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View Full Version : A compilation of ideas

02-27-2019, 02:16 AM
This thread is not a thread for changes on already existing things in the game unlike the other 20 threads being discussed rn. This thread is purely for fresh ideas that can be newly implemented in the future. Post your ideas below as well, but keep it short and sweet. Be creative.

Just some cool ideas I’ve had that I think could definitely be convenient.

Reverse CS-
Instead of selling items, you deposit gold for items you’re buying. The person with said item types in the name of the item they’re selling and boom. They sell it to the person buying and collect their gold.

Starter pet-
A pet that you start the campaign with that levels up alongside you to help in dungeons, just like in arcane legends. This would help bc of how difficult dungeons are now. There aren’t enough players playing low level to have full forest haven squads to run thru maps. If someone’s starting the game they’ve gotta just solo at this point.

Class specific ammy-
(best idea pls give it thought)
So level 29 and below birds and rhinos are basically worthless, which is unfortunate considering it is the most active pvp lvl. Since the alrdy existing amulets are fairly cheap and have very insignificant stats, I believe you could implement class specific amulets for each class to buff their weakness. Overall this would balance the level out. For example, give the bird a 10 armor / 15 dmg amulet, give mage 5 armor / 2 m/s, rhino 15 dmg / 50 mana.
This way we aren’t buffing op classes like mage too hard, but classes like bird can thrive again.

I’ll add more ideas as they come. Just a thought thread.