View Full Version : May we please get rid of the obtrusive HeyZap bar?

12-03-2011, 12:26 PM
Hey STS Community and STS Developers,

I am a bit irate about the obtrusive HeyZap bar. I multitask between my applications frequently on iOS. Everytime I come back to SL, that annoying status bar is there and I essentially cannot do ANYTHING to my top 1/4 of the screen unless I want to be redirected to that HeyZap application. I almost consider it advertisement, despite the merger/contract you guys have formed. It's really quite annoying and detrimental to those who want to play the game. (I want to play the game, not chat on HeyZap)

Thus, can you guys seriously consider removing it or make a separate section/tab for it like you did with the friends list and whatnot?

I cannot tell you how annoying it is. We already pay platinum; the majority of forumers and other players have paid multiples of dollars towards platinum sales. Yet, we get this to deal with?

I tried to make this thread as respectful as possible; I hope my request is considered.



12-03-2011, 12:29 PM
Omg yes thankyou apollo! It's so annoying.

12-03-2011, 12:31 PM
I feel the same way I have also notice that since the heyzap thing happen I've been given tons of lag I can't even do pvp much because I Lag too much on my iOS device.

12-03-2011, 12:31 PM
Although it initially seemed quite new and interesting, I agree. I wasn't expecting it to be integrated into the display actually.

12-03-2011, 12:35 PM
Although it initially seemed quite new and interesting, I agree. I wasn't expecting it to be integrated into the display actually.

Yeah, with all the platinum sales STS rakes in, I seriously didn't think advertising would be introduced, even if it's for a single company/application.

Note: Maybe it's not advertising, or what they intended it, but that's certainly what it's coming off as.

12-03-2011, 12:44 PM
Agreed. If could at least go away after we sign up. Or at least after we "check-in"

12-03-2011, 12:46 PM
I dont have the problem when you log in to SL through the heyzap app.

12-03-2011, 12:47 PM
How about a 'automatically sign me in' check box? So, once u signed up, that annoying bar would be gone forever :)

12-03-2011, 01:04 PM
It should not be in the place it is now, but it should definitely be kept as a separate tab somewhere else. It could be removed if you had the app or had used the link.

12-03-2011, 01:04 PM
How about a 'automatically sign me in' check box? So, once u signed up, that annoying bar would be gone forever :)

That's only semi solving the problem though. I don't want to have to be forced to join anything just so I can play. I try to keep my iPhone as minimal on applications as possible; it's not because of space issues, but because I hate having a cluttered screen.

12-03-2011, 01:14 PM
That's only semi solving the problem though. I don't want to have to be forced to join anything just so I can play. I try to keep my iPhone as minimal on applications as possible; it's not because of space issues, but because I hate having a cluttered screen.

Jailbreak your phone (when it's available for the 4s), install folderenhancer, and have a tidy screen. I literally have 100's of apps installed on 2 screens. Folderenhancer allows you to add any number of apps into a folder (instead of the limited 12 apps) and it also allows you to create sub folders. On top of that, the folders open quicker as compared to the native folder function. It's one of my main reasons for jailbreaking my phone, cause I absolutely hate cluttered screens myself, but I do want all those apps :)

12-03-2011, 01:28 PM
Jailbreak your phone (when it's available for the 4s), install folderenhancer, and have a tidy screen. I literally have 100's of apps installed on 2 screens. Folderenhancer allows you to add any number of apps into a folder (instead of the limited 12 apps) and it also allows you to create sub folders. On top of that, the folders open quicker as compared to the native folder function. It's one of my main reasons for jailbreaking my phone, cause I absolutely hate cluttered screens myself, but I do want all those apps :)

And I don't like jailbreaking. :)

12-03-2011, 01:39 PM
I cant even make a heyzap acc

12-03-2011, 01:40 PM
I cant even make a heyzap account with how buggy that app is. So i agree with this 100%

Xaphan Fox
12-03-2011, 02:26 PM
agree with apollo. huzzah!

12-03-2011, 02:43 PM
Also, please keep your ads out of my notification screen. I don't need nor want heyzap. Thankfully, adfree seems to have taken care of it for me.

Sent from my Evo 3D

12-03-2011, 02:44 PM
TBH, I haven't seen this on my android, but did get asked IG how to remove it.

However if STS brings this intrusion to droid, I'll be done with PL.

STS has created an environment where the majority feels pressured to buy plat. They've killed scaled farming, made level requirements, then offered the chance to override that with plat, did away with elixers for gold, did away with kill farming in the name of leaderboard honesty, then brought it back for plat. And now this...

