind of threads and then tell people they can't have the opposite opinion...There are two sides to this, and both sides deserve to be said, be it through actual...paragraphs...or witty sarcasm-driven comments. Fluffnstuff makes a very valid point in the fact that the only reason everyone is complaining is because they're dying. If people were rushing and you still killed them, the these threads wouldn't exist. I personally would find it very lame if every time I wanted to fight someone I had to play 20 questions with them before I could attack. Where's the fun in that? If I wanted to play turn based combat I'd play one of those script all-words rpg games. You're in pvp, it's kill or be killed. If you're in my zone, I'm gonna take you out, and I'm sure not going to warn you first. Don't join the game if there aren't people on each team. I sat in the little pick teams page for a while today waiting for it to fill.

Sometimes a counter-attack defense is better than a rushers offense. Gotta be ready for both. Rushers come in and spam skills to try to get you. Have a counter defense ready, and if you die, so be it. Respawn, and go again.

In that whole paragraph there was no constructive feed back regarding the OP's post, so that would be called a flame/troll post. Ofc Jav has the right to control his thread, if you want to counter it then do so, but always have input on the thread subject to help in some way :p

Heck, I voiced my opinion on someone's post before and told me to stop flaming and to go to the rules lol, then out of nowhere every post in that thread was deleted, and the person I was kind of defending as they also wanted to voice their opinion quit the guild and joined theirs... haha fun times I guess.

The whole term Rushers is being misused/understood by the sound of it, seems like others have a different opinion on the meaning. The type I have been talking about is 3 players waiting for a new spawn pretty much as soon as you join, they kill you nearly instantly you re-spawn they do the same, no waiting on 3 players to join etc, or I have been in a match when its 1v2 as I join (2v2 to make it even) then momentarily that player quits and joins the other side and rushs you, as you have no chance to even spawn.

I think the no dmg area is a great idea, though maybe to even it out as soon as the match is 3v3 then the no go zone ends and its a full FFA.

12-01-2011, 11:29 PM
Once you say 'go', it is on till the ten count, right? There is no 'wait till my cool down on such and such skill is done' or 'wait for my health to regenerate after I kill you'? If so, that is cool. I might be mistaken on the definition of rushers.

After the team says go, anything goes. If they're just doing 1 on 1 like on PL that'd a different story.

12-01-2011, 11:38 PM
In that whole paragraph there was no constructive feed back regarding the OP's post, so that would be called a flame/troll post. Ofc Jav has the right to control his thread, if you want to counter it then do so, but always have input on the thread subject to help in some way :p

The whole term Rushers is being misused/understood by the sound of it, seems like others have a different opinion on the meaning. The type I have been talking about is 3 players waiting for a new spawn pretty much as soon as you join, they kill you nearly instantly you re-spawn they do the same, no waiting on 3 players to join etc, or I have been in a match when its 1v2 as I join then momentarily that player quits and joins the other side and rushs you, as you have no chance to even spawn.

I think the no dmg area is a great idea, though maybe to even it out as soon as the match is 3v3 then the no go zone ends and its a full FFA.

That up there scroll up if you can't see it but just a teencie weencie bit, look ^^. That is what I think a rusher is and what I don't like.

I totally agree on your suggestion, if they made that well I'm good with it. You can ask to other team if they want to FFA before the actual match starts. If they don't want to, well than I guess it'd be 1 vs 1 fights.

12-01-2011, 11:51 PM
Taking away the ability to attack whoever whenever is WAY too limited and I'd never play an sts game if that happened. Rushers r just something u hVe to deal with. It makes pvp interesting. Standing around waiting for everyone to be ready would take away the excitement and pvp drama and a lot of people even those complaining now will get bored of pvp. Pvp was better before one vs one. It was just enter an arena and fight. It was a TEAM EFFORT TO WIN. And people weren't worried about their precious virtual stats

12-01-2011, 11:55 PM
Awe someone likes my idea

12-02-2011, 12:04 AM
Taking away the ability to attack whoever whenever is WAY too limited and I'd never play an sts game if that happened. Rushers r just something u hVe to deal with. It makes pvp interesting. Standing around waiting for everyone to be ready would take away the excitement and pvp drama and a lot of people even those complaining now will get bored of pvp. Pvp was better before one vs one. It was just enter an arena and fight. It was a TEAM EFFORT TO WIN. And people weren't worried about their precious virtual stats

Not exactly, if all come in game 3v3 then its a FFA until that ten count, hows that limited, seems just more of a fair way, PvP stats don't bother me one bit, its way to easy yo die your not going to see a 0 death massive amount of kills PvP'r as its Player v Player.

The other vs are going to be added at a later date that's not exactly going to change. All the players rushing to get a high kill count may get the LBs wiped after beta anyway, this is to test out and find where it can be improved. Not this is the end product so lets leave it how it is, as all Dev have been saying Beta is to check for bugs and how these can be better and more fair than STS PvP ever has.

