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View Full Version : Spacetime, we gotta talk

12-04-2011, 05:05 PM
Alright so apparently we have hit an impasse, i have talked with numerous people and most the people i have talked to are unhappy with the way you guys have been taking the game for the last few months. What happened to the spacetime we players know and love? What happened to your sense of creativity and dedication to your players?

When Spacetime started it was a company by the players, for the players, dedicated to providing an epic gaming experience to everyone. Now it reminds me of big government, money grubbing and power hungry. Now i realize in the end spacetime is a business and you are in the business to make money to feed your families, but i have also read up on how spacetime is doing money-wise since the main spine was made free and with the additions of these last two campaigns. From what i read you are making more money than ever, yet your creativity is at an all time low. For the last 2 campaigns there have been massive cases of recycling, from the mobs to the overall look of the levels.

I mean if you really wanted to you could make an AMAZING campaign and completely blow everybody's minds but you dont. Why? Because you are perfectly happy making mediocre content because you are still making money regardless from people spamming elixers to make it to the cap to get some special item. (yes that is the exact reason you made the elite cap to begin with, all about the money) Now stay with me on this one, if you are making mediocre content now and still making money wouldn't it stand to reason that if you made completely epic content next you would make even more money? I'm no business wiz but i am pretty sure that's the overall premise of a business, spend money to make money.

And now to your recent decision to make "level anywhere" elixers. This decision just baffled me to no end at first, why would a company that attempted to outlaw powerleveling with the decision to make maps level restricted even think to make something like this? Now i know. I decided to join an AO2 game today to work on my 42 and saw something that just disgusted me, literally 20 locked games of Plasma Pyramid all with one person in them and the max level of the group was in the 60's. It actually shocked me so much that i had to put the game down.

Im gonna say something that 3/4 of people on this forum and 90% of people ingame are afraid to say.

Are you all insane?

Spacetime, you have officially lost my respect. Your poor decision to do this to your FIRST game, your baby, has rocked me to the core. I am honestly disappointed with you, i expected better from a group that used to always consider what the players wanted first and how it would affect you money flow second.

EDIT: I gave you guys a link to my suggestions for campaigns on par with AO3 somewhere in this pile of posts but i'll put it here for ease of finding it, check them out and let me know what you think when you get the time. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?44569-My-ideas-as-requested-by-Javi

12-04-2011, 05:17 PM
Now Lowly let us talk.

Spacetime can't make everyone happy, so it goes and makes the majority happy.

If you don't like it there is a suggestion section, and omit pretty sure many would agree since you seem to have amazing ideas.

If you think the maps and lvls are mediocre, suggest some stuff you'd like to see. Like what kind of mobs, or dungeons would look nice.

I can take it that your mad, but at what really? Are you mad because some of the content is repetitive or just because they are making more money yet they have the same content repetitive?

You may get some trolls, so keep your cool my friend.

- Javier

12-04-2011, 05:21 PM
I think its because the original STS hired more people and those new people are making less than like-able content.

12-04-2011, 05:22 PM
I disagree sts is trying hard theres no need to buy plat, its your choice

12-04-2011, 05:23 PM
Wow lowly u sound real serious... And i agree, that power lvling enhancer really disapoints me. there would be no challenge in the game if you just skip 3, 4 dungeons all cause of one enhancer. im bummed :-/

12-04-2011, 05:24 PM
Wow lowly....I respect you for this I've been waiting for a post like this for a long time, and I agree with you. When the trials (ao3) came out it blew my mind then sewers It was meh and then nuri's was good and then fang absoluatally was horrible, also the gear wasn't new other than the pinks and purple gear for the most part. That's why I quit playing the games...I'm only on the forums now I'm rarely on pl and or sl. Lowly I love ur choice of words by the way, and I couldn't type that without putting profane words in it i defiantly agree with you....STS what do u have to say to that post? Haha probably nothing one of the devs will probably end up removing it...

12-04-2011, 05:25 PM
I have to half agree with all you. Spacetime has not blown us away with the last 2 campaigns, and the mobs are repetitive. However, I think you should put this in the suggestion section, and put down some ideas on new mobs.

12-04-2011, 05:25 PM
i am completely cool. If people decide to troll then so be it, thats what the little red triangle is for.

Im mainly a little miffed that they are recycling things purely because they assume all is well because they have a steady inflow of cash. I am also confused as to what happened after AO3 that convinced them that just recycling old content was ok. Recycling content has been the downfall of a few MMO's so far and i would prefer it not happen to game as awesome as PL.

12-04-2011, 05:25 PM
I disagree sts is trying hard theres no need to buy plat, its your choice

Look at it this way.

The reason the game is free is because of the plat buyers. No plat buyers = No free game. The people whom buy plat, are basically funding the game.

Don't want to buy plat? Download some free plat offers. STS gets some money out of that.

Like Sam said, its better than a poke in the eye;).

Free plat, it's like reverse advertising. We get paid by Tapjoy from the company who's app you downloaded. It's not much, but hey it's better than a poke in the eye, if you know what I mean ;)

i am completely cool. If people decide to troll then so be it, thats what the little red triangle is for.

Im mainly a little miffed that they are recycling things purely because they assume all is well because they have a steady inflow of cash. I am also confused as to what happened after AO3 that convinced them that just recycling old content was ok. Recycling content has been the downfall of a few MMO's so far and i would prefer it not happen to game as awesome as PL.

PL won't have a downfall, too many players use it. Now if it began to come to that, there would be much more stuff added and things would change.

12-04-2011, 05:27 PM
I dont really know what to say lowly. All I can say is wow.

12-04-2011, 05:28 PM
I dont really know what to say lowly. All I can say is wow.

That's what I thought at first but then I thought, how long have I been waiting for a post like this? Well the answer came to me, since nuris came out and I respect lowly for this an I agree with him to....

12-04-2011, 05:29 PM
Cleared, OP asked me

12-04-2011, 05:31 PM
I do not know how long you are playing this game, but in the last couple of months, sts made me dissapointed with almost every update, and I know alot of people who feel the same way.

What exactly disappoints you about the updates

12-04-2011, 05:32 PM
But it's ironic to stop power leveling by locking levels but then bringing it back, with a cost. In the old days, 10 plat could buy a campaign and any character of any level could enter. Now 10 plat buys 50 minutes of any campaign at any level.

12-04-2011, 05:39 PM

12-04-2011, 05:39 PM
I have to half agree with both of you. Spacetime has not blown us away with the last 2 campaigns, and the mobs are repetitive. However, I think you should put this in the suggestion section, and put down some ideas on new mobs.

With both of who?

12-04-2011, 05:41 PM
I do not know how long you are playing this game, but in the last couple of months, sts made me dissapointed with almost every update, and I know alot of people who feel the same way.

What exactly disappoints you about the updates
Lol.... It is like you dont even read the OP's post.
That is what disappoints me, the gold to plat elixer change, reclying over and over, let twinking die then bring it back for plat, destroy the fun of scaled farming, if you need to ask me what disappoints me then you are ignorant.

Please do not call skel ignorant he is a freind of mine an old guild mate he is not even close to ignorant....

12-04-2011, 05:44 PM
Wait did that just give my identity away? Mwahahahha I hope not 0.0 nobody shal ever find out! Mwaahahahahahah

12-04-2011, 05:45 PM
Lol.... It is like you dont even read the OP's post.
That is what disappoints me, the gold to plat elixer change, reclying over and over, let twinking die then bring it back for plat, destroy the fun of scaled farming, if you need to ask me what disappoints me then you are ignorant.

First off don't troll. Scroll up a bit and you'll see I was the first post, therefore I did read the thread.

Second you quoted someone else saying that, therefore you weren't clear on what disappointed you. If you would have quoted Lowly, I wouldn't have asked you what disappoints you.

Third, don't call people names on the forums because that's pretty much trolling.

Now before you hit the submit button next time, read what you said. Now if you'd be so kind as to not troll any longer before I use that little red button. Kk Ty.

12-04-2011, 05:46 PM

12-04-2011, 05:48 PM
I do not know how long you are playing this game, but in the last couple of months, sts made me dissapointed with almost every update, and I know alot of people who feel the same way.

What exactly disappoints you about the updates
Lol.... It is like you dont even read the OP's post.
That is what disappoints me, the gold to plat elixer change, reclying over and over, let twinking die then bring it back for plat, destroy the fun of scaled farming, if you need to ask me what disappoints me then you are ignorant.

Please do not call skel ignorant he is a freind of mine an old guild mate he is not even close to ignorant....
Err... I am talking about javiers post

Oh...I feel stupid now :rollyeyes:

12-04-2011, 05:48 PM
I do not know how long you are playing this game, but in the last couple of months, sts made me dissapointed with almost every update, and I know alot of people who feel the same way.

What exactly disappoints you about the updates
Lol.... It is like you dont even read the OP's post.
That is what disappoints me, the gold to plat elixer change, reclying over and over, let twinking die then bring it back for plat, destroy the fun of scaled farming, if you need to ask me what disappoints me then you are ignorant.
Not trying to pick a fight with you or anything, but how is he ignorant? In your first post you just said you were disappointed. Then in the next post you said why, but you didn't even give him a chance to reply before you called him ignorant. Also how do you know he doesn't read OP? Unless he told you or you are him don't assume that quickly.

12-04-2011, 05:49 PM
Lol.... It is like you dont even read the OP's post.
That is what disappoints me, the gold to plat elixer change, reclying over and over, let twinking die then bring it back for plat, destroy the fun of scaled farming, if you need to ask me what disappoints me then you are ignorant.

First off don't troll. Scroll up a bit and you'll see I was the first post, therefore I did read the thread.

Second you quoted someone else saying that, therefore you weren't clear on what disappointed you. If you would have quoted Lowly, I wouldn't have asked you what disappoints you.

Third, don't call people names on the forums because that's pretty much trolling.

Now before you hit the submit button next time, read what you said. Now if you'd be so kind as to not troll any longer before I use that little red button. Kk Ty.

Wow jav wow haha I didn't expect u to say that, from the comment!

12-04-2011, 05:51 PM
Ok....now this thread is just getting to be flame ally haha please don't flame anymore

12-04-2011, 05:52 PM

12-04-2011, 05:54 PM

12-04-2011, 05:55 PM
Jesus, can a person even post a thread anymore without it erupting into an inferno?

might as well pm for a lock now.

12-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Alright so apparently we have hit an impasse, i have talked with numerous people and most the people i have talked to are unhappy with the way you guys have been taking the game for the last few months. What happened to the spacetime we players know and love? What happened to your sense of creativity and dedication to your players?

When Spacetime started it was a company by the players, for the players, dedicated to providing an epic gaming experience to everyone. Now it reminds me of big government, money grubbing and power hungry. Now i realize in the end spacetime is a business and you are in the business to make money to feed your families, but i have also read up on how spacetime is doing money-wise since the main spine was made free and with the additions of these last two campaigns. From what i read you are making more money than ever, yet your creativity is at an all time low. For the last 2 campaigns there have been massive cases of recycling, from the mobs to the overall look of the levels.

I mean if you really wanted to you could make an AMAZING campaign and completely blow everybody's minds but you dont. Why? Because you are perfectly happy making mediocre content because you are still making money regardless from people spamming elixers to make it to the cap to get some special item. (yes that is the exact reason you made the elite cap to begin with, all about the money) Now stay with me on this one, if you are making mediocre content now and still making money wouldn't it stand to reason that if you made completely epic content next you would make even more money? I'm no business wiz but i am pretty sure that's the overall premise of a business, spend money to make money.

And now to your recent decision to make "level anywhere" elixers. This decision just baffled me to no end at first, why would a company that attempted to outlaw powerleveling with the decision to make maps level restricted even think to make something like this? Now i know. I decided to join an AO2 game today to work on my 42 and saw something that just disgusted me, literally 20 locked games of Plasma Pyramid all with one person in them and the max level of the group was in the 60's. It actually shocked me so much that i had to put the game down.

Im gonna say something that 3/4 of people on this forum and 90% of people ingame are afraid to say.

Are you all insane?

Spacetime, you have officially lost my respect. Your poor decision to do this to your FIRST game, your baby, has rocked me to the core. I am honestly disappointed with you, i expected better from a group that used to always consider what the players wanted first and how it would affect you money flow second.

Feel Better?

We are playing a Free to Play MMO. You do not have to buy anything to experience end game content. When this game first came out the bosses where not unique as in mechanics wise. I think STS has made so much progress with there dungeons. Since really A03 boss mechanics seemed to come to play. I do agree the new elixir is ridiculous but it will not ruin our game experience. Just boot the lower levels or make private games.

Over time it seems the players have been greedy and demanding.... not the devs.

12-04-2011, 05:57 PM
Lowly, like so many others have said, this is a great post. And, I totally agree with you on the idea that we need fresh, new content.

Look at and compare the differences between the all the various maps through Alien Oasis. When I would enter a zone, completely unlike the other zones, it was this HUGE wow factor.

Yes, everyone is clamoring for fresh and more creative content. But huge chuncks of new content costs millions of dollars. That is why the profit from plat is not just going to feed their families but to invest in the company to make it big.

