View Full Version : Epslion's official guild page

03-12-2019, 01:32 AM
Guild Rules

Be respectful to both your guild mates and the other players throughout Arlor. When you are rude to others in the towns and levels it looks bad on the guild and is cause for dismissal.
No Begging, Panhandling or mooching from your guild mates or in local towns. This is cause for dismissal.
No blind invites, ask to make a party in guild chat instead. use /g in the chat window and then your message to send a message in guild chat.
Earn your keep and do not expect to be carried through levels, if a level is difficult then you should level up more in the lesser levels until you get stronger.
RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS: All recruits must be a minimum of level 41 and ready to grind it out. At this point sts has stopped helping them with the Adventurer Kits and should have learned the ropes.

Officer Responsibility

Perform Guild Leveling Runs and Achievement Runs at least once a week
Contribute to Guild moral through the organization of events and increasing communication within the Guild.
Educate the guild where requested to help the members grow in both skill and knowledge.
Report to the Guild Master any issues that have occurred in their absence and act in the best interests of the guild.


03-14-2019, 01:13 PM
Hey Guildies, here is the link for info on the St Patties Day Event

03-16-2019, 03:07 AM
goodluck to your guild!