STS seems to be doing these things to get their agenda out, then modify it after the fact to make it look like they listening to the community. If they can't foresee the negative backlash to the changes being made, before they implement them, then they need to re-think their team.

Many companies can make these changes seamlessly with a little thought put into how to implement them.

FYI... Between my wife and I we have 5 level 66s, and 4 twinks. Neither of us have a problem spending plat, and probably spend $100 a month between the two of us. Add in what I've spent on my child, and STS can expect to lose about $150-$200 a month in revenue. May not seem like much, but I see others following suit.

12-03-2011, 02:50 PM
Hayzap needs to go, so annoying everytime I log in >.<

Canah geta aymen?


12-03-2011, 03:31 PM
i was so pissed when i first saw it cause i had a pot on me and couldn get out of the plasma pyramid meanin i lost 20-30 secs.... around 0.5 plat

12-03-2011, 03:31 PM
It is quite annoying.

12-03-2011, 04:14 PM
Guys, please no Jailbreak how-to's, ok? Thanks.

As for Hayzap, it is only supposed to pop up on first load, not when you multitask. The team was working on correcting that on Friday. I'm not sure if it requires a client update or not. I'll have more info on Monday. Thanks for the feedback and for keeping it constructive!

12-03-2011, 04:14 PM
If only it was that simple for me :p. When I was jailbreaking my old iphone, I spent weeks trying to get everything to work properly. As a result, the phone functions like crap now and I had to go out and buy a new one. I'm staying away from jailbreaks, but if they work for you, enjoy it! Soo much cool stuff you can do with a jailbreak :).

No more discussing jailbreaking. I just got an infraction point over this!?! Extremely unhappy about it atm. So I'll just stop posting for now :/

12-03-2011, 04:16 PM
No more discussing jailbreaking. I just got an infraction point over this!?! Extremely unhappy about it atm. So I'll just stop posting for now :/


12-03-2011, 04:39 PM
Hayzap needs to go, so annoying everytime I log in >.<

Canah geta aymen?


PHAR! :O You're back <3

Back on topic, I also find the tips quite unnecessary for higher levels who know what they are doing. I think there should be an option to turn these off.

12-03-2011, 04:39 PM
As for Hayzap, it is only supposed to pop up on first load, not when you multitask. The team was working on correcting that on Friday. I'm not sure if it requires a client update or not. I'll have more info on Monday. Thanks for the feedback and for keeping it constructive!

Also, I have found that it pops up after merely locking & unlocking my iPhone, without exiting the app or going to the home screen. :)

12-03-2011, 05:04 PM
Heyzap also seems to cost me MANY app crashes. This is why I can't multi task the majority of the time.

12-03-2011, 05:06 PM
Heyzap also seems to cost me MANY app crashes. This is why I can't multi task the majority of the time.

Ohh that's why I crash EVERY SINGLE TIME on "Linking Chain Mail". Sometimes twice...-.-

12-03-2011, 05:12 PM
Guys, please no Jailbreak how-to's, ok? Thanks.

As for Hayzap, it is only supposed to pop up on first load, not when you multitask. The team was working on correcting that on Friday. I'm not sure if it requires a client update or not. I'll have more info on Monday. Thanks for the feedback and for keeping it constructive!

Did anyone else pick up on that... "working on correcting that on Friday..." does that mean new content is coming out Friday?

12-03-2011, 05:26 PM
Did anyone else pick up on that... "working on correcting that on Friday..." does that mean new content is coming out Friday?

"Was working on correcting that on Friday" It happened in the past. :) No worries, I stumbled over it myself.

12-03-2011, 05:58 PM
I don't have a Heyzap Account. Don't want an account either. I spend money on PL. I want the option to remove the add asking me to sign up for a service I do not want in a game I pay money for. I did not sign up for adds. And as far as I am concerned it is guerilla marketing. Forcing some one to become part of something they don't want so that a company can increase it's revenue from outside the games income.

12-03-2011, 08:10 PM
I love how it pops up notifications when im not playing STS games. I cant find the garbage app to delete it.

We cant talk about JB. Then tell me how to delete something you make us download. I download PL or SL. I didnt want to download some spam garbage app with it.
I would like to see STS use this extra space to make some new zones. The new updates all look like old stuff used over again.

If it makes them money. It is here to stay.

12-03-2011, 09:41 PM
I love how it pops up notifications when im not playing STS games. I cant find the garbage app to delete it.

We cant talk about JB. Then tell me how to delete something you make us download. I download PL or SL. I didnt want to download some spam garbage app with it.
I would like to see STS use this extra space to make some new zones. The new updates all look like old stuff used over again.

If it makes them money. It is here to stay.