There is a lot of mobille video games in development that will be competitors. I think STS is under a HUGE amount of pressure and trying to get ready as best as possible.

People are so worried about these new elixrs. They don't need to. I know people are afraid that it going to bring back Mynas Gen. But, it's not, the devs have already thought of that and fixed tat problem. If a lower level wants to go to a higher zone from some reasonn they can only do it through the freinds list or guild list. So, it's ok. Not really going to affect the people who don't use them.

Why do you think there were 20 one-person groups in AO today? Because that is so many people's favorite level. It is so awesome. It has been my fav from the second I first zoned it. So, what we have is 20 people happy and having fun -- why is that bad? Plus, I am assuming that they are supporting the game by buying the new plat. That is a total win-win, guys.

I know people are worried, but not really a big reason to do so.

And, I know that you feel strongly about this, lowly, but, what makes you think that 90% of the people in game are afraid to tell sts that they don't like it. You'd have to talk to 1800 people to know that.

Idk, but I got a feeling that STS has already done some market research. Then this 1 plat period is prob like a second stage market research activity,

Any way, just some thoughts. Hope you don't think I'm trolling. Just putting some thoughts out there. I am so optimistic about these elixrs, I really hope they work out.

Have fun

12-04-2011, 05:57 PM
When did I say I was upset cuz I had to buy anything? anyone mind answering that?

12-04-2011, 05:59 PM
Use that cute red button as much as you want.
Also when I am posting in an thread, and I am saying the updates disappoint me, you clearly see that I agree with the OP.
Also I am not calling you names, I am simply stating the obvious.
I really do not know why people like you are always in favor of sts, while everyone can see sts is currently taking the wrong path.
Also, I don't know how many dislikes you can give me, but go ahead and use them all :)

If you would have quoted the OP, I wouldn't have asked you. You quoted someone else's reply, therefore you weren't clear (to me it wasn't clear) on what exactly disappointed you.

People like me? Lets see explain how 'people like me' are always in favor of STS?

Now read what I said, I didn't agree nor did I disagree with Lowly. You accuse me of not reading the OP, why don't you take a look at the first post in the thread. Read it and tell me if I said once that I'm in favor of STS.

12-04-2011, 06:00 PM
Jesus, can a person even post a thread anymore without it erupting into an inferno?

might as well pm for a lock now.

I would do the same.....and yea when ever there is a thread similar or alike in a way to this it just turns into a flaming inferno volcano type thing haha

12-04-2011, 06:00 PM
When did I say I was upset cuz I had to buy anything? anyone mind answering that?

I will...you never said that

12-04-2011, 06:01 PM
Jesus, can a person even post a thread anymore without it erupting into an inferno?

might as well pm for a lock now.
Sorry, I have changed my replies to make them less flameable :)

12-04-2011, 06:01 PM
When did I say I was upset cuz I had to buy anything? anyone mind answering that?

Never, some may take it as that but you didn't. Don't pm for a lock, not yet anyways. Lets see what others have to say about the OP.

12-04-2011, 06:01 PM
So posting my thoughts when I get my Laptop.

12-04-2011, 06:02 PM
Lowly, I don't think anayone was talking about you specifically.

You don't have to boot lower levels. The only way lower levels can zone in is through friends list or guild roster.

STS has told us why they making these elixrs available. So to let friends play to gether and make it more fun for current players and the 1000's and 1000's of new players that we need.

I agree with you lowly, when you suggest that sts can probably make even more money if instead of recycling content they used tons of fresh, epic content. I think so too. But, it's gonna cost millions to make that content. Then the profit margin will depend on how many new people are playing.

12-04-2011, 06:03 PM
WE....I'm thinking it's something bad? As in somewhat profane? Haha

12-04-2011, 06:04 PM
So posting my thoughts when I get my Laptop.

Post now! Get that danger phone and cramp up your fingers like I'm doing! :) I kid I kid. Hurry and get your laptop bro I want to see what you think.:D

12-04-2011, 06:04 PM
I agree too. Mount fang is alike to balefort castle where the mobs are just different. No offense.

Edit: Lowly, Calm down too.

12-04-2011, 06:05 PM
Don't you all know that the recycling of content such as terrain and map detail is due to the mobile device limitation.....

12-04-2011, 06:05 PM
WE....I'm thinking it's something bad? As in somewhat profane? Haha

He's probly out somewhere and doesnt have time to type it up on his phone or ithingy. I would actually like to see what he has to say, woundy's post are usually pretty well thought out.

12-04-2011, 06:06 PM
WE....I'm thinking it's something bad? As in somewhat profane? Haha

He's probly out somewhere and doesnt have time to type it up on his phone or ithingy. I would actually like to see what he has to say, woundy's post are usually pretty well thought out.

Meh prolly and yea they are I think it would be interesting to see why he thinks

12-04-2011, 06:06 PM
I agree too. Mount fang is alike to balefort castle where the mobs are just different. No offense

I think what makes them alike is that they end up in a castle. That's my $0.02

12-04-2011, 06:06 PM
I'm funding the devs with my money and I would like better content. 'nuff said.

12-04-2011, 06:06 PM

12-04-2011, 06:07 PM
Don't you all know that the recycling of content such as terrain and map detail is due to the mobile device limitation.....

No I didn't know that, thanks for the piece of information.:)

12-04-2011, 06:11 PM
Don't you all know that the recycling of content such as terrain and map detail is due to the mobile device limitation.....

I understand what you mean, but look at the difference tween Lost Expedition, Alien Oasis, Balefort Castle, Forest Haven, Sandstone Caves, the hillbilly maps, etc. There are major differences.

Cuz, yeah mobile tech has limitations when compare to pc, but I am really hoping for more variety in future campaigns.

12-04-2011, 06:15 PM
Ooh, lowsly you nailed it.
I am really venting over a game right now.
Well, not really the game, the money I spent on the game.

12-04-2011, 06:16 PM
Lets see, you said that sts is trying to make the majority of the game happy right? But I have talked with alot of people IG and they werent that happy.
Also, I dont want to pick a fight with you.
After reading my posts again, I agree that I reacted to fiery.
But please dont threaten me with the dislikes button, it is not gonna scare people ;)

Then why don't the people you talk to say anything? Before STS releases new content, they give us a preview. If we don't like it they change it, but if they don't hear the majority of the community say they don't like it they won't know its not what they want.

Not the dislike button, the report button.

12-04-2011, 06:20 PM
I have read this and two other threads, I predict the level exception elixirs will go away. These devs care more about their community than any other mmorpg that I am aware of, you'll see, it'll be gone soon enough guys.
In the mean time, I'll be trying to finish my quests while I can still sneak a little exp out of them, thanks sts!

12-04-2011, 06:21 PM
Then why don't the people you talk to say anything? Before STS releases new content, they give us a preview. If we don't like it they change it, but if they don't hear the majority of the community say they don't like it they won't know its not what they want.

Not the dislike button, the report button.

Shame that such a argumental post was your leet post. Grats anyway.

12-04-2011, 06:24 PM
Hey lowly do u still play SL?

12-04-2011, 06:25 PM

12-04-2011, 06:25 PM
Shame that such a argumental post was your leet post. Grats anyway.

Now I'll be a little ignorant, what does leet mean? Lol

12-04-2011, 06:27 PM

I'm funding the devs with my money and I would like better content. 'nuff said.

Almost same, I've stopped funding until some paid for content arrives that I'm happy to spend my hard earned on. It's free only playing for me for the time being.

And, helpguy, you need to speak to your twin brother Skel as the content of ur posts are almost identical..... ;-/

12-04-2011, 06:28 PM
Hey lowly do u still play SL?
Not too often no. Been twinkering around in PL for a while.

EDIT: Sorcerorssoul, stop flaming like now. It's getting real old. If you want to flame someone then get out of my thread and do it via pm. Your heat is not appreciated here.

12-04-2011, 06:28 PM
I think i'll stop spending money on PL too.

12-04-2011, 06:30 PM

I'm funding the devs with my money and I would like better content. 'nuff said.

Almost same, I've stopped funding until some paid for content arrives that I'm happy to spend my hard earned on. It's free only playing for me for the time being.

And, helpguy, you need to speak to your twin brother Skel as the content of ur posts are almost identical..... ;-/

They are? Haha I didn't notice that! I'm not skel tho...nobody could ever know who my pl character is! Mwahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhaha! Seriously tho haha I think that's kinda funny!

12-04-2011, 06:32 PM
The report button, even better, report me as much as you want, from now on I so just state my opinion.
Most people do not use the forum is argument 1.
The second is: look at the people who replied here, most of them did not make an thread about this :)
Also about each specific problem is already at least 1 thread.
I think those are valid arguments?

Most people think that they'll get in trouble over a thread like this.

Now if your friends don't like the content and they want their opinion heard, suggest the forums to them. I don't think the devs go ingame enough to get everyone's (who doesn't use forums) opinion on the content.

Now for the other threads about specific problems, I'm guessing that they didn't get payer much attention. Look at this thread, lots of views and replies in suck a short time. It will definitely get more opinions than the others imo.

12-04-2011, 06:33 PM
Wow lowly....I respect you for this I've been waiting for a post like this for a long time, and I agree with you. When the trials (ao3) came out it blew my mind then sewers It was meh and then nuri's was good and then fang absoluatally was horrible, also the gear wasn't new other than the pinks and purple gear for the most part. That's why I quit playing the games...I'm only on the forums now I'm rarely on pl and or sl. Lowly I love ur choice of words by the way, and I couldn't type that without putting profane words in it i defiantly agree with you....STS what do u have to say to that post? Haha probably nothing one of the devs will probably end up removing it...

The devs have not removed any posts/threads with criticism for the sole reason that it's criticism. They do not 'remove' threads/posts, with the usual exceptions. (Ex. Flaming, trolling, etc.) Just to make that clear.

And now to your recent decision to make "level anywhere" elixers. This decision just baffled me to no end at first, why would a company that attempted to outlaw powerleveling with the decision to make maps level restricted even think to make something like this? Now i know. I decided to join an AO2 game today to work on my 42 and saw something that just disgusted me, literally 20 locked games of Plasma Pyramid all with one person in them and the max level of the group was in the 60's. It actually shocked me so much that i had to put the game down.

From your explanation, it seems that the person was farming gold, probably without the use of elixirs... Why is that so disgusting and shocking to you?

12-04-2011, 06:33 PM
They are? Haha I didn't notice that! I'm not skel tho...nobody could ever know who my pl character is! Mwahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhaha! Seriously tho haha I think that's kinda funny!

Hehe.... np

12-04-2011, 06:34 PM
Wow lowly....I respect you for this I've been waiting for a post like this for a long time, and I agree with you. When the trials (ao3) came out it blew my mind then sewers It was meh and then nuri's was good and then fang absoluatally was horrible, also the gear wasn't new other than the pinks and purple gear for the most part. That's why I quit playing the games...I'm only on the forums now I'm rarely on pl and or sl. Lowly I love ur choice of words by the way, and I couldn't type that without putting profane words in it i defiantly agree with you....STS what do u have to say to that post? Haha probably nothing one of the devs will probably end up removing it...

The devs have not removed any posts/threads with criticism for the sole reason that it's criticism. They do not 'remove' threads/posts, with the usual exceptions. (Ex. Flaming, trolling, etc.) Just to make that clear.

I know haha I'm just stating a point...they will probably get mad when they read this or frustrated

12-04-2011, 06:35 PM
They are? Haha I didn't notice that! I'm not skel tho...nobody could ever know who my pl character is! Mwahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahahahhaha! Seriously tho haha I think that's kinda funny!

Hehe.... np

Wait.....are u saying I'm skel or we are brothers?!?!?! That would be weird! Haha

12-04-2011, 06:37 PM
The devs have not removed any posts/threads with criticism for the sole reason that it's criticism. They do not 'remove' threads/posts, with the usual exceptions. (Ex. Flaming, trolling, etc.) Just to make that clear.
Exactly why I made sure to keep any flaming aspects out of the OP, I want this thread seen and discussed, not flamed and deleted.

12-04-2011, 06:38 PM
Exactly why I made sure to keep any flaming aspects out of the OP, I want this thread seen and discussed, not flamed and deleted.

Haha, made a thread.
Made it trolly. Not jolly.
Was mad.
Better not have been deleted without someone reading it through COMPLETELY.

12-04-2011, 06:41 PM
Hey lowly do u still play SL?
Not too often no. Been twinkering around in PL for a while.

EDIT: Sorcerorssoul, stop flaming like now. It's getting real old. If you want to flame someone then get out of my thread and do it via pm. Your heat is not appreciated here.
Edit: I probably already ruined your thread but I cleared my posts. My apologies, it will not happen again

12-04-2011, 06:45 PM
Fine, I'm at dinner, but some want to see my boring opinion. Via iPod, so be prepared for typos and autocorrect fails.

To be honest, I kind of agree. Though I have different views. So I am going to start with what you said and then branch on to mine.

