View Full Version : Feedback - Meade March Event

03-21-2019, 11:00 AM
Hello, firstly I would like to thank STS for bringing something new to the palate. People always find reasons to complain but credit must be given when credit is due. You guys work hard to deliver varied contents each week so Thank You!
On the event I would like to suggest a few things:

* Remove the necessity for all players to join to start runs. People misuse this to troll others. One particular individual whom I have heard of disturbing others's runs goes by the IGN Juancitohs. Although I know there have been multiple other people too. Find a way so that this system isnt misused by such people.
*Efficiency is key in running. Although it cant be assured in randoms as everyone runs as they wish to, not as a team. This harmed the points received by lb'rs during their runs. I am not asking for such a system to be removed. But away from events, if you could introduce a more in depth introduction to classes, their skills, etc when players begin, that would be helpful. A small intro is already there, but we need more. Today everyone is a tank, whether they be mage or rog, and vice versa. Only when people know how to run their classes can they be better players instead of being dependent on their weps and gears.
* Make the maps adapt to the kind of run. Solo runs should be easier than party runs.
* This isnt a suggestion, but I liked how this event even a full warrior party in map was welcome. Make it a regular thing.

Regarding Vanities:

* Bullion Bowl size should decrease according to class.
* Make the rog lb vanity more shiny. It doesnt look like gold :p
* Although I am envious of the NPC being able to retain his original War brawler vanity you introduced on first day, the new ones are good too. Just on mage vanity, the tattoos need a little change. Currently the colors hurt the eyes.

That's all I had for now. Will add if something rings again in my mind. Once again great job, looking forward to the next week ;) Cheers!