View Full Version : No drive for endgame (semi long read)

12-03-2011, 11:41 PM
Meh, had a short talk with a buddy of mine on what level twink I should do next and he suggested I get my main, Lowlyspy, to 65 before I do anymore twinks. Currently Lowly is 56 and personally I have no interest in endgame content. There are too many people only running with a 4x potted group for xp runs or farming. No one is ever up for a "just for fun" run under our own power, not the false power of an elixer. The sheer amount of recycled content also deters me from any endgame running.

I joined PL during the Age of the Trials (Trials of the Galactic Overlord, now known as AO3) and when I was working on my first toon every new campaign gave new views to look at and new monsters providing new obstacles to overcome. When I finally made it to the level that allowed me to access the Trials (now AO3) I was absolutely blown away by the sheer epicocity of the dungeon design, monsters, and items. I quickly got my toon capped out at 50 and anticipated the 56 level cap increase with high hopes. After a month of waiting finally the update I was waiting for appeared.....and dashed my hopes entirely.

I got into the sewers as quickly as I could to see what kind of obstacles were coming my way but to my dismay it didnt provide anything too new, overall it reminded me of balefort. After about 3 runs through the hideout I put PL down and didn't touch it for a month. After a month I decided to pick the game back up and give the sewers a second chance. Though it still bored me to no end I forced myself to do run after run until I managed to make it to 54 before the 61 level cap came out.

After Nuri's hit the open servers I did runs until 55 and hit the same issue I hit with the sewers, just one bore after another, and gave up on endgame content all together.

Shortly after the "Crazy XP" was announced I did some runs and managed to get myself to 56 but again boredom got the best of me and I gave up on endgame once again.

After 2 boring campaigns back to back I have no drive to even get leveled enough to try my hand at Mt. Fang. So far the Trials truly were the golden age of design in PL, so much so that I would prefer to relive the glory days in earlygame content than even waste my time working for endgame.

If anyone thinks they can change my view then please step forward and show me what I am missing, but as for right now the pictures I have seen of Mt. Fang again remind me of balefort. If these unoriginal creations keep up it won't be long before I completely give up on the game I have enjoyed for almost a year now and put it down for good.

12-04-2011, 12:08 AM
The last real campaign they did is the AO trilogy...at least it is in my mind...MF is pretty much just a bunch of walls...I'm hoping the next campaign will be awesome.

12-04-2011, 12:11 AM
Thus is why I play SL, give me a little flavor. I played PL tell I hit 40 and haven't touched it since unless to pvp a bit, but now with SL pvp no reason for PL honestly.

12-04-2011, 12:12 AM
Can't agree more.

12-04-2011, 12:17 AM
Hey Low! Wanna do some AO1 runs with my character Abe? Abe is lvl 35 so we can relive the glory of Alien Oasis together! :D

Edit: expect alot of laughs! :)

12-04-2011, 12:18 AM
Sounds like a plan Rasa!

12-04-2011, 12:20 AM
Check out this thread I made recently: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?44220-Some-new-types-and-styles-of-PvP

Just trying to promote more ideas especially for PvP. Any of those call of duty players don't play campaign they play on Live and do all those special fun modes. Take a look at it, help me promote it :)

12-04-2011, 12:29 AM
I feel the same way as you Lowly, the only reason I leveled from 56 to 65 after my 3 month break was that I was "trapped". As mentioned by devs before Apple disapproved it, platinum would be universal. At that time, I already had everything I needed in PL (plat wise) but I was so excited, I got 800 more. Then i found out it was against Apple's ToS for universal plat. Since then, I have been stuck with PL with a horde of unspent plat, so I decided to use elixirs (which i normally never use).

My only Christmas wish would to be able to transfer 3/4 of my plat on PL to SL. That would make me a very jumpy bean.

12-04-2011, 12:41 AM
I think you should try to look for other games to play...it's not that bad, part of the cycle, just so happens that you got bored earlier than some but eventually these guys who aren't bored now will experience the same fate (including me). Who knows you might find the one that perfectly suits your taste. This could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it, I think you should look at it as something good 'cuz you get to do more things in real life than PL now that you're off the addiction goggle. Anyway, good luck. Ty.

12-04-2011, 12:59 AM
I got into a dead zone so that is why I suddenly disappeared Low. Getting back on...

