View Full Version : Ebon Weapons Discussion

02-24-2019, 03:12 PM
This is sort of a continuation of a thread I made talking about the Ebon Staff: https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?442630-Curious-About-Ebon-Staff-See-This!&p=2932277#post2932277
The TL;DR of that thread was that the reflect proc on the Ebon Staff has some situations that can render the proc useless and it doesn't fit in with what mages do.

Additionally, here's what the Ebon Staff does well and what needs to be worked on (discussed in the ebon staff thread):

The Good
1.Reflect damage is great
2.Mana regen
3.Procing on skill damage and staff damage
4.Best Stats

The Bad
1.Reflect's weaknesses:
-A tank skill for someone that isn't strong at tanking
-Warrior's taunting
-Extremely low level enemies
2.Health regen kinda can't keep up

I want to expand the discussion of Ebon weapons to all classes and see which weapons are good and which ones still need some fine tuning.

Adding on to the Ebon Staff discussion, I think the proc should deal damage to nearby enemies.

02-25-2019, 10:33 AM
Well i only tried the daggers, but from what i saw from players using it:

fortress:is quite strong and fits warrior theme.
Sword:okay i guess? I think its more for pvp
Daggers:very good in stats& proc
Bow:i didnt see it doing decent damage, in swamp it was barely half hitting a mob
Staff:this one dosent make sense for me becuase reflecting damage when u have "perma" stun/disable and arcane shiled plus the ultimate shiled,the heal isnt useful either unless it heals for 3k hp a sec
Gun:think most guns been like this, so its fine

Generally i think they can use a bit of tuning, for mage maybe the staff should get a whole new proc like casting your spells an extra time every 10 sec or something,works with the ultimate theme and is gonna be useful for single/aoe traget damage

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02-26-2019, 02:14 AM
Generally i think they can use a bit of tuning, for mage maybe the staff should get a whole new proc like casting your spells an extra time every 10 sec or something,works with the ultimate theme and is gonna be useful for single/aoe traget damage

I don't think the proc should be an entirely different proc since the reflect can get some serious hits in occasionally. I think it just needs have some form of guarenteed additional damage, like the one I mentioned above or making powerful explosion(s). Just something to make use of those 4 purple spinning orbs.

02-26-2019, 07:18 PM
Well.... they buff other ebon weapons time to take a look at the underwhelm ebon staff

02-27-2019, 04:52 PM
It would be nice to see daggers and staff proc swap. After all, rogues need the mana regen a lot more than mages.

Or swap staff with sword proc. This would give both war weaps reflect procs (since they are supposed to tank, not mages) and give both mage weapons damage procs (since mages are supposed to do damage).

Or just buff the proc of staff.

Mages are a dying class. Rogues are op and wars are capable of fast clearing both mobs and bosses. Mages are slowly becoming useless in almost every way.

03-01-2019, 06:30 AM
hey renim is sts looking into the staff problem?

03-01-2019, 09:41 AM
hey renim is sts looking into the staff problem?

That's how Remiem got recruited. STS had a staff shortage. Ba-dum-tss.

03-01-2019, 02:47 PM
So I suppose the only under performing weapon out of all of the Ebon weapons is the staff. Here's what I think would fix the Ebon Staff's problems:
1.Apply reflect to all allies
-Addresses warrior taunt
2.For duration of proc, staff attacks deal double damage, or has chance to
-Addresses other issues
3.Address health regen issue (Just possible solutions):
-Give damage reduction
-Double health regen
-Heal on reflecting damage

03-01-2019, 03:06 PM
So I suppose the only under performing weapon out of all of the Ebon weapons is the staff. Here's what I think would fix the Ebon Staff's problems:
1.Apply reflect to all allies
-Addresses warrior taunt
2.For duration of proc, staff attacks deal double damage, or has chance to
-Addresses other issues
3.Address health regen issue (Just possible solutions):
-Give damage reduction
-Double health regen
-Heal on reflecting damage

I feel like all the ebon weapons are “underperforming” aside from the daggs and aegis, at least given their price. Only problem is both mage ebon weaps are bad. War and rogue at least have one good one.

03-04-2019, 11:32 PM
forgotten post by STS ...

03-27-2019, 10:24 AM
"forgotten post by STS ..."