I know a lot of the community, and I know a lot of people are unhappy. Yeah, you can't make everyone happy, but you can try. STS was very into it when I started. We had STS contests, like the birthday cake contest, the fiery weapons design contest, and the others. Where have you been STS? It's been a while. I sent a dev a idea for a possible contest. Emote design contest. No reply. Involvement is definately lacking. That's why everyone is leeching to Pandar. Nice community guy and is into it. STS has little involvement now a days, because there focus is stuck. They are focused on making recycled campaigns with minor perks to increase quality. They are only making themselves more work. The idea of lose campaigns like that is only making me wish for revamps, which has only happened with Forest Haven and is needed in Dark Forest. I have suggested several times that they do so, with no avail. Power hungry is the wrong word. What power are they grabbing for? Of course like any business, they have to feed their families. I'll contradict myself a sec and say that they are recycling, but they aren't. Let's break it down. They are taking the scenery of Castle content, bricks and such, and putting it into a lay out. They added rooted bosses and, and Rey listened to my idea of adding mini bosses in rooms like AO3. May I ask your sources on their financial situation? I am not trying to be petty, just asking. Like I said, they are focused on old layouts. The faster they release campaigns, the faster they get the money from people power leveling. I don't want to see this game go to level 101, and continue. I would like to see them take their time, and do a new campaign, give it 6 months instead of 3 and in that 6 months, they do a revamp. There is no need for rush. I'm 15, not a business man, so I know they have more logic behind the business industry than I do. They could make awesome content, but yes, they are focused on the idea of platinum. I don't think the In Honor of 1 year of Android was a coincidence. I think it was planned. They made their community happy by doing a half of month XP event, and they would have a increase of platinum sales during then. They figured, instead of ending it, why not Just leave it, and give the reason of Android Anniversary. You think they did the 1 platinum elixirs for money? That's 1 platinum. That's an app on Tapjoy. Also remember they have been working on the Google Chrome version. So let's wait and see what's going on with that. How could those locked games shock you? It's not that big of a deal and you knew it was bound to happen. No one has the time because we are focused on other things. I want to be in this community to make it better, and you know all I want to be is a player, that does as much as I can do in game and on forums in place of the devs. I am on iPod so I am babbling and not reading the comments. There are a lot of things that could fix this game.
-PvP focus on new maps and styles, we haven't had a new map since shadow caves
-Ground. Why is it all flat and there is no realistic feature to it.
-Revamps. Dark Forest has nothing. Let's fix it. We want to help new players. Why not put something in lower level townes and digeons that would attract high-levels.
-Backround fixtures. I was in AO Towne and all I saw around the edges was orange.
-Much more, but I don't have time to write it all.
I hope you you understand where I am coming from and I respect you Lowly as you were one of the people that built a foundation in this game for me. I hope those who wanted to see what my opinion was realized the anticipated comment wasn't that fulfilling. Thanks :)


12-04-2011, 06:45 PM
Exactly why I made sure to keep any flaming aspects out of the OP, I want this thread seen and discussed, not flamed and deleted.

Haha, made a thread.
Made it trolly. Not jolly.
Was mad.
Better not have been deleted without someone reading it through COMPLETELY.

Haha I just finished reading it

12-04-2011, 06:45 PM
Just think about this: have you ever seen ANY mobile game, even a paid one, more amazing than the ones STS has made? For me, they blow away any competition, for a price of nothing. Plat is optional. The people making the game can't make money from the people who don't buy plat. They can't be 100% loyal and dedicated to their players either. They can't throw away their career and profit so they can appease every single one of their customers. If you were working, wouldn't you want to take advantage of any chance to make money? Business is about making money, not trying to please everyone. I have personally never bought any platinum, yet I'm perfectly content with the game. I just hope everyone can take the time to consider what's in this for the devs.

12-04-2011, 06:45 PM
Edit: I probably already ruined your thread but I cleared my posts. My apologies, it will not happen again

Actually, for the people who have just read this thread, it seems that you have just gone had a moment of deep realization, or insanity, and have edited 4+ posts with 'cleared'.

All's good! :P

12-04-2011, 07:01 PM
I have made it through all the comments! Whew, but anyway, I just want it down that I agree with the OP. As addicting as PL is, it isn't Pokemon. That is, the same formula won't work forever. There must be spice and there must be motivation. There aren't Legendary Pokemon but there are legendary items, so I agree, I want content that is new and refreshing. When I look at Fang(the most recent content to go by), do I see new and refreshing? Hmm...

As for Platinum, no, you don't have to pay to play but when you don't pay and what you get is only okay, you don't play (oh my gosh, so many Ys). So does that mean paying makes it better? I think not. I've only bought a Thrasher once...and that was it. Wasn't mind-blowing, but it was convenient and everything else I've bought using Tapjoy offers. If SpaceTime doesn't require that I pay...then arguments are made that if I don't pay I can't complain, does that mean I should remain silent? Therefore, there are two points Nuri and Fang that make a trend here. I, and I'm sure other anonymous peoplez, don't want the third point to continue this trend.

Recycling...I can understand recycling models but a tweak tweak here and a tweak tweak there to something already existent is noticeable. Those Doom weapons sure made a splash though! So let's see more Doom-esque weapons :) -rambling over-

12-04-2011, 07:02 PM
When I first joined PL I remember seeing the devs in-game all the time as well as the forums...Now I haven't seen JustG post or in-game for months. Same goes with all of the original devs...Where are you guys? You need to return your focus to us--The customers...Cuz, when it all boils down. We provide your pay checks and we deserve more interaction with you guys.

12-04-2011, 07:03 PM
When I first joined PL I remember seeing the devs in-game all the time as well as the forums...Now I haven't seen JustG post or in-game for months. Same goes with all of the original devs...Where are you guys? You need to return your focus to us--The customers...Cuz, when it all boils down. We provide your pay checks and we deserve more interaction with you guys.

We don't need interaction with 'em, we just need 'em to get off the bum and redesign what they have next for us, because history says that it's a repaint.

12-04-2011, 07:04 PM
Just think about this: have you ever seen ANY mobile game, even a paid one, more amazing than the ones STS has made? For me, they blow away any competition, for a price of nothing. Plat is optional. The people making the game can't make money from the people who don't buy plat. They can't be 100% loyal and dedicated to their players either. They can't throw away their career and profit so they can appease every single one of their customers. If you were working, wouldn't you want to take advantage of any chance to make money? Business is about making money, not trying to please everyone. I have personally never bought any platinum, yet I'm perfectly content with the game. I just hope everyone can take the time to consider what's in this for the devs.

This is the post that hit the nail on the head. Everyone wants fresh content, but that costs millions. We need thousands and thousands of new players. Let's try to see it from their perspective.

12-04-2011, 07:06 PM
Just think about this: have you ever seen ANY mobile game, even a paid one, more amazing than the ones STS has made? For me, they blow away any competition, for a price of nothing. Plat is optional. The people making the game can't make money from the people who don't buy plat. They can't be 100% loyal and dedicated to their players either. They can't throw away their career and profit so they can appease every single one of their customers. If you were working, wouldn't you want to take advantage of any chance to make money? Business is about making money, not trying to please everyone. I have personally never bought any platinum, yet I'm perfectly content with the game. I just hope everyone can take the time to consider what's in this for the devs.

I would take a chance to make money...
But I wouldn't upset the customers.
There is a balance.
They just stepped over the line from a perfect harmony to hornswoggling little children.

12-04-2011, 07:08 PM
Fine, I'm at dinner, but some want to see my boring opinion. Via iPod, so be prepared for typos and autocorrect fails.

To be honest, I kind of agree. Though I have different views. So I am going to start with what you said and then branch on to mine.

I know a lot of the community, and I know a lot of people are unhappy. Yeah, you can't make everyone happy, but you can try. STS was very into it when I started. We had STS contests, like the birthday cake contest, the fiery weapons design contest, and the others. Where have you been STS? It's been a while. I sent a dev a idea for a possible contest. Emote design contest. No reply. Involvement is definately lacking. That's why everyone is leeching to Pandar. Nice community guy and is into it. STS has little involvement now a days, because there focus is stuck. They are focused on making recycled campaigns with minor perks to increase quality. They are only making themselves more work. The idea of lose campaigns like that is only making me wish for revamps, which has only happened with Forest Haven and is needed in Dark Forest. I have suggested several times that they do so, with no avail. Power hungry is the wrong word. What power are they grabbing for? Of course like any business, they have to feed their families. I'll contradict myself a sec and say that they are recycling, but they aren't. Let's break it down. They are taking the scenery of Castle content, bricks and such, and putting it into a lay out. They added rooted bosses and, and Rey listened to my idea of adding mini bosses in rooms like AO3. May I ask your sources on their financial situation? I am not trying to be petty, just asking. Like I said, they are focused on old layouts. The faster they release campaigns, the faster they get the money from people power leveling. I don't want to see this game go to level 101, and continue. I would like to see them take their time, and do a new campaign, give it 6 months instead of 3 and in that 6 months, they do a revamp. There is no need for rush. I'm 15, not a business man, so I know they have more logic behind the business industry than I do. They could make awesome content, but yes, they are focused on the idea of platinum. I don't think the In Honor of 1 year of Android was a coincidence. I think it was planned. They made their community happy by doing a half of month XP event, and they would have a increase of platinum sales during then. They figured, instead of ending it, why not Just leave it, and give the reason of Android Anniversary. You think they did the 1 platinum elixirs for money? That's 1 platinum. That's an app on Tapjoy. Also remember they have been working on the Google Chrome version. So let's wait and see what's going on with that. How could those locked games shock you? It's not that big of a deal and you knew it was bound to happen. No one has the time because we are focused on other things. I want to be in this community to make it better, and you know all I want to be is a player, that does as much as I can do in game and on forums in place of the devs. I am on iPod so I am babbling and not reading the comments. There are a lot of things that could fix this game.
-PvP focus on new maps and styles, we haven't had a new map since shadow caves
-Ground. Why is it all flat and there is no realistic feature to it.
-Revamps. Dark Forest has nothing. Let's fix it. We want to help new players. Why not put something in lower level townes and digeons that would attract high-levels.
-Backround fixtures. I was in AO Towne and all I saw around the edges was orange.
-Much more, but I don't have time to write it all.
I hope you you understand where I am coming from and I respect you Lowly as you were one of the people that built a foundation in this game for me. I hope those who wanted to see what my opinion was realized the anticipated comment wasn't that fulfilling. Thanks :)


I read it all. Ty for posting your comment now eat:). Also you made 2 mistakes only lol. You put rey instead of they which made me laugh thought I would point it out since I was like, "Who the heck is Rey?"

12-04-2011, 07:08 PM
I would take a chance to make money...
But I wouldn't upset the customers.
There is a balance.
They just stepped over the line from a perfect harmony to hornswoggling little children.

Deleted your thread? :( noooo devs.

12-04-2011, 07:11 PM
I would take a chance to make money...
But I wouldn't upset the customers.
There is a balance.
They just stepped over the line from a perfect harmony to hornswoggling little children.

Deleted your thread? :( noooo devs.

I noticed to! I wonder why? Haha

12-04-2011, 07:12 PM
Deleted your thread? :( noooo devs.

I saw that too, eh oh well lol.

12-04-2011, 07:12 PM
Fine, I'm at dinner, but some want to see my boring opinion. Via iPod, so be prepared for typos and autocorrect fails.

To be honest, I kind of agree. Though I have different views. So I am going to start with what you said and then branch on to mine.

I know a lot of the community, and I know a lot of people are unhappy. Yeah, you can't make everyone happy, but you can try. STS was very into it when I started. We had STS contests, like the birthday cake contest, the fiery weapons design contest, and the others. Where have you been STS? It's been a while. I sent a dev a idea for a possible contest. Emote design contest. No reply. Involvement is definately lacking. That's why everyone is leeching to Pandar. Nice community guy and is into it. STS has little involvement now a days, because there focus is stuck. They are focused on making recycled campaigns with minor perks to increase quality. They are only making themselves more work. The idea of lose campaigns like that is only making me wish for revamps, which has only happened with Forest Haven and is needed in Dark Forest. I have suggested several times that they do so, with no avail. Power hungry is the wrong word. What power are they grabbing for? Of course like any business, they have to feed their families. I'll contradict myself a sec and say that they are recycling, but they aren't. Let's break it down. They are taking the scenery of Castle content, bricks and such, and putting it into a lay out. They added rooted bosses and, and Rey listened to my idea of adding mini bosses in rooms like AO3. May I ask your sources on their financial situation? I am not trying to be petty, just asking. Like I said, they are focused on old layouts. The faster they release campaigns, the faster they get the money from people power leveling. I don't want to see this game go to level 101, and continue. I would like to see them take their time, and do a new campaign, give it 6 months instead of 3 and in that 6 months, they do a revamp. There is no need for rush. I'm 15, not a business man, so I know they have more logic behind the business industry than I do. They could make awesome content, but yes, they are focused on the idea of platinum. I don't think the In Honor of 1 year of Android was a coincidence. I think it was planned. They made their community happy by doing a half of month XP event, and they would have a increase of platinum sales during then. They figured, instead of ending it, why not Just leave it, and give the reason of Android Anniversary. You think they did the 1 platinum elixirs for money? That's 1 platinum. That's an app on Tapjoy. Also remember they have been working on the Google Chrome version. So let's wait and see what's going on with that. How could those locked games shock you? It's not that big of a deal and you knew it was bound to happen. No one has the time because we are focused on other things. I want to be in this community to make it better, and you know all I want to be is a player, that does as much as I can do in game and on forums in place of the devs. I am on iPod so I am babbling and not reading the comments. There are a lot of things that could fix this game.
-PvP focus on new maps and styles, we haven't had a new map since shadow caves
-Ground. Why is it all flat and there is no realistic feature to it.
-Revamps. Dark Forest has nothing. Let's fix it. We want to help new players. Why not put something in lower level townes and digeons that would attract high-levels.
-Backround fixtures. I was in AO Towne and all I saw around the edges was orange.
-Much more, but I don't have time to write it all.
I hope you you understand where I am coming from and I respect you Lowly as you were one of the people that built a foundation in this game for me. I hope those who wanted to see what my opinion was realized the anticipated comment wasn't that fulfilling. Thanks :)

Thank you for the for another well thought out post woundy.