Dark Avenger
12-04-2011, 01:51 AM
Couldn't agree more. Seems like we came on around the same time. I too was bored with sewers and started a new character and leveled them up to the sewers and got bored again and started a third. Now they released these last 2 dissapointing maps and now I have 6 characters total, 4 almost 5 of them being lvl 50+. I deffinately find the older map, particularly the AO trilogy to be the best. For me the lower levels are way more fun and that's why I keep making new characters to play with. The higher level mapps are way to repetative annd get boring very fast. That is probably the main reason for people having the 4x elixer runs so that they level faster and don't have to deal with it being as boring. I really hope that the next maps are more like the alien oasis maps or I may start a 7th character or might even start redoing characters :(

12-04-2011, 02:07 AM
Just started thinkin of stuff while running with cahaun and I thought why not have a map with unique gear like in the swamps? Everybody likes the amusing gear in swamps such as the rolling pin and banjos, some non-serious, lighthearted gear like that would definitely brighten up the endgame content.

If nothing else at least make the next campaign mostly new gear and designs, keep the recycling to a minimum.

12-04-2011, 03:50 AM
They are recycling mobs, gear, etc to get the campaigns out faster to get more money, quicker. It truely saddens me in the direction STS has been going. AO3 was not only the golden age of design and creativity, but the golden age of STS and PL.

12-04-2011, 05:51 AM
They say it's a matter of processing power and file sizes, re: mobile devices.

You guys might want to try that xp-anywhere-1plat pot. It's quite interesting.

12-04-2011, 12:13 PM
I made a ll 50 twink- got my favorite lvl 50 gear and have een running trough those blessed halls :) icwant another ao3

Dark Avenger
12-04-2011, 12:51 PM
You guys might want to try that xp-anywhere-1plat pot. It's quite interesting.

That's there gimmick to earn more money...make boring maps so people will pay to play the older better ones. At least that's my take on it. But for real STS make some unique stuff again.

12-04-2011, 01:19 PM
Those were fun runs, Low! I also got alot of ideas from the experience. I agree 100% on your idea of humerous and "different" items. People want the new stuff because they look "cool" and are out of the oridnary. Raasasa is stuffed full with retro and interesting gear (I still need to buy more room (>.<) ) because they were different! Why do I have a worthless gem sword? Because it looks awesome! Why did I get my cyber kit? The sparkles! (and the sense of being elite) I also have a second idea! BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL FH! That place was EPIC now that I realize how much it . It was like a giant tutorial for new players and had a much broader story line that connects the campaigns together: uh oh! Some dark forces and warlords have come back to rule again! FH- noticing a lurking presence, DF- fighting a merc force with a return of a warlord, BC- save the castle and investigate the evil causing this, Crypts- go fight the dead in the grave yard and try to find the cause of the events, Expedition- you were told that something happened at the mountain by the apprentice in the graveyard. Go investigate!, Swamps- the crocs have started a war and is getting supplies from an unknow source. Who could it be?, AO1- a famous archaeoligist has disappeared in the mysterious desert area. Go find him!, AO2- the djinn could be the ones behind all this...or is there someone or something else doing it?, Aliens! The hard contact at the pyramids inform you that Lightfeather discovered the alien presence but unfortunaltly couldn't get to safety and the feared Galactic Overlord has come back to rule! Has that librarian finished reading those tomes and discovering why the magical barrier protecting the land of alterra from the overlords!?! BS- Some crazed scientist is planning a terrorist attack on BC and the Goblin King has returned! Also many evil beings are terrorizing the sewer!, NH- A circus is haunted and causing the famed performers to try and kill people! How is a bird related to the Tamer? Cross breeding? Ewe, MF- a castle has gone wacko and vampires rule the castle! Hang on a sec! Are we going to find out why the magical barriers have collapsed yet? Many of the new lvl's don't relate to the main story! We need one that does!

12-04-2011, 01:28 PM
is this convincing?3334

12-04-2011, 01:29 PM
Haha, Lows!
This is exactly why I've been level 50-53 for 3 months.

12-04-2011, 02:32 PM
You guys might want to try that xp-anywhere-1plat pot. It's quite interesting.
I refuse to ever touch that disgusting thing.

STS has officially lost their marbles. As I recall, they set level restrictions on maps to prevent powerleveling and now they are exploiting people's laziness by saying "HEY, do u want to level but not have to work for it?! Take this simple medicine and you can level ANYWHERE regardless of your level!!"

12-04-2011, 03:24 PM
I see your point, I actually had a similar feeling on end-game versus twinking earlier today when someone asked me advice on bear twinking and end-game bear PvP.

For end-game, I pretty much said max everything except Restore. For twinking, a lot more variation actually came up. A bit of apples and oranges, but it does expose how limited end-game is.

12-04-2011, 03:37 PM
Woa I couldn't agree more with ya on this, the trials blew my mind