If you read the other threads Thade explains he put this together with some spare time he had, mostly a cut a paste, though tweaking area's he found classes would have a massive advantage.

Can we have some positive feedback/suggestions of what could improve the game for the better, rather than people wanting it to stay in Beta mode and never evolving.

Awe someone likes my idea

Hehe, yup ;)

12-02-2011, 12:05 AM
Taking away the ability to attack whoever whenever is WAY too limited and I'd never play an sts game if that happened. Rushers r just something u hVe to deal with. It makes pvp interesting. Standing around waiting for everyone to be ready would take away the excitement and pvp drama and a lot of people even those complaining now will get bored of pvp

Not really, I play pvp to test my skills. Yes its fun to test your skills if your rushed, but if its a team rushing you or spawn rushing you not much skills you need to know you'll loose. Fair pvp is fun, in PL that's all I do, if some rushes (even on my team) I tell them to stop. If they don't I tell them to fight me fair. If they win I tell them they're good and they don't need to rush, but most tell me they're scared to go 1 on 1 because they think they'll loose. When my teammate rushes I tell him/her to stop, if they don't I a request a team change with the person being rushed. Once I'm on the other team I tell the rusher to go, I rarely loose this way bc the people they usually rush is someone lower lvl players.

Can we have some positive feedback/suggestions of what could improve the game for the better, rather than people wanting it to stay in Beta mode and never evolving.

Yes this is why I made this thread in the beginning. Yet all we have is a discussion on rushers lol. Please like I said above if you want to discuss anything pm me about it and we can discuss it there. This thread is for suggestions please let us leave it this way

12-02-2011, 11:25 AM
In that whole paragraph there was no constructive feed back regarding the OP's post, so that would be called a flame/troll post. Ofc Jav has the right to control his thread, if you want to counter it then do so, but always have input on the thread subject to help in some way

This made me LoL. I agree whole heartedly.

12-02-2011, 11:47 AM
IMO, the only way to really prevent rushing is through total separation of
both teams. Basically:

1. Both teams start on separate ends.

2. Opposing teams cannot enter the other team's start point (much like the respawn point of CTF maps).

3. Respawn points are in your team's respective start point.

4. Just to be even safer, you get a 3 sec invulnerability buff when you respawn. Using any skill breaks this.

5. Once you leave spawn/start point, there's no going back unless you die.

6. A PvP match can only start with both teams being equal.

Sounds pretty strict to me. Next you'll have people come here saying that PvP is now too boring and slow because of all these changes.

12-02-2011, 11:51 AM
We know that PvP could be better if there was more structure to it. Like FPS games, with a lobby, match making, auto team balancing, etc. There is the desire to improve the game with such features in the future, along with rewards for PvP. But, at the moment we don't have those features ready to go, so until such time, it's PvP just like in PL.

12-02-2011, 11:59 AM
We know that PvP could be better if there was more structure to it. Like FPS games, with a lobby, match making, auto team balancing, etc. There is the desire to improve the game with such features in the future, along with rewards for PvP. But, at the moment we don't have those features ready to go, so until such time, it's PvP just like in PL.

I agree, PvP definitely has a lot of potential.

What keeps me loyal to the current PvP system (fights mainly) is its aspect of being very casual friendly. You can have a go at PvP as fast as you can have a go at PvE.

The only thing that I dislike about all the formality that the features like lobbying, match making, team balancing, etc, is the amount of time it takes. I know through experience that to set up a really good match-up through these features would take a lot more time compared to the quick PvP system now.

Now that STS games are breaking through the PC platform though, it may be very effective. For the mobile, I personally wouldn't find it as effective.

12-02-2011, 03:32 PM
We know that PvP could be better if there was more structure to it. Like FPS games, with a lobby, match making, auto team balancing, etc. There is the desire to improve the game with such features in the future, along with rewards for PvP. But, at the moment we don't have those features ready to go, so until such time, it's PvP just like in PL.
Nice! Hey Sam I started a thread with some awesome ideas in it. So please take a look soon! :)

5 killstreak! *waits for the harrier*

12-02-2011, 03:37 PM
5 killstreak! *waits for the harrier*

Should probably get 2 more then ;)

12-03-2011, 05:08 AM
This thing from Starcraft Dota amazed me. When the teams are uneven, the other side is say 5% stronger, depending on what the ratio of players on each team are. Therefore, nobody will ever rush again of they will suffer the wrath of the 1 man team.

12-03-2011, 06:05 AM
rushing is a strategy guys (not one i like nor use) but it is a strategy leave it alone theres no way to stop it untill sts changes something which is when they find a way around it. good for mentioning suggestions but it is a strategy and very hard to stop just boot them if they are rushing you

12-03-2011, 11:46 AM
rushing is a strategy guys (not one i like nor use) but it is a strategy leave it alone theres no way to stop it untill sts changes something which is when they find a way around it. good for mentioning suggestions but it is a strategy and very hard to stop just boot them if they are rushing you

This kind of talk seems that you're not happy with it but think its okay to leave as it is. This is Beta!!! these suggestions are meant to help, so we all know about the 'strategy' but want ideas of how this can be countered.