I should have put "for lack of a better word" when I said power hungry, I was afraid some people might be confused with that lol.

My source of sts' financial situation is droid gamers. They have put out a few reviews of sts and they all said sts had an ever-growing source of revenue.

12-04-2011, 07:15 PM
Cmon devs ive been waiting to see ur reaction! I'm guessing you've already read this thread your just blown away? Or maybe writing a reply to it?

12-04-2011, 07:21 PM
Wounded one of things that was promised was the veteran rewards back when they launched the founders helmet. Nothing has happend...

12-04-2011, 07:25 PM
Wounded one of things that was promised was the veteran rewards back when they launched the founders helmet. Nothing has happend...
That wasn't promised, that was discussed. It also wasn't a huge thing, just a small something a few players wanted.

12-04-2011, 07:27 PM
Deleted your thread? :( noooo devs.

Ha yeah, for vulgarity.

I can handle that.

12-04-2011, 07:28 PM
I wanted it..

12-04-2011, 07:29 PM
Wounded one of things that was promised was the veteran rewards back when they launched the founders helmet. Nothing has happend...
Well. People want these things, like me also, STS isn't going to do anything if there isn't a lot of talk about it. This is the way it goes. Someone makes a thread, one person, a few people talk about it in the thread and it goes away. No one emails support about it. Support enjoys getting emails to pass on to the design team. I know. Let's see some threads on it guys and we can increase awareness there.

12-04-2011, 07:31 PM
Sure thing wounded one thread coming up

12-04-2011, 07:32 PM

I would take a chance to make money...
But I wouldn't upset the customers.
There is a balance.
They just stepped over the line from a perfect harmony to hornswoggling little children.

That is untrue. You can't prove it. You just upset, not for valid reasons but cuz you not getting your way. People who are hating on this are thinking only of themselves not the game. Don't buy plat if you dont want to. Nuff said.

12-04-2011, 07:33 PM
Lowly just said what has been on everyones mind. STS has gone down the crapper ever since O&C came out. I am a casual player now, not purchasing much (if any) platinum. I'd still be at O&C if it didn't turn into such a cash black hole.

Also, if its suggestions people are suggesting us to suggest, then heres a suggestion - Bring back old STS :/.

That is untrue. You can't prove it. You just upset, not for valid reasons but cuz you not getting your way. People who are hating on this are thinking only of themselves not the game. Don't buy plat if you dont want to. Nuff said.

I partially agree with you and I partially don't. STS doesn't charge for 95-100% of the game, but if you see the kind of plat items and prices there used to be, you'd see how much money has become a factor for sts. I'm not saying sts is bad for wanting money, but money has spoiled a priceless gem.

12-04-2011, 07:36 PM
Not on everybody's mind. Lol. No one could possibly no what is on the minds of even 1 percent of what people really think. How does anyone know what is on everybody's mind?

How is anything spoiled? I can see part of what you are saying. But this amount if hate is ridic. I bet you most people havnt even read what the devs have said.

12-04-2011, 07:39 PM
Not on everybody's mind. Lol. No one could possibly no what is on the minds of even 1 percent of what people really think. How does anyone know what is on everybody's mind?

Everyone I mean "my" people, Idk you sooo Idk your thoughts and hate to sound rude, idc. I have seen so many good players go because of the new sts. Thats the "everyone". The old community was what made this game what it was, thats long gone ('Cept some of the oldies who stuck around, which is major props :).)

12-04-2011, 07:41 PM
This thread will be deleted Monday morning. :(

12-04-2011, 07:42 PM

That is untrue. You can't prove it. You just upset, not for valid reasons but cuz you not getting your way. People who are hating on this are thinking only of themselves not the game. Don't buy plat if you dont want to. Nuff said.

Haha, I haven't bought plat for quite a long while, in fact. Been living on free plat for a while actually.
I am upset, but my thinking is clear.

You don't just kill powerleveling, the thing that upset so many people, and then re-enter powerleveling for plat.

That's a direct message to me: STS is growing more towards our money.
Perhaps they didn't want to imply that message. It's indirect anyway.

12-04-2011, 07:42 PM
Well. People want these things, like me also, STS isn't going to do anything if there isn't a lot of talk about it. This is the way it goes. Someone makes a thread, one person, a few people talk about it in the thread and it goes away. No one emails support about it. Support enjoys getting emails to pass on to the design team. I know. Let's see some threads on it guys and we can increase awareness there.
Por Favor:)

12-04-2011, 07:43 PM
This thread will be deleted Monday morning. :(

It's being viewed by two mods right now. The talk here has stayed somewhat civil, no reason for them to delete it yet. but, you never know with sts. They do reserve the right to do what they want with any content posted on the forums. We all agreed to it.

14. Proprietary forums.
The Spacetime Studios Community is a private message forum. All message board content is allowed at the discretion of Spacetime Studios. Spacetime Studios reserves the right to remove any message board content at will without notice for any reason.

15. Changes to these Rules and Regulations
Spacetime Studios may revise these Rules and Regulations at any time by amending this page. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes.
For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately!"

12-04-2011, 07:44 PM
Everyone I mean "my" people, Idk you sooo Idk your thoughts and hate to sound rude, idc. I have seen so many good players go because of the new sts. Thats the "everyone". The old community was what made this game what it was, thats long gone ('Cept some of the oldies who stuck around, which is major props :).)
Nice to see some of your opinion, even when your location is that :P

12-04-2011, 07:45 PM
Not on everybody's mind. Lol. No one could possibly no what is on the minds of even 1 percent of what people really think. How does anyone know what is on everybody's mind?

Everyone I mean "my" people, Idk you sooo Idk your thoughts and hate to sound rude, idc. I have seen so many good players go because of the new sts. Thats the "everyone". The old community was what made this game what it was, thats long gone ('Cept some of the oldies who stuck around, which is major props :).)

OK, yes, i totally see what you are saying.

But, lots of us have played mulitple mmos. We know that devs of games have to periodically make HUGE HUGE HUGE changes. Are these perfect that everyone likes, no. But people should stop thinking of just themselves, their groups, their loot and think of the game as a whole.

People want all this stuff from sts, fresh content, low plat prices. Well, then we need thousands of new members.

The people who have been around time should care more about the game then just their own llittle world. Think of the game.

Compared to the changes of some games, these are small. And people are acting like sts is awful, when, I am always, everyday stunned at how really great we got it. We are so lucky. And the only people who speak up are the haters. When people are getting their way, they a lot more silent.

12-04-2011, 07:45 PM
Good to know the mods are checking in on the buzz, keep this conversation civil and we can hopefully get them to chime in :)

12-04-2011, 07:46 PM
Good to know the mods are checking in on the buzz, keep this conversation civil and we can hopefully get them to chime in :)

Agreed :p

Let's see some threads on it guys and we can increase awareness there.

That's gonna get shut down so fast. That is under petitioning, and STS has a zero tolerance policy towards petitioning.

Basically, theres nothing that will change sts's mind. They release a 500plat pet, tons of people bought it, they test run a 1,500 plat pet, oh shhhnnaaggs!! people bought it! the only thing that would change sts's mind is if people stopped spending platinum.

12-04-2011, 07:48 PM
I'm not going to read the five pages of posts but lowly, I completely agree. Especially the recycled maps. I miss the good stuff; AO3, sewers, even swamps! I like a challenge, not just a bunch of balefort castle enemy's with glowing eyes. I think sts has been putting more oomph into SL's campaigns as opposed to PL. I want a map with the epicness of ao3 and the awesomeness of the sewers. I'm bored of the recycled mobs/maps. I know you can only do so much with a game but I think PL lost its originality after ao3.

I agree with the dumb elixir too. Kill counts should be something to be proud of, not bought. As for lv 1's joining me? Well, let's just say they booted where the sun don't shine.
Sts made themselves hipocrits when they released the new elixir. Bad enough 4x elixirs makes n00bs of us all; but, now we can get to the cap by leaching! Ok, a little far out, but you get what i mean. Thanks lowly, I hope STS takes our opinions into account.

My 2cents.

12-04-2011, 07:48 PM
OK, yes, i totally see what you asre saying.

But, lots of us have played mulitple mms. We know that devs of games have to periodically make HUGE HUGE HUGE changes. Are these peferct that everyone likes no. BUt people shold stop thinking of just them selves, their groups, their loot and think of the game as a whole.

People what all this stuff from sts, fresh content, low plat prices. Well, then we need thousands of new members.

The people who have been around time should care more about the game then just their own llittle world. Think of the game.

Compared to the changes of some games, these are small. And people are acting like sts is awful, when, I am always, everyday stunned at how really great we got it. We are so lucky. And the only people who speak up are the haters. When you getting people are getting their way, they a lot more silent.

Now...you are getting cloudy.
This started with the elixirs.
We'll stay on the elixirs, mkay?

Now, let me please repeat this: Power Leveling made the game horrible. Power Leveling is just bad, that is pretty much common knowledge.
Now...you don't remove a feature and then bring it back for platinum.

The elixirs may not have been about Power Leveling, but it sure seemed like it.
We are not hating on STS, we are worrying about the future generation.

I hope this clears things up a lil'.

12-04-2011, 07:48 PM
The people who have been around time should care more about the game then just their own llittle world. Think of the game.

This is were new players and old players clash. Old players have contributed countless hours and countless dollars to STS, and STS repayed us by stomping all over us. Kinda hard to help the the game if the only people who can help it have showed what they really think.

12-04-2011, 07:49 PM
That's gonna get shut down so fast. That is under petitioning, and STS has a zero tolerance policy towards petitioning.

Basically, theres nothing that will change sts's mind. They release a 500plat pet, tons of people bought it, they test run a 1,500 plat pet, oh shhhnnaaggs!! people bought it! the only thing that would change sts's mind is if people stopped spending platinum.
I was referring to suggestions and feedback forums. And I don't believe you caught my drift. I was saying, if people want things changed or added or completed, whatever, in the game, all they have to do is ask. I was basically meaning that would be a way to let the devs know.

12-04-2011, 07:51 PM
This is were new players and old players clash. Old players have contributed countless hours and countless dollars to STS, and STS repayed us by stomping all over us. Kinda hard to help the the game if the only people who can help it have showed what they really think.

This is kind of what I feel as well, but they aren't stomping on us, they're stomping on past/present/future gens, with those elixirs, and the extremely expensive...balloons?


12-04-2011, 07:52 PM
I was referring to suggestions and feedback forums. And I don't believe you caught my drift. I was saying, if people want things changed or added or completed, whatever, in the game, all they have to do is ask. I was basically meaning that would be a way to let the devs know.

Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, suggestions section means nothing now. I still remember Arterra's list of suggested items that actually got implemented into the game. If someone made a new list for the last few months, it would be empty, see my drift?

12-04-2011, 07:54 PM
OK, yes, i totally see what you asre saying.

But, lots of us have played mulitple mms. We know that devs of games have to periodically make HUGE HUGE HUGE changes. Are these peferct that everyone likes no. BUt people shold stop thinking of just them selves, their groups, their loot and think of the game as a whole.

People what all this stuff from sts, fresh content, low plat prices. Well, then we need thousands of new members.

The people who have been around time should care more about the game then just their own llittle world. Think of the game.

Compared to the changes of some games, these are small. And people are acting like sts is awful, when, I am always, everyday stunned at how really great we got it. We are so lucky. And the only people who speak up are the haters. When you getting people are getting their way, they a lot more silent.

Now...you are getting cloudy.
This started with the elixirs.
We'll stay on the elixirs, mkay?

Now, let me please repeat this: Power Leveling made the game horrible. Power Leveling is just bad, that is pretty much common knowledge.
Now...you don't remove a feature and then bring it back for platinum.

The elixirs may not have been about Power Leveling, but it sure seemed like it.
We are not hating on STS, we are worrying about the future generation.

