View Full Version : Considerable suggestions.

03-23-2019, 10:51 AM
Hello everyone.

Today I've come to propose a suggestion or two in hopes that this would essentially add more versatility and enjoyment to the game.

My first suggestion would be giving players the option to slot 1 extra ability skill once reaching the player level of 71- or 72 within the upcoming expansion.
As the game expands and maps such as the mausoleum continue to increase in difficulty even with the support of ultimate abilities players-- end game or not, will start to struggle with tougher enemies. Not to mention that as the difficulty greatly increases the "cool down" timer between casting abilities shortens for enemies Especially those which include player stunning and immobilization. As the game is in its current state at least 90% of players have the same exact ability load out even though there are so many abilities to choose from. Why not give the other abilities a purpose of use?

This also brings me to my second suggestion in regards to warriors and their ultimate abilities.

I'd highly suggest and recommend allowing warriors to ignore movement-impairing effects while using Immortal.
Most of the warriors tend to only use the rage ultimate because this compared to the other two is... well its incomparable.
Whenever Immortal is in use what is the purpose of being immune to damage just to end up getting frozen by ice or stunned by a bomb for the whole of its duration? It's pointless.