View Full Version : Thank you!

03-09-2019, 01:31 AM
I just wanna thank you al devs!
You made this event and many of my. Friends came online, even someone who i didnt talk with for 2years came online!
Remiem is what we need!

03-09-2019, 01:34 AM
Rework of pvp sytem at twink lv is what we need but have fun with your antenna .

Gesendet von meinem ZTE BLADE L7 mit Tapatalk

03-09-2019, 01:41 AM
Rework of pvp sytem at twink lv is what we need but have fun with your antenna .

Gesendet von meinem ZTE BLADE L7 mit Tapatalk

The problem is no longer the system anymore, but the gear existence is like myth, rarely seen in the market. I was twink too back then but hey endgame is fun.

03-09-2019, 01:49 AM
Well endgame is only fun if u like to farm the same pve maps over and over and spent ur gold on new set items every expansion or if u like pvp where u get one hitted by a rouge .
The other players had left no choice thats why many many players quit and im pretty sure sts realised that thats why they put out so many events to keep everyone playing instead of actually doing something for the community and listen to their ideas , i dont mean every idea like recoloured yeti set or this and that but pvp system was a big thing in AL and they killed it for making more money. And the lack of gear can be easily solved if they release a event like first ursoth where u could drop level specific gear. And awakenings are the problem in pvp tbh lv10 rouge with 1200 armor isnt how it should be lol mage lighting doing 2% dmg ..gg

Gesendet von meinem ZTE BLADE L7 mit Tapatalk