I agree, not everyone is hating, some are just saying their opinion. But no one is trying to even prove anything. They just make rash statements that revs up people's emotions, then they agree.

Power leveling is not the problem. These new elixrs are not going to be a problem. Low levels can't even use them except to zone into friends or guildies games. Why would anyone want to stop friends playing the game together.

Why does everyone want to control how other people play their game. It is their game to enjoy their way. Let people be to be happy and have fun.

12-04-2011, 07:54 PM
This is kind of what I feel as well, but they aren't stomping on us, they're stomping on past/present/future gens, with those elixirs, and the extremely expensive...balloons?


Guess me and you feel different. Agree to disagree :P. The new elixirs I agree with though, isn't that like demolishing a wall that they put up during Myna's Gen?

Why does everyone want to control how other people play their game. It is their game to enjoy their way. Let people be to be happy and have fun.

Because humans are greedy and need instant gratification. I am assuming you weren't around during Myna's Gen days? Myna's Gen's were basically noobs who were end game level. It was that freedom to play the game how they wanted, when they wanted, that ultimately ruined soooo many peoples playing experience. Imagine playing in Mt. Fang with a team full of Level 10's. Thats how Myna's was.

12-04-2011, 07:57 PM
Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, suggestions section means nothing now. I still remember Arterra's list of suggested items that actually got implemented into the game. If someone made a new list for the last few months, it would be empty, see my drift?
Oh yes, I hope my reply was not rude. Please forgive me if it was. I have posted the same list in Suggestions two times, along with it in Community Leaders discussion, an email to support, and PM's to Asommers, Sam, and Justg. The same list and nothing was done.

12-04-2011, 07:57 PM
I have been here since day 8, and heres how ive seen the levels. Forest have was the tradional starter lvl (nice easy and in a forest) then dark foresk got a kittle darker and a tad more fun. Then balefort which was cool (trolls and such) and then Fathom Crypts- man i loed thay campaign. I spent many hours fightin with my friends in MMMU. Which is a great level. Try running it over with lvl 25 team. With old gear, talk about fun. Anyways then Lost Expedition came out and I was like SWEET! Completely different looks (snow, ice, caves) along with new mobs and bosses. And then the swamps came out- and i was blown away. This was cool. New mobs, hard bosses (remember frogmar before the nerf?) and AMAZING weapons and armor. It was very creative. Not to mentio trading came out at this time so the game was way cooler. Then AO1 (i took a break atthis time- so ill skip) and then AO2. The start of the glory days. Shocklances, galaxy stafs, red scarabs and blasters and plasma sword were in full swing. It was a creative and fun campaign- good times under the dessert sun. And the Ao3- 1337. Nuff said. Bos tactics, sets, elite dungeons, staggerinf affects, portals and quests o my! It was great. Twinking was in full fledge, and life was even better in our golden halls. And then came te sewers- not a bad towne. And te mobs and bosses were good (evil ursans/elves and avians) and the quests were ok. But the items looked dumb! Many were recycled- and werebt worth trtig to fet a set imo. Not as many tactics for the levels- dull. A loss in creativity imo. But still every campaign cant be te best one right? And then nuri. Once again i was fighting zombies- except they had headphones. And the bosses werent fun. At leasts the items looked cool, if recycled. Alog with te loot. Another dip in creativity. And my leastfav campign. One second your in a circis and the next your in an underground cave thing? Wtf? And Then mount fang. Actually i like this campaign. The loots cool (well sorry mages) and te boss fight are really fun. But common- the same walls i used to fight in im balefort castle? We need more creative scenery- and skeleton mobs???? Aswell as many of tge same armor looks, the same drops and not as cool of mechanics. Recycled (but i still enjoy it imensly) I want more in a campaign. Something new and fun. I wanna e blown away like the swamps and Ao3. I sent an idea to samhayne and a thread on the forums about having the community design a campaign. Then we could get what we want. We have plenty of ideas! And they are very very good ideas. That is all i have to say.

12-04-2011, 08:00 PM
Oh yes, I hope my reply was not rude. Please forgive me if it was. I have posted the same list in Suggestions two times, along with it in Community Leaders discussion, an email to support, and PM's to Asommers, Sam, and Justg. The same list and nothing was done.

Nah don't worry I don't take things rudely :P. Also, if I appear to be rude, not trying to be, I tend to come off really rude when I type >.<.

I sent an idea to samhayne and a thread on the forums about having the community design a campaign. Then we could get what we want. We have plenty of ideas! And they are very very good ideas. That is all i have to say.

What was his reply?

Edit: Conrad, you've been around soo long, that your basically a wise monk :D!!


Drop some zen vibe, bro

12-04-2011, 08:04 PM
Why does everyone want to control how other people play their game. It is their game to enjoy their way. Let people be to be happy and have fun.

Because humans are greedy and need instant gratification. I am assuming you weren't around during Myna's Gen days? Myna's Gen's were basically noobs who were end game level. It was that freedom to play the game how they wanted, when they wanted, that ultimately ruined soooo many peoples playing experience. Imagine playing in Mt. Fang with a team full of Level 10's. Thats how Myna's was.

Ok, yes, I see what you are saying. But:

1. Mynas Gen was nerfed almost a year ago.

2. Game is hugelyt different now.

3. People who have been here since Mynas Gen have huge friends list and guilds list to group with.

4. We have goa and aoa now.

5. We have aother efforts to increase training.

6. The elixrs cannot be used unless you zone into a friends or guildies group. Why does anyone think they should have the right to stop that.

7. People still have, well at least, should have some freedom to play the game the way the want to even if someone else doesn't approve.

8. I know people quake in their boots when they think of those days. But, got to give people some faith and credit.

9. Why try to control how someone else is playing just cuz you don't approve. Why do they have to meet with someone else's approval.

12-04-2011, 08:04 PM
Guess me and you feel different. Agree to disagree :P. The new elixirs I agree with though, isn't that like demolishing a wall that they put up during Myna's Gen?

Because humans are greedy and need instant gratification. I am assuming you weren't around during Myna's Gen days? Myna's Gen's were basically noobs who were end game level. It was that freedom to play the game how they wanted, when they wanted, that ultimately ruined soooo many peoples playing experience. Imagine playing in Mt. Fang with a team full of Level 10's. Thats how Myna's was.

Actually that'd be fun.
The only good thing thatcomes out of the elixirs is going up to higher levels.
I'd just say they shouldn't allow xp/kills, just the ability to go.

Conrad, remember those times, when we 20 twinked together, and me,you,iddy,Z, and Joey ran through Plasma with our twinks? Good times.

12-04-2011, 08:06 PM
Calm Down, Peeps

12-04-2011, 08:06 PM
Does anyone realize the amount of people who use the forums vs. the amount of people who play the game? Players> forumers and it's not even close.

Listen, I know I am in the minority ON THE FORUMS when I say this: PL is what you make it. There are a vsriety of options, game styles, and content to chose from if anyone just takes a moment to use common sense qnd imagination. Plat is NOT necessary to play this game. Do I use it? Yep. Do I need it? Nope. Do I think PL could use a little more originality/fresh ideas? Sure. But let me proceed to shock the world:

- I am not freaking out because things are recycled.

- I could care less about my kdr or my lack of exsistence on the LB.

- I know how to use my boot button to keep leechers who are an inappropriate level out of my games.

- If I get booted from a game, I join another! :o

- If I am rushed in pvp, I get up and rush back or leave. Simple.

- News flash: there are more aspects to this game than end game. I have a secret toon which NOONE knows about and I love it!

Last, but not least, I haven't forgotten something important: PL is a game. That's right, a game. Do you think EA makes drastic changes from one Madden to the next? Nope. You think people complain? Yep. Does EA continue to rule the world in August of every single year? Yep.

Folks, we have choices in life. Choices which dictate our attitudes and actions. Games are fun and at times intense, but should never be treated as real life. You are kinda missing the point of a game when you do relate the two. But please remember, just because you spend money on a game (whether you feel you have too or not), does not give you the right to run the company.

*zips up flame suit*

12-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Oh I see what you mean. Yeah, suggestions section means nothing now. I still remember Arterra's list of suggested items that actually got implemented into the game. If someone made a new list for the last few months, it would be empty, see my drift?

I wouldn't say it means nothing. As games grow it becomes more and more difficult to implement things suggest by a smaller group. The devs have to be focused more on the larger community at hand. Now that, doesn't mean that they aren't listening and paying very close attention.

One of the big reasons why myself and the other moderators are around is to help Sam keep a better eye on what the community is saying. Every day we look at what people are talking about and send them along to Sam to review, who then in turn sends to the dev team. And I'm sure you've seen Flip around here, who is very concerned about community feedback and doing things that the community wants to see.

You aren't going to get what you want every single time, and there may be some times where decisions are frustrating to you personally. You can't please everyone, but everyone can have a voice to get what they want. Just remember to keep speaking up with your ideas in a helpful, constructive manner and they will at the very least be listened to.

12-04-2011, 08:09 PM
Calm Down, Peeps

Not sure what this has to do with anything in the thread.
We spend money.
We have a right to get angry over our purchases that went to good at first, but then...

12-04-2011, 08:10 PM
You just mentioned all new devs except sam. Where are the ORIGINAL devs?

12-04-2011, 08:11 PM
Nah don't worry I don't take things rudely :P. Also, if I appear to be rude, not trying to be, I tend to come off really rude when I type >.<.

We, nice to finally get acquainted with you. Call me WE. :P

12-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Actually that'd be fun.
The only good thing thatcomes out of the elixirs is going up to higher levels.
I'd just say they shouldn't allow xp/kills, just the ability to go.

Conrad, remember those times, when we 20 twinked together, and me,you,iddy,Z, and Joey ran through Plasma with our twinks? Good times.

Ahh.... the old days :).

I don't see why we need to pay platinum to get into a new map. Just unlock them to all levels and nerf kills and xp for 5 levels or lower then suggested level.

12-04-2011, 08:13 PM
Alright as requested by Javier, i have compiled my ideas for possible campaigns and have posted them in the Suggestions section. Take a minute to check them out and let me know what you guys think.


12-04-2011, 08:15 PM
Does anyone realize the amount of people who use the forums vs. the amount of people who play the game? Players> forumers and it's not even close.

Listen, I know I am in the minority ON THE FORUMS when I say this: PL is what you make it. There are a vsriety of options, game styles, and content to chose from if anyone just takes a moment to use common sense qnd imagination. Plat is NOT necessary to play this game. Do I use it? Yep. Do I need it? Nope. Do I think PL could use a little more originality/fresh ideas? Sure. But let me proceed to shock the world:

- I am not freaking out because things are recycled.

- I could care less about my kdr or my lack of exsistence on the LB.

- I know how to use my boot button to keep leechers who are an inappropriate level out of my games.

- If I get booted from a game, I join another! :o

- If I am rushed in pvp, I get up and rush back or leave. Simple.

- News flash: there are more aspects to this game than end game. I have a secret toon which NOONE knows about and I love it!

Last, but not least, I haven't forgotten something important: PL is a game. That's right, a game. Do you think EA makes drastic changes from one Madden to the next? Nope. You think people complain? Yep. Does EA continue to rule the world in August of every single year? Yep.

Folks, we have choices in life. Choices which dictate our attitudes and actions. Games are fun and at times intense, but should never be treated as real life. You are kinda missing the point of a game when you do relate the two. But please remember, just because you spend money on a game (whether you feel you have too or not), does not give you the right to run the company.

*zips up flame suit*

These are wise words...but...

There are a variety of options, but I'm not sure the developers imagined us dressing up in fancy town suits, or merchanting in game as part of PL once you start getting bored...
We basically made the game fun for ourselves, and that's great and all...but...it's all so expensive when you build off of the success you earned off of your own players creativity.

Also, is Madden an MMO? It's so different managing a sports game from an MMO.
All you need to get right in Madden is the graphics, and make sure there are no bugs.

In an MMO, you HAVE to be able to at least keep 50% of the fanbase happy, or your company won't grow that fast.
I'm sure they have 50% of a fanbase happy, but that's another 50% unhappy.

My viewpoint on games are different...they train us, prepare us for situations in real life, when it comes to good business decisions, bad business decisions, people who have no reasoning...and they just are there when you get insanely bored.

Maybe I have ADHD, must go see a doctor. I get awfully bored a lot. And I fidget. Since 3rd grade.
Is that bad?

12-04-2011, 08:15 PM
The devs have to be focused more on the larger community at hand.


12-04-2011, 08:16 PM
I wouldn't say it means nothing. As games grow it becomes more and more difficult to implement things suggest by a smaller group. The devs have to be focused more on the larger community at hand. Now that, doesn't mean that they aren't listening and paying very close attention.

One of the big reasons why myself and the other moderators are around is to help Sam keep a better eye on what the community is saying. Every day we look at what people are talking about and send them along to Sam to review, who then in turn sends to the dev team. And I'm sure you've seen Flip around here, who is very concerned about community feedback and doing things that the community wants to see.