Quite surprised at how many members just want to leave this as it is, this is the time (within beta) that we can get our idea's across or have our say, and some which the Dev see and agree with fully meaning possible to be implemented :)

12-03-2011, 12:08 PM
I have a suggestion, if it already has not been suggested.

Make two types of maps. One for FFA, One for 1v1.

I'm sure you can implement something into the coding that allows a player that is already being attacked unable to be attacked by another player. This would be implemented in the 1v1 map.

As for FFA, the current map should suffice, no?

12-03-2011, 12:14 PM
I have a suggestion, if it already has not been suggested.

Make two types of maps. One for FFA, One for 1v1.

I'm sure you can implement something into the coding that allows a player that is already being attacked unable to be attacked by another player. This would be implemented in the 1v1 map.

As for FFA, the current map should suffice, no?

1v1 has been mentioned. FFA has not. I think a CTF map would suffice to be the FFA map.

12-03-2011, 12:17 PM
I have a suggestion, if it already has not been suggested.

Make two types of maps. One for FFA, One for 1v1.

I'm sure you can implement something into the coding that allows a player that is already being attacked unable to be attacked by another player. This would be implemented in the 1v1 map.

As for FFA, the current map should suffice, no?

Exactly, im sure when more groupings are released this issue will lessen with 1v1,3v3,5v5 or FFA, and 'rushing' should drop.

Simple idea's are sometimes the most effective. (and easier to implement :p)

12-03-2011, 12:21 PM
1v1 has been mentioned. FFA has not. I think a CTF map would suffice to be the FFA map.

Nah lets keep PvP to PvP n CTF to CTF. Deserves a whole new discussion if we are taking CTF into consideration IMO.

12-03-2011, 12:24 PM
Nah lets keep PvP to PvP n CTF to CTF. Deserves a whole new discussion if we are taking CTF into consideration IMO.

In PL CTF, many consider it FFA. So why not let CTF be the FFA map? I'll make another thread later about CTF:p

12-03-2011, 12:34 PM
In PL CTF, many consider it FFA. So why not let CTF be the FFA map? I'll make another thread later about CTF:p

Really? Havent played it in PL :p

Thought a FFA was 1st to 10 kills, wouldnt CTF have another kind of counter meaning 1st 10 to get flag the opposite side. Or do players do this so they can just go on forever lol.

12-03-2011, 12:38 PM
Really? Havent played it in PL :p

Thought a FFA was 1st to 10 kills, wouldnt CTF have another kind of counter meaning 1st 10 to get flag the opposite side. Or do players do this so they can just go on forever lol.

Lol some of us go into CTF to fight forever.
Its pretty fun, but you can also play CTF for what its for lol.

First to capture the flag 5 times wins, kills don't matter. I saw the other day after a CTF match ended, that some people had over 100 kills in that one game lol.

12-03-2011, 09:00 PM
Ugh.. all that comes to mind when I hear CTF is Warsong Gulch. If that's what we can expect then there better be a X/minute map time.

12-06-2011, 11:24 PM
I used to play a game called Anarchy-Online, very similar to SL but an extremely extensive version. Pvp works perfectly there where players can fight anywhere in a lobby but can only fight each other when they have *'s next to their name. This is done by targetting a guard (pressing a button in SL would be more sensible). The *'s last 5 minutes and after that time they dissapear, hence PvP ends for that player and cant be attacked until the guard is targetted again or he continues to attack his opponent. It keeps alot of peace in A-O and players learned to respect the system alot more. Maybe this could be implemented into SL somehow?

12-11-2011, 07:18 PM
here is how i stop rushing. if i see someone coming at me when my team isn't full, i leave. i'm not in combat yet, i dont get a death, and even if i do, idc because the rusher isn't getting a kill. if everyone did this, the rushers would have nobody to rush. don't take this to mean i condone leaving in the middle of a fight. when i join a run, it becomes apparent very quickly if my opponents are rushers. i may not have the best k/d, but i'm proud of it because it's honest.

12-11-2011, 07:32 PM
here is how i stop rushing. if i see someone coming at me when my team isn't full, i leave. i'm not in combat yet, i dont get a death, and even if i do, idc because the rusher isn't getting a kill. if everyone did this, the rushers would have nobody to rush. don't take this to mean i condone leaving in the middle of a fight. when i join a run, it becomes apparent very quickly if my opponents are rushers. i may not have the best k/d, but i'm proud of it because it's honest.
This is the truth. Honesty is what lacks in online communities. It's like moving to a town where no one knows you. You can be who ever you want. But you will always know it's a lie.

04-13-2012, 09:54 PM
They now did that in DL, they make you wait till its 3v3 and then you can start o.o takes forever but its worth not getting ganged:( DL pvp is hard enough dont need to get ganged on :!