View Full Version : More Skills!

12-04-2011, 04:59 PM
Can we have more skills!? Make them optional to prevent clutter.

12-04-2011, 05:20 PM
There are 12 skills, each can go up to lvl6.

That means 72 skill points, so 72 lvls are required to have every skill at max.

Now that means in the next cap we will have almost all the skills, because of this I think in the next cap there will be more skills. Lets just wait and bro patient to see what future caps bring us:)

12-04-2011, 05:28 PM
More skills would clutter up the screen, but we could keep with 12, but increase the level size of each said skill from maybe 6 to 10.

12-04-2011, 05:32 PM
More skills would clutter up the screen, but we could keep with 12, but increase the level size of each said skill from maybe 6 to 10. They'll most likely increase it next cap. If not it has to be the next cap after.

12-04-2011, 05:34 PM
More skills would clutter up the screen, but we could keep with 12, but increase the level size of each said skill from maybe 6 to 10.

Imo that would be much better and easier. Having more lvls on skills would be better and easier than making new ones.

12-04-2011, 05:39 PM
Fantastic idea Lyric, why hasn't anyone suggested this before?;)


Either another skill point max level boosty thingy or more skill thingys eventually. Since not after long before people can max all their skill thingys.

12-04-2011, 05:43 PM
Fantastic idea Lyric, why hasn't anyone suggested this before?;)


Either another skill point max level boosty thingy or more skill thingys eventually. Since not after long before people can max all their skill thingys. they have :)

12-04-2011, 05:50 PM
they have :)
Your kidding, Right? lolololol

Fantastic idea Lyric, why hasn't anyone suggested this before?;)


Either another skill point max level boosty thingy or more skill thingys eventually. Since not after long before people can max all their skill thingys.
Hate you <3(:

More skills would clutter up the screen, but we could keep with 12, but increase the level size of each said skill from maybe 6 to 10.

12-04-2011, 09:38 PM
Sadly, we'd probably just get a skill cap increase instead of new skills.
If we do, we need skill tree's. There'll be no clutter that way, keeping it at 12 slots as you keep upgrading previous ones.



The skills would be divided into ones that deal damage, alter status', and those that increase your toons capabilities.
Skills can also give us a class within a class. Using O&C as an example, from the first skill points, players can chose to allocate them toward a tree that has skills better suited for range, meele stealth (assassin) for dex. For int, ice and fire, and for warriors, tank trees and more damage based trees. Players could also chose to balance out the two tree choices. This makes for LOADS of customizations that would make pvp more appealing to the whole community.

12-04-2011, 09:45 PM
Sadly, we'd probably just get a skill cap increase instead of new skills.
If we do, we need skill tree's. There'll be no clutter that way, keeping it at 12 slots as you keep upgrading previous ones.



The skills would be divided into ones that deal damage, alter status', and those that increase your toons capabilities.
Skills can also give us a class within a class. Using O&C as an example, from the first skill points, players can chose to allocate them toward a tree that has skills better suited for range, meele stealth (assassin) for dex. For int, ice and fire, and for warriors, tank trees and more damage based trees. Players could also chose to balance out the two tree choices. This makes for LOADS of customizations that would make pvp more appealing to the whole community.

That's o&c? Looks different lol

12-04-2011, 09:45 PM
What game is that? A computer game right?

12-04-2011, 09:52 PM
With skill trees i think we would need more points per lvl.

12-04-2011, 10:25 PM
There are 12 skills, each can go up to lvl6.

That means 72 skill points, so 72 lvls are required to have every skill at max.

Now that means in the next cap we will have almost all the skills, because of this I think in the next cap there will be more skills. Lets just wait and bro patient to see what future caps bring us:)


The thing is everyone has the same exact build!

12-04-2011, 10:26 PM
That's o&c? Looks different lol

Nope :).

12-05-2011, 04:16 AM
I wouldn't mind if my skill pad on the screen when I'm fighting were smaller -- reduced to showing 8 skills for example. Then either use the flip-flip thing from SL or just have people choose 8 skills to use. Flip-flip is probably better.

12-05-2011, 04:46 AM
I would like to have more skills to pick from but keep the max 12 to use. And that that bundled with skill trees...

Right now my level 66 mages basically all feel the same. That is for the fact that end game gear is very all around since Nuri and that all have nearly the same skill build. That was more fun at say level 50. Rift pally and cosmos mage? Felt like two different classes. And you had to give the skill build some thoughts.

How about in addition to like 4 base skills you would have to chose 2 from 4 categories? Your buff/debuff skilled pally doesn't have more than basic damage and heal spells? That would make for some very focused builds.
Having to think about focused skill builds would have two nice side effects: There would be some more teamwork needed because not everyone can do everything. And there would be threats about the game in the forums again - and not only rants about how bad things are getting. ;)

12-05-2011, 05:01 AM
That's Rohan:Blood Feud. Awesome
PC game - was really addicted to it before as well :)

As always, I fully agree with this thread. End-game doesn't have that "oh which do I choose, this or that build" anymore.

12-05-2011, 05:40 AM
I'll go against the grain and say that I'm against more skills and skill trees.

Sure they make for different builds, more team work and all, but on the other hand this lessens the pick-up-and-play appeal of PL. Right now pretty much any PUG is playable, provided that the players are somewhat skilled. With skill trees, I can just imagine sitting around booting and waiting for the player with the right class and the right build to show up.

I'd be happy with raising the skill level.

12-05-2011, 06:33 AM
The issue with simply having the skill point number raised is that eventually (or sooner rather than later) the intensity and power of the skills we be too overpowered and will likely lead to a nerf.

Imagine a bird in PVP with a lvl 8 blast shot or a mage with lvl 8 mana shield. But yet again, the bears would get the short end of the stick.

12-05-2011, 06:40 AM
the big problem right now seems to be how we all assign pretty much the exact same skill allocations...
if they plan on simply sticking to the current system, why dont they get it over with and make the max level for a skill 10 or something? that way you have options: would you even max out a single skill? go hybrid, aka current allocations, or become a very specialized character?

as for adding skills and the pending clutter, i think it is time they gave us the need of making a choice. If you cant use everything, choose what you want to have hotkeyed. SL's system seems legitly usable.


The skills would be divided into ones that deal damage, alter status', and those that increase your toons capabilities.
spooky. i suggested that same thing a while back, only as a way to even out the skill cooldown when it was longer.

12-05-2011, 06:49 AM
The issue with simply having the skill point number raised is that eventually (or sooner rather than later) the intensity and power of the skills we be too overpowered and will likely lead to a nerf.

Imagine a bird in PVP with a lvl 8 blast shot or a mage with lvl 8 mana shield. But yet again, the bears would get the short end of the stick.

Yes that would definitly not work. The buffs would be mad overpowered...

But they couldsimply split the maximum of a skill in more fractions. ;)
Eg: Increase skill level to 8 max, but every skillpoint put into the skill increases it by a fewer amount.
Like 1 point in evasion/focus adds 3-4 instead of 5.

This way the skills would still be balanced but there is more diversity added to the game.

IMO, this could be fun to experiment a bit with builds, but I don't think it's really necessary. In PvP I know that every archer will propably have the same skillbuild as me, but there can be a whole lot of different, combos and playstyles that make every player unique.

And well, sooner or later the devs have to come up with something :)

And there is also twinking ;)

12-05-2011, 06:51 AM
Im waiting for summoning skill :) well hope it will not lag! I had idea before .. Slow magic for mage poison gust for bird and earthquake for bear :)

12-05-2011, 06:59 AM
New combos and mega combos only available at higher levels that need points put into them to work would suffice too.