You aren't going to get what you want every single time, and there may be some times where decisions are frustrating to you personally. You can't please everyone, but everyone can have a voice to get what they want. Just remember to keep speaking up with your ideas in a helpful, constructive manner and they will at the very least be listened to.

I have tried multiple times. Should I scrap up my list and post it again in Suggestions and Feedback? Or PM it to you and see what you think? I love the dev team and support and try to cope with all they do.

12-04-2011, 08:17 PM
Nah don't worry I don't take things rudely :P. Also, if I appear to be rude, not trying to be, I tend to come off really rude when I type >.<.

What was his reply?

Edit: Conrad, you've been around soo long, that your basically a wise monk :D!!


Drop some zen vibe, bro

Ive gotten alot wiser than the noob that last showed up o the forums last august. Hell, the mynas gens are oldies now :)

12-04-2011, 08:19 PM

run!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

12-04-2011, 08:19 PM
That is untrue. You can't prove it. You just upset, not for valid reasons but cuz you not getting your way. People who are hating on this are thinking only of themselves not the game. Don't buy plat if you dont want to. Nuff said.
You consistently say that no one can know what is going on in anyones mind yet you call noobmigo selfish and upset just because he is not getting his way. Take some of your own advice please. We are discussing this because we CARE and LOVE this game. We remember what it was like seeing devs ig or in chat. We remember a time when we felt the devs cared about what we thought and actually listened to our input. These are my feelings, you are entitled to yours but don't tell me or anyone how we should feel or WHY you think we feel this way.

@Lowly - you took the words right out of my mouth. I and everyone I have talked to feel similarly. We have discussed this often and feel like there's no point because because we can talk or in this case type until we are blue in the face but we are not being heard. I hope the devs read this and take it into consideration.

12-04-2011, 08:19 PM
Ive gotten alot wiser than the noob that last showed up o the forums last august. Hell, the mynas gens are oldies now :)

I'm still the noob that showed up October :).

And oh lord the thought of myna's being oldies, scarry stuffz man.

12-04-2011, 08:20 PM
I have tried multiple times. Should I scrap up my list and post it again in Suggestions and Feedback? Or PM it to you and see what you think? I love the dev team and support and try to cope with all they do.

Put in suggestions and feedback and PM me the link, please. That goes for anyone else who feels like they have issues that are unresolved. If you have a suggestions that you think hasn't been paid attention to, PM me the link and I'll make sure it is on Sam's desk by the morning.

That doesn't mean he'll be able to reply to them but I will guarantee you that he sees it.

12-04-2011, 08:21 PM
We, nice to finally get acquainted with you. Call me WE. :P

Call me Brandon

Calm Down, Peeps

That is... single... handedly the WISEST and perfectly placed comment I have ever seen! You are correct sir!


12-04-2011, 08:21 PM
My viewpoint on games are different...they train us, prepare us for situations in real life, when it comes to good business decisions, bad business decisions, people who have no reasoning..

As a father and a teacher, you have no idea how much this part of your argument troubles me.

12-04-2011, 08:21 PM
I'm still the noob that showed up October :).

And oh lord the thought of myna's being oldies, scarry stuffz man.

Haha, I am a forum Mynas Gen.
Always am, always will be. My attitude must reflect that. ;)

12-04-2011, 08:23 PM
Haha, I am a forum Mynas Gen.
Always am, always will be. My attitude must reflect that. ;)

Always will be a Gold Miner here :p. Joined right as the insane Ao3 rush boomed.

As a father and a teacher, you have no idea how much this part of your argument troubles me.

Hey, it beats Military Camp... Who needs discipline nowadays? eh?

12-04-2011, 08:25 PM
As a father and a teacher, you have no idea how much this part of your argument troubles me.

Did that really work?

May I sig that quote?

12-04-2011, 08:31 PM
IMO, the old sts was the most amazing dev team ever. But this new one, it's got room to improve and is blind sighted by money, just a tad bit... I hope they can just find a happy medium, like bring back some old things like the creativity and the compassion(?) and bring in some new stuff like the new devs and other cool features. (wounded's 3d effect sounds pretty cool). I hate to say it but if this doenst work out, there is always the rage quit button aka deleting the app.

See y'all in game :)

Ps. Might not hurt to take a chill pill hmm? ;)

12-04-2011, 08:33 PM
Ps. Might not hurt to take a chill pill hmm? ;)

Chill Pills are Illegal :(. At least the good ones.

12-04-2011, 08:34 PM
IMO, the old sts was the most amazing dev team ever. But this new one, it's got room to improve and is blind sighted by money, just a tad bit... I hope they can just find a happy medium, like bring back some old things like the creativity and the compassion(?) and bring in some new stuff like the new devs and other cool features. (wounded's 3d effect sounds pretty cool). I hate to say it but if this doenst work out, there is always the rage quit button aka deleting the app.

See y'all in game :)

Ps. Might not hurt to take a chill pill hmm? ;)

Mynas Gens like me doughnut take chill pills.

12-04-2011, 08:36 PM
Chill Pills are Illegal :(. At least the good ones.
Bad time to drop in, but what the hey, Phar's in the house;D

12-04-2011, 08:38 PM
Bad time to drop in, but what the hey, Phar's in the house;D

WHIRLZ!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah... I'm just trolololing around :) Whats new?

12-04-2011, 08:39 PM
Call me Brandon
Harro Bradon. (1upped me on a First Name basis) Or Morgaan. That 'twould be my actual name. Whatever you prefer.

12-04-2011, 08:40 PM
I love how the thread goes from (possibly) angry rants and flames to a happy reunion scene..:p
Edit: 2k posts ^.^

12-04-2011, 08:41 PM
Harro Bradon. (1upped me on a First Name basis) Or Morgaan. That 'twould be my actual name. Whatever you prefer.

MORGAANWE! My interpretating of a white guy interperating a french guy making a white nickname

12-04-2011, 08:42 PM
Timeline regarding platinum since I began playing.

June 2010: No TapJoy, 10 platinum for campaigns. 2 platinum for FULL respecs.

July 2010: Same as June, everything is going along great. A02 is out, creativity was dulled since the old swamp ages/Ao1. Pinks became far less frequent than seen in both Swamps and Ao1.

August 2010: I took a few months break due to the same repetition, mynas generation, and other MMOs.

September 2010: Ao3 is released. Aside from the HUGE money drain that OL and the other bosses created, people LOVED the campaign. It brought back creativity that wasn't exhibited for a LONG time. Everybody, almost unanimously agreed that Ao3 was worth the long wait. Platinum costs increased by 10 platinum for the campaign. However, it was well worth it due to the innovation STS was showing they had.

October 2010: Halloween is out. It costs 5 platinum to play. More if you wanted exclusive items from packs. For the first time, people were irate due to the random packs and how much platinum was wasted on them. STS was decisive in that matter and recalled packs, reworked them to give better items and less costumes, gave a small refund. Everybody was happy, as the temporary content was innovative and people felt a part of Pocket Legends history.

November 2010: Nothing really happened, STS decided not to celebrate Turkey Day. Combat Rebalance occurred, which lead to temporary free respecs. People were angry, but the changes were needed, as L50's had nearly 90 dodge and 180+ armor.

December 2010: Holiday campaign is out. Platinum prices are again hiked for this campaign, but are similar to Halloween campaigns. STS begins to start to test just how much platinum their gamers are willing to purchase. On the vast majority, they were willing to purchase platinum because the content was once again, fun and innovative. STS starts to crack down on the TOS, leading to the mass ban event at Smaoe's party. People were shocked, but it was for the best.

January-February 2011: Balefort Sewers is released. It is once again, new. However, people did not like it as much as Ao3. However, gold elixirs still exist during this time period. Everything is allright. Valentine's Day occurs. People are shocked by the prices for the items WITHOUT an event. STS begins to favor platinum users. TapJoy is released.

March-April 2011: Gold Elixirs are removed. STS reworks their marketing strategy. One month goes by where people only have the option to purchase high overpriced elixirs. (3 platinum for 1 5 minute elixir that removes on death and counts down according to real world time). Platinum Elixirs are released, STS gives us back the elixirs we had previously, this time for the sale of platinum. People are OUTRAGED, as one elixir costs the amount a campaign used to cost. Eventually, the drama dies down and everything continues. STS claims since the main spine is free, they have taken away elixirs, replaced them with measly 1.5x gold elixirs and Platinum elixirs which were previously gold. People take it hard, but manage to swallow it. The 800-2000 platinum pack is more and more frequently bought. Average person would spend 2k platinum in 2-3 months now as opposed to spending a year it would take with the other marketing style.

May-June 2011: Platinum rates start to increase EVEN more. Shortly after June, the 500 platinum vanity is released. People are outraged. Platinum costs per month just seem to spiral upward.

August-November 2011:Halloween campaigns are repeated, when STS promised many new items with the return of some old items. People are outraged. Many collectors quit. What happens? STS releases new items many days after in an attempt to "fix it". One problem. Everything new and cool is platinum. Making money of their own mistake when we, the players, were told something else. Nuri's Hallow is barely out for 3 months before Mt. Fang is released. Campaign after Campaign seems to come in order to generate platinum sales. We plead STS not to make the same mistakes they did on Halloween, but have yet to see what their final decision will be.

Present: Now we are at the stage where the 2k platinum pack exists. It never existed previously and the highest amount you could purchase was 800. It is normal for a player to spend 100 dollars a month on platinum. The game now favors platinum users, leaving those who purchase very little platinum excluded of basically special holiday items and collectables. Creativity in campaigns are lost. STS is pumping out campaigns faster than a sweatshop produces products. Platinum is very high, campaigns are free but the innovation is lost. The marketing style has now become "Make as many campaigns as you can, release an elite item so people purchase elixirs/enhancers, and continue every 2-3 months so the money well never runs dry".

How much does this rake in? Let's see. STS makes about 100 dollars per player, perhaps a few 100. Yes, even the TapJoy users, because of advertising funds. Then there are those few outliers who have spent multiple thousands on platinum or those who did not spend any at all, but did use TapJoy. Cash is coming in through the wazoo.

^^^ Now, I am completely fine with this IF STS shows MORE CREATIVITY towards campaigns, because right now, they are half-buffed at best and I feel as we, the players, are dairy cows. STS is the dairy farm and is milking us for as long as they can until this marketing strategy does not work anymore.

I tried to make this as respectful as possible and show players who weren't here what has happened through the eyes of older players.

12-04-2011, 08:42 PM
I love how the thread goes from (possibly) angry rants and flames to a happy reunion scene..:p
Edit: 2k posts ^.^


Gratz! Weres the love, man?!

12-04-2011, 08:45 PM
http://www.throwlights.com/images/smilies/poptartFINALTINY.gif thats beautiful phar!

12-04-2011, 08:47 PM
EDIT: I just realized Pandar's suggestions. I'll simply PM him this post.

12-04-2011, 08:48 PM
thats beautiful phar!

:) Thats the minecraft version, wanna see a work of art? Prepare to be blinded by beauty.


12-04-2011, 08:50 PM

Gratz! Weres the love, man?!
That was your 5k post lol!

12-04-2011, 08:52 PM
The fur just looks like some unintended pixelization. /troll

12-04-2011, 08:52 PM
That was your 5k post lol!

Well spent! :D

12-04-2011, 08:53 PM
thats beautiful phar!

:) Thats the minecraft version, wanna see a work of art? Prepare to be blinded by beauty.


WHOOOOA, like six people minds just got blown xD

12-04-2011, 08:53 PM
The fur just looks like some unintended pixelization. /troll


Love ya, bro!

12-04-2011, 08:54 PM

Love ya, bro!


I feel as my post just went to waste. :P /0 comments.

12-04-2011, 08:56 PM

I feel as my post just went to waste. :P /0 comments.

HAHAHAHA! Wellllll you kindaaaa did post during a reunion/ thread shutdown by a mod. But! Save that post Parth! Ever get into a argument with some new player about plat, BAM! list :)

12-04-2011, 08:57 PM
Agreed parth- platnium based. I consider meself a pretty good tank, but i dont have platnium for elixirs. So amy bird, bear or mage (minis the taunt and beckon {althoughtheir damage does huge agro) can tank as well as me or better with a 4x elixir. Lame. And pandar, i will gladly send stuff to you as you seem more plaer friendly than sam now.

12-04-2011, 08:57 PM
HAHAHAHA! Wellllll you kindaaaa did post during a reunion/ thread shutdown by a mod. But! Save that post Parth! Ever get into a argument with some new player about plat, BAM! list :)

LOL! Good idea. :P

12-04-2011, 08:58 PM

Love ya, bro!

I'm wearing a shirt, tyvm.

12-04-2011, 08:59 PM
I'm wearing a shirt, tyvm.


'dis one?


12-04-2011, 08:59 PM
I'm wearing a shirt, tyvm.

I'd be scared to fight you in PvP. Maybe I should make a character called King Kong and take you on.

12-04-2011, 09:00 PM
Timeline regarding platinum since I began playing.

Geez, what a great history lesson. When it comes to wishing there were fresh content, I really agree.

