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View Full Version : Emma Still Heals!

12-03-2011, 07:33 AM
About three hours ago, my partner and I started to do some Fang bosses.

My partner and I did two First Floor runs duo and Emma did not heal at all, nor any of us die. On our third run, a bird died in the room and did not respawn (just afking dead in the room), then during 1/2 way of her health, she regain her health to full!

This has to be a bug. I thought Emma was not supposed to heal after the 1.7.5 Content Update.

12-03-2011, 08:55 AM
She's a stationary boss, but does leash and reset if you run out of the room. But if she healed during the fight then looks like she's still bugged.

12-03-2011, 11:39 AM
In the update it said she doesn't heal randomly anymore which implies she does still heal. Maybe you were doing something to trigger it.

Mount Fang: Aunt Emma should no longer randomly heal mid fight

Btw.. I did about 30 Emma runs last night and she didn't heal once... And yes people died.

12-05-2011, 11:11 AM
Emma *is not* supposed to heal at all.

If you found that she has healed, please, use the following link and show us how and explain the exact circumstances. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?42720-JSL-s-Guide-to-Reporting-Bugs)

The only time Emma will heal is if she is leashed. This means that everyone has ran out of her range (or is knocked out of range.) Doing so causes the fight to be reset.

Remember; if the fight resets for any reason (deaths, no one in range to fight her, etc.) this is *intentional.*

12-05-2011, 11:17 AM
I saw Emma heal last night. All five members were present in the room. Some of them died but noone was knocked out nor did anyone run out. The fight did take a few minutes as I was the only individual potted and we all know bears no good damge. :)

Thought this was a typical boss heal due to the length of the fight.

12-05-2011, 11:42 AM
I saw Emma heal last night. All five members were present in the room. Some of them died but noone was knocked out nor did anyone run out. The fight did take a few minutes as I was the only individual potted and we all know bears no good damge. :)

Thought this was a typical boss heal due to the length of the fight.z

Please use the link above. We need all relevant information to help us check it out. Thanks!

12-05-2011, 12:21 PM

Please use the link above. We need all relevant information to help us check it out. Thanks!

The link goes to a general guide on how to report. This is where you want it orbwas the wrong thread linked?

12-05-2011, 12:32 PM
I'm gonna guess he wants a new thread using that guide.

Though I don't see why you can't add, using his bug guide, to his old thread:

12-05-2011, 02:25 PM
When reporting a bug, it's important that you provide us with all relevant information.

Go look at the guide. Read it over. For instance; data gathering. It helps to know if you've heard others having the same problem.

Re-pro-ability, or your ability to re-produce the bug. If you can consistently re-produce the problem then we need to know the method in which it's done so we can see it ourselves.

The problem with bugs; we often don't have visibility with them. The more information you can provide, complete with screen shots or anecdotal evidence, the more likely we are to solve the issue quickly for you and other players.

Consistently re-producing the issue is your best bet to start. If you can say you can get it to happen 90-95 percent of the time then it's probably a problem. Otherwise, it could honestly be everyone stepping out of range and Emma re-setting.