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View Full Version : What Pocket Legends Can Learn from Infinity Blade II

12-02-2011, 04:12 PM
Hello, all!

Like some of you, last night, I downloaded the long-awaited sequel to Infinity Blade (Infinity Blade II). You may wonder why this post is here, or what this has to do with Pocket Legends.

Read on, and you'll see.

Unlike most people, I wanted to wait until I loaded the game before having an opinion. Sure, the clips on youtube LOOKED fantastic, but as we all know from playing Pocket Legends, it is the gameplay which makes or breaks any game.

To get right to my review of Infinity Blade 2 - WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!

What Chair (development company of Infinity Blade II) state as minor bugs include:

* The game crashing your device (iPad/iPhone)
* Not being able to save the state of your game.
* Not being able to sell any equipment. This is a sneaky way to "force" people to buy gold.


Chair co-founder Donald Mustard recently talked to Gamasutra about the trying circumstances under which Infinity Blade 2 was developed. The whole kit-and-caboodle was created in a six-month crunch; Mustard explained, "We don't look at that like that's a good thing at all. We only did it because we definitely, passionately wanted to get the game done, and we wanted a little more in there."

Mustard added, exhausted, "I think in retrospect, having done it twice, that our development cycles are a little too short." He tiredly explained his team had to "death march kill ourselves" for the last two or three months, which is detrimental to the studio's longevity. "And so we definitely won't do that again," Mustard added, with great fatigue. "It's not worth the cost."


MANY people are quite upset at Chair, and you can bet there will be skepticism when Infinity Blade 3 comes out, or that people will wait a few months before deciding to buy this game. As difficult as it is for a company to gain a reputation, it is THAT EASY fo a company to lose that reputation, or to acquire a bad one.

THANKFULLY, this is not the case with Pocket Legends. I downloaded version 1.7.5 yesterday, and I love the tips and tricks to the game. In short, the developers at Pocket Legends GET what gaming is all about. On the other hand, rather than wait six months to test this game, instead, in essence, Chair is having people pay $6.99 to test their game for them. Their desire to make a buck has hampered their reputation.

What is fantastic about Pocket Legends is the administrators' and developers' willingness to listen to their customer base. That is one of many reasons as to why Pocket Legends is so successful. And for those irate players, I am suggesting to them that they try Pocket Legends. So, you may very well see HUNDREDS of new players.

Keep up the great work, guys, and thanks again for creating not only a game but an environment where players feel like part of a family.


12-02-2011, 04:15 PM
They listened to us alot more when I first joined. I guess things have changed though. They are more popular and are reeling in more dough so they don't rely on us as much as they used to but, yes they do listen to their customers alot more than other companies.