But, all that fresh, creative content gonna costs millions. We got to get many thousands new players. In order to pay for that content and also the new games. If we got all these 1000's of new players, maybe they could cut back on some of the prices.

One idea, for the players who can't buy a lot of plat, one idea is to just buy for those holiday times. You don't really need plat to play the game. But, if they want to collect, maybe if they saved their plat for just holiday/special event items.

Plat prices gonna stay high till we get that influx of new players, imo.

This was a good history lesson.

12-04-2011, 09:02 PM
One idea, for the players who can't buy a lot of plat, one idea is to just buy for those holiday times. You don't really need plat to play the game. But, if they want to collect, maybe if they saved their plat for just holiday/special event items.

I did save some plat for the holidays :p. Yeah sts doesn't make you pay for the game, but if you wanna be unique, you gotta pay.

12-04-2011, 09:03 PM
Timeline regarding platinum since I began playing.

June 2010: No TapJoy, 10 platinum for campaigns. 2 platinum for FULL respecs.

July 2010: Same as June, everything is going along great. A02 is out, creativity was dulled since the old swamp ages/Ao1. Pinks became far less frequent than seen in both Swamps and Ao1.

August 2010: I took a few months break due to the same repetition, mynas generation, and other MMOs.

September 2010: Ao3 is released. Aside from the HUGE money drain that OL and the other bosses created, people LOVED the campaign. It brought back creativity that wasn't exhibited for a LONG time. Everybody, almost unanimously agreed that Ao3 was worth the long wait. Platinum costs increased by 10 platinum for the campaign. However, it was well worth it due to the innovation STS was showing they had.

October 2010: Halloween is out. It costs 5 platinum to play. More if you wanted exclusive items from packs. For the first time, people were irate due to the random packs and how much platinum was wasted on them. STS was decisive in that matter and recalled packs, reworked them to give better items and less costumes, gave a small refund. Everybody was happy, as the temporary content was innovative and people felt a part of Pocket Legends history.

November 2010: Nothing really happened, STS decided not to celebrate Turkey Day. Combat Rebalance occurred, which lead to temporary free respecs. People were angry, but the changes were needed, as L50's had nearly 90 dodge and 180+ armor.

December 2010: Holiday campaign is out. Platinum prices are again hiked for this campaign, but are similar to Halloween campaigns. STS begins to start to test just how much platinum their gamers are willing to purchase. On the vast majority, they were willing to purchase platinum because the content was once again, fun and innovative. STS starts to crack down on the TOS, leading to the mass ban event at Smaoe's party. People were shocked, but it was for the best.

January-February 2011: Balefort Sewers is released. It is once again, new. However, people did not like it as much as Ao3. However, gold elixirs still exist during this time period. Everything is allright. Valentine's Day occurs. People are shocked by the prices for the items WITHOUT an event. STS begins to favor platinum users. TapJoy is released.

March-April 2011: Gold Elixirs are removed. STS reworks their marketing strategy. One month goes by where people only have the option to purchase high overpriced elixirs. (3 platinum for 1 5 minute elixir that removes on death and counts down according to real world time). Platinum Elixirs are released, STS gives us back the elixirs we had previously, this time for the sale of platinum. People are OUTRAGED, as one elixir costs the amount a campaign used to cost. Eventually, the drama dies down and everything continues. STS claims since the main spine is free, they have taken away elixirs, replaced them with measly 1.5x gold elixirs and Platinum elixirs which were previously gold. People take it hard, but manage to swallow it. The 800-2000 platinum pack is more and more frequently bought. Average person would spend 2k platinum in 2-3 months now as opposed to spending a year it would take with the other marketing style.

May-June 2011: Platinum rates start to increase EVEN more. Shortly after June, the 500 platinum vanity is released. People are outraged. Platinum costs per month just seem to spiral upward.

August-November 2011:Halloween campaigns are repeated, when STS promised many new items with the return of some old items. People are outraged. Many collectors quit. What happens? STS releases new items many days after in an attempt to "fix it". One problem. Everything new and cool is platinum. Making money of their own mistake when we, the players, were told something else. Nuri's Hallow is barely out for 3 months before Mt. Fang is released. Campaign after Campaign seems to come in order to generate platinum sales. We plead STS not to make the same mistakes they did on Halloween, but have yet to see what their final decision will be.

Present: Now we are at the stage where the 2k platinum pack exists. It never existed previously and the highest amount you could purchase was 800. It is normal for a player to spend 100 dollars a month on platinum. The game now favors platinum users, leaving those who purchase very little platinum excluded of basically special holiday items and collectables. Creativity in campaigns are lost. STS is pumping out campaigns faster than a sweatshop produces products. Platinum is very high, campaigns are free but the innovation is lost. The marketing style has now become "Make as many campaigns as you can, release an elite item so people purchase elixirs/enhancers, and continue every 2-3 months so the money well never runs dry".

How much does this rake in? Let's see. STS makes about 100 dollars per player, perhaps a few 100. Yes, even the TapJoy users, because of advertising funds. Then there are those few outliers who have spent multiple thousands on platinum or those who did not spend any at all, but did use TapJoy. Cash is coming in through the wazoo.

^^^ Now, I am completely fine with this IF STS shows MORE CREATIVITY towards campaigns, because right now, they are half-buffed at best and I feel as we, the players, are dairy cows. STS is the dairy farm and is milking us for as long as they can until this marketing strategy does not work anymore.

I tried to make this as respectful as possible and show players who weren't here what has happened through the eyes of older players.

Exactly. People are much more willing to pay higher amounts of plat if they feel they are getting their moneys worth, which up until these two most recent campaigns people did feel they got what they paid for.

12-04-2011, 09:03 PM
Geez, what a great history lesson. When it comes to wishing there were fresh content, I really agree.

But, all that fresh, creative content gonna costs millions. We got to get many thousands new players. In order to pay for that content and also the new games. If we got all these 1000's of new players, maybe they could cut back on some of the prices.

One idea, for the players who can't buy a lot of plat, one idea is to just buy for those holiday times. You don't really need plat to play the game. But, if they want to collect, maybe if they saved their plat for just holiday/special event items.

Plat prices gonna stay high till we get that influx of new players, imo.

This was a good history lesson.

I totally agree with you. (Feel free to start a debate, I'm not joking. I'd love one!) Yes, it would be great if players spent their platinum wisely. I'm going to try and see what all that fuss is about regarding only using gold enhancers. Let's see how well Zeus fares from 61-66.

12-04-2011, 09:04 PM
I totally agree with you. (Feel free to start a debate, I'm not joking. I'd love one!) Yes, it would be great if players spent their platinum wisely. I'm going to try and see what all that fuss is about regarding only using gold enhancers. Let's see how well Zeus fares from 61-66.

Your crazy, bro.

12-04-2011, 09:06 PM
Your crazy, bro.

Lol, knowing me, I'll probably give up halfway through and switch to platinum elixirs and grind it out. :P

12-04-2011, 09:08 PM
Lol, knowing me, I'll probably give up halfway through and switch to platinum elixirs and grind it out. :P

I'm gonna send you to elixir rehab. Your shaking faster then a cold junkie.

12-04-2011, 09:10 PM
I'm gonna send you to elixir rehab. Your shaking faster then a cold junkie.

I'm only shaking because it's freaking FREEZING in California today. I have shorts on and my heat is out. What gives!? :(

12-04-2011, 09:10 PM
This was a good history lesson.

I totally agree with you. (Feel free to start a debate, I'm not joking. I'd love one!) Yes, it would be great if players spent their platinum wisely. I'm going to try and see what all that fuss is about regarding only using gold enhancers. Let's see how well Zeus fares from 61-66.

I agree, when people buy plat, they should spend it carefully. Or, at least not complain if it goes too fast.

I am a total tight wad, very carefully spending it.

STS has to make money, this is how they do it. But, I know they don't want anyone spending more than they can afford or spending what they do buy unwisely. They really do care about us players. Just have to make money some how.

Hey!! What about some more history lessons some time?

12-04-2011, 09:11 PM
Lol, knowing me, I'll probably give up halfway through and switch to platinum elixirs and grind it out. :P

Give up and Shelby will start hitting on you again.

motivation enough? :D

12-04-2011, 09:12 PM
I agree, when people buy plat, they should spend it carefully. Or, at least not complain if it goes too fast.

I am a total tight wad, very carefully spending it.

STS has to make money, this is how they do it. But, I know they don't want anyone spending more than they can afford or spending what they do buy unwisely. They really do care about us players. Just have to make money some how.

Hey!! What about some more history lessons some time?

Lol, joking or honest? I'll be glad to but I'm sure there are others who can give you better explanations. I wasn't as familiar with the game until June.

Also, I'm about to PM you something, so be sure to check your PMs if you can. :)

12-04-2011, 09:12 PM
I'm only shaking because it's freaking FREEZING in California today. I have shorts on and my heat is out. What gives!? :(

:( I wanna freakin live in Cali... Wanna trade? Roads are pure ice over here at CO right now.

12-04-2011, 09:15 PM
:( I wanna freakin live in Cali... Wanna trade? Roads are pure ice over here at CO right now.

I'd trade, love colder places.

12-04-2011, 09:16 PM
Doom! Destruction! The end of Alterra!

Ok, does everyone really think the above line is going to happen with the new update. I mean come on guys, really? I have a lot of respect for many of the people that have posted here, but you guys have devolved to accusing STS of cheating you, and being ignorant. I will be more than willing to bet that the development team has more love for this game than any of us. But, they do have to make money.

To everyone who expressed extreme disappointment. Those of us who populate the forums are the minority. We can express that this is our game but, at no point should any of us assume that we can control what happens to PL. Suggestions and open discussion are encouraged by the development team. STS cares how we view the game, but they are going to do things to promote the majority (remember we are the minority). I thoroughly enjoy playing. I routinely run all the maps on my high level characters because I enjoy all the maps. Some more than others. Now STS has given me the ability to run these maps and gain xp, hurray! Now with the new elixirs I can also take a lvl 35 back to Plasma Pyramid. That was one to the things I hated when they level locked the maps.

To everyone, this is a GAME! Not life or death. I honestly would suggest that if these changes are causing you so much distress, take a break, you are spending too much time and getting way to involved in a GAME. It seems to me lately that many of the forum members think that PL should be the way they want it, regardless of how others feel. Get a grip on yourself. One of the biggest problems in this world today is how selfish and self-centered everyone has become.

To those I haven't ticked off, See ya in Alterra!

To the rest, Oh Well!

12-04-2011, 09:17 PM
:( I wanna freakin live in Cali... Wanna trade? Roads are pure ice over here at CO right now.

Lol, not sure about trading, but feel free to join an Indian family. *puts up advertisement* Adopting Pharcyde/Brandon!

Give up and Shelby will start hitting on you again.

motivation enough? :D

Or I could just play SL indefinitely. :D

12-04-2011, 09:20 PM
Totally off topic, but there are about 0.688992 comments per minute including mine. :)

12-04-2011, 09:20 PM
Lol, not sure about trading, but feel free to join an Indian family. *puts up advertisement* Adopting Pharcyde/Brandon!

Or I could just play SL indefinitely. :D

She can still hit on you via forums & phone.

12-04-2011, 09:21 PM
To everyone, this is a GAME! Not life or death. I honestly would suggest that if these changes are causing you so much distress, take a break, you are spending too much time and getting way to involved in a GAME. It seems to me lately that many of the forum members think that PL should be the way they want it, regardless of how others feel. Get a grip on yourself. One of the biggest problems in this world today is how selfish and self-centered everyone has become.

To those I haven't ticked off, See ya in Alterra!

To the rest, Oh Well!


Lol, not sure about trading, but feel free to join an Indian family. *puts up advertisement* Adopting Pharcyde/Brandon!


12-04-2011, 09:22 PM
She can still hit on you via forums & phone.

You just always like to win! >.< Fine Fine Fine!

12-04-2011, 09:24 PM
You just always like to win! >.< Fine Fine Fine!

You know how Otu is, he is the only person on the forum that you have to race every comment with, cuz he's a winner. winner winner chicken dinner.

12-04-2011, 09:25 PM
I did save some plat for the holidays :p. Yeah sts doesn't make you pay for the game, but if you wanna be unique, you gotta pay.

This last Halloween, I was a complete wimp, lol. I bought just, well the one you had to buy, then just one other plat pack, lol. I saw how people were buying like what seemed like dozens of packs. Wow. I can't afford that. Would have been really, really nice tho. Kinda wish I had had more $ then.


Lol, joking or honest? I'll be glad to but I'm sure there are others who can give you better explanations. I wasn't as familiar with the game until June.

Also, I'm about to PM you something, so be sure to check your PMs if you can. :)

JOKING?? Joking: absolutely not. I wish I knew more about the early days.

You know it's funny. About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I'm looking at some old posts. I guess Pocket Legends came out on Apple first? Is that right? Cuz I ran across this thread, that made me crack up, lol. People were predicting that it would never work out well for Pocket Legends to be out on Android!!! Lmao, omg. I was cracking up.

