View Full Version : A little Appreciation

12-03-2011, 04:44 AM
(Before I start I wanna say this thread is meant to be taken seriously, but not to the point where you get offended. Im not talkin about anyone in particular, I'm just stating what I noticed.)

Dear members of the Sts forums,

I think it's about time we show a little appreciation for our devs. Every day they are trying to come out with something new to help solve everyone's problems at once. This is not an easy task.

Recently I tried to imagine what I would do if I was a dev. Honestly I realized I would eventually get fed-up with everyone and do what I and the other devs thought was best. I believe this is exactly what the devs are doing, what they think is best.

I also watch as more and more of the forum ideas get implemented in game. And what happens? There are more people complaining at the end of the day.

What am I getting at? Perhaps it's time we stop giving our brilliant opinions and just trust the devs. They are the ones who started all this epic crap in the first place! (Epic crap referring to this boss game Called PL) I'll never forget this quote, "opinions are like butts. Everyone has one and they all stink." nuff said XD

Am I saying not to give feedback and opinions? Of course not! Of course not! I'm just saying don't get all offended if the devs don't want what you want for the game. They got this.

What am I gonna do? I'm gonna sit back and say the same thing I say while watching my favorite football team, "Let's see da magic."

Anyways, let me be the first to say, Thank you devs for all that you do! I trust this game will get better and better! And I can't wait!