View Full Version : Gold Elixers with longer times

12-03-2011, 08:59 AM
I think we need new gold elixers with a longer time limit. Perhaps 30k for 1 hour (@1.5x). It is kinda annoying to tap through menus every 5 min.:GB_bonesrock:

12-03-2011, 09:07 AM
Doubt it will happen since most probably means less Profit.

12-03-2011, 09:19 AM
Doubt it will happen since most probably means less Profit.

Profit from gold elixirs?

12-03-2011, 09:20 AM
Doubt it will happen since most probably means less Profit.

Profit from gold elixirs?
I think he means less profit for STS

12-03-2011, 09:23 AM
I think he means less profit for STS

Yeah, exactly. How is there less profit for STS when people spend more gold?

12-03-2011, 09:29 AM
Since he only refers to the 1.5 elixiers, which are available for gold, it doesn't mean less profit.
All the people running on 4x would still be purchsing those.

It would just make it easier for all those who decided to go for 66 without any plat pots, because they don't have to rebuy every 5min. :)

12-03-2011, 09:31 AM
Yeah, exactly. How is there less profit for STS when people spend more gold?

If gold elixirs become more 'attractive' to use, people will spend more gold on them. But in the same time, if people would buy more gold elix, they will buy less plat elix, hence meaning less profit for STS.

12-03-2011, 09:37 AM
If gold elixirs become more 'attractive' to use, people will spend more gold on them. But in the same time, if people would buy more gold elix, they will buy less plat elix, hence meaning less profit for STS.

The only thing that changes is, that you don't have to rebuy so frequently. Or is anyone using plat 3x or 4x pots for the only reason that he don't wants to do all this menu clicking...? The people who can afford and use plat pots do this to save time (I rarely see players with a plat pot other than trashers), and wouldn't reconsider using 1.5x instead of 4x, would they?

12-03-2011, 09:49 AM
If gold elixirs become more 'attractive' to use, people will spend more gold on them. But in the same time, if people would buy more gold elix, they will buy less plat elix, hence meaning less profit for STS.

Ah, in that perspective, I agree.

12-03-2011, 10:42 AM
The only thing that changes is, that you don't have to rebuy so frequently.

Making it more convenient is making it more attractive to buy IMO

12-03-2011, 10:44 AM
There used to be higher level elixirs for gold, but then they were changed to Plat :( so on the one hand maybe it is purposely inconvenient so you will buy a Plat elixir but on the other hand I would like a gold elixir that I don't have to re-buy so often!

12-03-2011, 11:08 AM
maybe it is purposely inconvenient so you will buy a Plat elixir

That's exactly what I was thinking :)

12-03-2011, 11:14 AM
If someone would have bought 6 gold elixirs in 30 min anyway, then making a more convenient 30 min gold elixir probably wouldnt cut into STS profits. But if the inconvenience of having to constantly re-buy gold elixirs pushes some to try plat elixirs, then creating a longer one would cut into their profits. The trick is figuring out which behavior is more likely... Maybe those who buy a lot of gold elix wouldnt have bought a lot of plat to begin with. And once the gold runs out, maybe they would use plat elix to earn more gold :)

12-03-2011, 11:26 AM
If someone would have bought 6 gold elixirs in 30 min anyway, then making a more convenient 30 min gold elixir probably wouldnt cut into STS profits. But if the inconvenience of having to constantly re-buy gold elixirs pushes some to try plat elixirs, then creating a longer one would cut into their profits. The trick is figuring out which behavior is more likely... Maybe those who buy a lot of gold elix wouldnt have bought a lot of plat to begin with. And once the gold runs out, maybe they would use plat elix to earn more gold :)

You definitely have a point here. But STS is a company that makes strategic decisions on how to earn money, like any other company. My guess is that they took the worst case scenario into account when making gold elix available again, so making them more inconvenient to use is the safest choice IMO. It's like an added benefit for plat elix that just might encourage people to buy those elixers instead of having to buy a gold elix every 5 minutes.

12-05-2011, 06:04 PM
I quite like the idea, i spend a lot on gold elixers, and not much on plat. It is very annoying having to dip into my gold pot whilst shooting arrows. I occasionally throw gold at the enemy too. I get confused

I think STS should make an elixer which levels you up to the next level cap on a release instantly for 1 million plat

12-05-2011, 06:26 PM
I agree with the OP. Although I doubt it; I suggested it once and devs didn't take notice. Dosent hurt to say it again though. :)