Its SlingLabs advertising push notifications sdk built into the app, or something similar. There's nothing to delete, and it didn't download heyzap as far as I know on anyone's device. It can't do that without your express consent. Of course, it could have asked and notified you of it when you updated, but who reads those permissions anyway. :uncomfortableness: I hope that isn't the case, as it's a dirty trick I wouldn't expect from one of my favorite devs.

Sent from my Evo 3D

12-04-2011, 11:14 AM
I'm totally with you Apollo!

Thanks for telling STS, because really it's very annoying. I thk I had paid like more than $200 worth In platinum on star legends only so far. I can't believe They did this to us.

Space-time studios, please remove HeyZap whatever it is cuz i don't like it, pocket legends and star legends feels now like any freeware app from the market.

Bad move sTs , we already paid for platinum, no need to bother us with crappy adds from crappy apps, Hey Zap is worthless app we just don't need it.

12-04-2011, 11:42 AM
AGREED!!.... its really bugging me also

12-04-2011, 11:43 AM
I found the solution! I killed the tapjoy sign! (Though I wasn't able to sign in lol) I'll type the solution out real quick.

12-04-2011, 11:46 AM

12-04-2011, 11:47 AM
Ok here it is:
1. Download "Batteryguard"
2. Run the program
3. Select the HeyZap program
4. Press the "Kill Task" button
Problem solved :D

12-04-2011, 11:49 AM
Guys, please no Jailbreak how-to's, ok? Thanks.

As for Hayzap, it is only supposed to pop up on first load, not when you multitask. The team was working on correcting that on Friday. I'm not sure if it requires a client update or not. I'll have more info on Monday. Thanks for the feedback and for keeping it constructive!
I can confirm that it pops up when you switch characters, when ever I head to main menu, when I allow phone to go to sleep and open it back up. So pretty much any time I am not actually in a map. This combined with the deal of the day auto pop up, I just don't know what to say. It's like removing your pop up blocker on a web browser and being assaulted by adds. Not something I would expect from STS.

Ok here it is:
1. Download "Batteryguard"
2. Run the program
3. Select the HeyZap program
4. Press the "Kill Task" button
Problem solved :D
iOS or Android.

12-04-2011, 11:54 AM
I used android and it works. Is "Batteryguard" in the IOS app store?

12-04-2011, 11:59 AM
I used android and it works. Is "Batteryguard" in the IOS app store?
I don't know that is why I asked what platform you were using. I don't think there is any way, unless you jailbreak an iOS device, to close down specific functions.

12-04-2011, 12:13 PM
HeyZap is ok and a good way to connect people together, but it's super buggy. :p

12-04-2011, 12:53 PM
omg agreed! at least maybe an option to take it out ?

12-04-2011, 01:00 PM
On Android, tapping it once made it not come up anymore after the first time. Try it on your iOS.

Uninstall it if it takes up space in the game.

All I can suggest.

12-04-2011, 01:11 PM
PHAR! :O You're back <3

Back on topic, I also find the tips quite unnecessary for higher levels who know what they are doing. I think there should be an option to turn these off.

:) and good tip, like always king!!

12-04-2011, 01:17 PM
On Android, tapping it once made it not come up anymore after the first time. Try it on your iOS.

Uninstall it if it takes up space in the game.

All I can suggest.

Tapped it, installed it. Did not sign up. Still have pop up in game.

I will not sign up for something I don't want!

Thanks for the suggestion though.

12-04-2011, 03:07 PM
Meh ok then, I tried.

12-04-2011, 03:43 PM

Imma make a HeyZap thread to help x.x

12-04-2011, 04:08 PM
I find it to be buggy. Also, I installed it, then I deleted PL to reinstall because of the bugginess only to be told I already had PL installed. I restarted my device, that didn't help. I deleted the hey zap app. And lo and behold my device realized I didn't have PL installed anymore and I could download it (well try to...it took me almost an hour to get it installed again but that's another thread). So when I had Heyzap installed my device couldn't differentiate between that app and PL.

12-05-2011, 03:39 PM
i thought downloading the app would stop the notifications...... I WAS DEAD WRONG!!!
EDIT: oh yeah, i registered too, still getting constant pop ups when i switch toons or navigate between apps. Personally, i go from g+ to SL about 2-3 times an hour, and it is very annoying seeing heyzap pop up. if i want to log into, i will open the app and log into it. maybe heyzap is the reason everyone's apple devices crash when they try to log into SL. and while i know you guys are working on it, it's still frustrating :-(

12-05-2011, 07:54 PM
Looks like our prayers have been answered. In update info for new patch coming STS has said they will remove the HeyZap function from the game until it is refined and less intrusive.