And on the history lessons we talking about above. You know how I keep saying we need an influx of 1000s and 1000s of new players. It would be nice if they could all get a interesting read on the history of sts games (which ever one they are playing). I mean, I think they will really feel a stronger connection/deeper bond with the game. And anytime anyone has a good understanding of whatever history applies, it really, really makes them more appreciative of what they got at the moment.

Joking: no, not at all.

12-04-2011, 09:25 PM
Personally, STS imo needs to slow down. Veteran awards should be introduced, a more plat-less friendly envirenment, and more time for people to level and spend time on twinks.

12-04-2011, 09:28 PM

To everyone, this is a GAME! Not life or death. I honestly would suggest that if these changes are causing you so much distress, take a break, you are spending too much time and getting way to involved in a GAME. It seems to me lately that many of the forum members think that PL should be the way they want it, regardless of how others feel. Get a grip on yourself. One of the biggest problems in this world today is how selfish and self-centered everyone has become.

To those I haven't ticked off, See ya in Alterra!

To the rest, Oh Well!


12-04-2011, 09:29 PM
I almost forgot about smoae.... My good ole friend. And TT, and Balonia, ohhhh Balonia!!! We had such crazy parties!! I still have the pics....


12-04-2011, 09:32 PM
JOKING?? Joking: absolutely not. I wish I knew more about the early days.

Random history lesson - Pocket Legends was born in a waiting terminal at a airport between JustG and Cinco (I think Cinco).

Star Legends was originally known as Blackstar, and was intended to be for the computer.

Forest Haven used to have brown grass and a castle

Before graphics Revamp, players had bobbleheads.

Trade used to not exist, players had to farm 100% of their gear.

Swamps had major glitches, like infinite spawning bosses. Allthough major issue, that was part of what made the swamps soo glorious, groups of friends farming for hours, not for pinks, just the chance to get unlimited bosses. (Back when bosses were actually really hard, and not just long and annoying to kill).

Before combat rebalance - Mages were underpowered, birds had lots of armor and decent aoe, and bears were superbeasts.

12-04-2011, 09:33 PM
Well I wanted to talk but what's the point most of the players are using elixirs and the want it this way and trust nothing will change.

12-04-2011, 09:33 PM
This thread is insane! First we are talking about the history and mistakes of PL, then a reunion, then a random nyan cat, then a forum troll, and to top it off, California's weather! That's good because I like insane things.
(If you want a good place to go to that is not as cold, come to Indiana like where I am! It's still cold but not as much as pure ice! Or you could go to Texas and hang out with the devs :p)

12-04-2011, 09:34 PM
I almost forgot about smoae.... My good ole friend. And TT, and Balonia, ohhhh Balonia!!! We had such crazy parties!! I still have the pics....


I miss smoae!! Oh and Bigsleazy!! :( Funniest dude I ever knew on PL. Also was the closest living to me, his house was 5 minutes drive from mine.

12-04-2011, 09:34 PM
You know how Otu is, he is the only person on the forum that you have to race every comment with, cuz he's a winner. winner winner chicken dinner.

That's exactly how Dyna put it in game :O

Great minds think alike?

12-04-2011, 09:35 PM
That's exactly how Dyna put it in game :O

Great minds think alike?

:) destiny, bro.

12-04-2011, 09:36 PM
Random history lesson - Pocket Legends was born in a waiting terminal at a airport between JustG and Cinco (I think Cinco).

Star Legends was originally known as Blackstar, and was intended to be for the computer.

Forest Haven used to have brown grass and a castle

Before graphics Revamp, players had bobbleheads.

Trade used to not exist, players had to farm 100% of their gear.

Swamps had major glitches, like infinite spawning bosses. Allthough major issue, that was part of what made the swamps soo glorious, groups of friends farming for hours, not for pinks, just the chance to get unlimited bosses. (Back when bosses were actually really hard, and not just long and annoying to kill).

Before combat rebalance - Mages were underpowered, birds had lots of armor and decent aoe, and bears were superbeasts.

And before trading was gifting. God i got scammed alot then. And before that nothibg like ya said. And platinium didt exist. We bought items with itunes cash. And no pvp, no private chat. Lol o dpnt think their was friends lists in the beginning. No stash, oh and we cant foget Fnord!

12-04-2011, 09:37 PM
And before trading was gifting. God i got scammed alot then. And before that nothibg like ya said. And platinium didt exist. We bought items with itunes cash. And no pvp, no private chat. Lol o dpnt think their was friends lists in the beginning. No stash, oh and we cant foget Fnord!

oh yeah fnord!!

Oh about plat - there was two pocket legends on the app market. There was a free one (forest haven) and a premium one (Dark forest - fathom crypts).

12-04-2011, 09:38 PM
I agree with the direction that the game is taking - and I'm not to enthusiastic about it either.

After my exams are over, I'm thinking about making a lengthier post on the matter.

12-04-2011, 09:39 PM
More old times, reconize this?:
So i was with machima in towne and this lvl 45 bird comes up to me and is like, how did you get those spikes on your shoulders? Uber noob ftw!

12-04-2011, 09:44 PM

12-04-2011, 09:44 PM
True. A lot of the weapons r just copies from alien oasis. And the mob characters haven't changed much

12-04-2011, 09:48 PM



12-04-2011, 09:49 PM
oh yeah fnord!!

Oh about plat - there was two pocket legends on the app market. There was a free one (forest haven) and a premium one (Dark forest - fathom crypts).

I got to say I'm happy everyone here is going to make a difference to these changes happening. And Phar, this is off topic, but long time bro!!

12-04-2011, 09:51 PM
I got to say I'm happy everyone here is going to make a difference to these changes happening. And Phar, this is off topic, but long time bro!!

ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-04-2011, 10:04 PM



12-04-2011, 10:06 PM
JOKING?? Joking: absolutely not. I wish I knew more about the early days.

Random history lesson - Pocket Legends was born in a waiting terminal at a airport between JustG and Cinco (I think Cinco).

Star Legends was originally known as Blackstar, and was intended to be for the computer.

Forest Haven used to have brown grass and a castle

Before graphics Revamp, players had bobbleheads.

Trade used to not exist, players had to farm 100% of their gear.

Swamps had major glitches, like infinite spawning bosses. Allthough major issue, that was part of what made the swamps soo glorious, groups of friends farming for hours, not for pinks, just the chance to get unlimited bosses. (Back when bosses were actually really hard, and not just long and annoying to kill).

Before combat rebalance - Mages were underpowered, birds had lots of armor and decent aoe, and bears were superbeasts.

Yeah, this and all the other little history lessons, really makes people appreciate what we got even more.

I heard somewhere, that Blackstar was going to be the original game, or did I misread that?

12-04-2011, 10:09 PM
Yeah, this and all the other little history lessons, really makes people appreciate what we got even more?

I heard somewhere, that Blackstar was going to be the original game, or did I misread that?

Nope, you were correct. I believe due to lack of funds/time/and going over budget that they cut the project/put it on hold.

12-04-2011, 10:20 PM
Yay 200 posts in less than 5 hours. On this thread!!!

12-04-2011, 10:27 PM
Yeah, this and all the other little history lessons, really makes people appreciate what we got even more.

I heard somewhere, that Blackstar was going to be the original game, or did I misread that?

All of the new stuff makes me appreciate old PL even more. I haven't enjoyed pl as much as I did back then. Yeah SL was suppost to be first. They were struggling to find funding from investors, because it was such a common Si-Fi MMO for a already massive computer platform. PL took off because it was a fresh new idea and the first of its kind on Mobile.

12-04-2011, 10:35 PM
11 pages. I just read 11 pages of some of the most random stuff ever. I lost my opinion on about page 3, my sanity on page 8. Thanks low.

12-04-2011, 10:42 PM
Feel Better?

We are playing a Free to Play mmo.

Over time it seems the players have been greedy and demanding.... not the devs.

OMG I could not have said it better in two pages. TY MoarPewPew! This player base is very greedy and demanding, given that we've ben getting new content on a more regular basis than in any other game I've played. No, it has not ben totally mind-blowing, game changing stuff, but They roll it out, TYVM.

Thanx STS dev. team!

12-04-2011, 10:55 PM
OMG I could not have said it better in two pages. TY MoarPewPew! This player base is very greedy and demanding, given that we've ben getting new content on a more regular basis than in any other game I've played. No, it has not ben totally mind-blowing, game changing stuff, but They roll it out, TYVM.

Thanx STS dev. team!

We would just like content as good as the stuff they showed us before

12-04-2011, 10:57 PM
Why does everyone want to control how other people play their game. It is their game to enjoy their way. Let people be to be happy and have fun.for the same reason there are so many " forum grammar police" in this community (sooooo many more than in other communities) The two types are cut from the same cloth.

12-04-2011, 10:59 PM
for the same reason there are so many " forum grammar police" in this community (sooooo many more than in other communities) The two types are cut from the same cloth.

This forum is AMAZING compared to other forums- If ya post anything on most forums, the sharks eat you alive!

12-04-2011, 11:04 PM
I agree game has been going downhill since the mega elixirs

yes that is the exact reason you made the elite cap to begin with, all about the money
I dont really agree with this, at first i believe they meant the elite cap to be elite, i was doing a nice 5k a day with my 2x xp elixir that cost me a small 1.5k gold in bandit boy hideout, then all elixirs were gone as i reached 40k xp, i struggle at a 2k xp each day. Around 75k xp into 55. Elixirs were back! I rejoiced, then i saw it for 2k i could get measly 1.5x xp or spend several plat for a 2x. I was disappointed, i continued the final stretch again elixir-free(at this time i only bought like 75 plat a month). I think PL realized that people would buy these and added the elixir income as a result of the first elite cap. The cap was not meant to be what it has become. But it does work, i now have been persuaded by my desire for thoses fancy(well actually i hate the look of the hollows shield) vanities. I have now spent several hundred $ on the game which i say they should deserve from their work. But i would prefer to spend it elsewhere, the new elixirs ruin the gameplay, would anyone remember the epic AO3 bosses if they were high on 4x elixirs.

The 4x elixir is another problem, if its called '4x' make it a true 4x, all thats 4x about it is the xp

12-04-2011, 11:30 PM
We would just like content as good as the stuff they showed us beforeI don't believe this is the case with this particular row of new content complaints. People seem to now be crying mostly that other people can now have access to things they could not before. Mostly (it seems to me) because of some Ego trip about kill counts and allowing lvl 10's in Mt. Fang...

I understand that this current unrest runs deeper than just this, but on the surface, this elixir hub-bub is quite shallow, and it's really bringing me down.

12-04-2011, 11:34 PM
I feel the same way lowly.

12-04-2011, 11:37 PM
We would just like content as good as the stuff they showed us beforeI don't believe this is the case with this particular row of new content complaints. People seem to now be crying mostly that other people can now have access to things they could not before. Mostly (it seems to me) because of some Ego trip about kill counts and allowing lvl 10's in Mt. Fang...

I understand that this current unrest runs deeper than just this, but on the surface, this elixir hub-bub is quite shallow, and it's really bringing me down.
Actually yes it is the case. The elixer thing was just a side-note that I figured I woud cover while I was making the thread. The main point if this thread is the lack of originality with the last few campaigns.

12-04-2011, 11:53 PM
The elixirs is basically the reason for the lack of originality

Maybe i will make a guild of only lvl50s and we will go around only in AO3 sets being the awesomest players ever xD

12-05-2011, 12:09 AM
Actually yes it is the case. The elixer thing was just a side-note that I figured I woud cover while I was making the thread. The main point if this thread is the lack of originality with the last few campaigns. so, coincidentally, this all just came pouring out after the kill-count-nerfing and newfangled power-leveling-for-plat elixirs?

Ok, fair enough then... But you have to admit that most of the ego-driven rage was about the elixirs.

I say give the devs the benefit of the doubt and hopefully our opinions will prompt them to really kill on the next expansion. They understand that we're not happy with this sort of re-hash cookie-cutter content, and they will step up to the plate I'm sure.

12-05-2011, 12:27 AM
Maybe 75 will be the next 50, with a new vyx helm(25,50,75 next maybe)
If u look at PL facebook many of the picture are of the 25 cap maybe it was a major period in history(sry didnt play back then) if so 75 would be a mathematical completion

xD kinda a random thought lol

12-05-2011, 12:32 AM
so, coincidentally, this all just came pouring out after the kill-count-nerfing and newfangled power-leveling-for-plat elixirs?
Pretty much. Honestly I could care less about kill counts. Mainly Im wondering why we AoA are dedicated to not powerlevel people while STS is essentially selling them a powerleveling service.

Ok, fair enough then... But you have to admit that most of the ego-driven rage was about the elixirs.
Um, no? My ego has nothing to do with it and there was no rage involved, I was completely calm and still am. I wasn't only speaking for myself, I was also speaking for hundreds of other players that share my views but didnt want to say it out of fear.

If you are going to come on here and accuse me of being an egotistical maniac then at least attempt to learn about me, im actually a very level-headed nice person.

12-05-2011, 12:41 AM
Pretty much. Honestly I could care less about kill counts. Mainly Im wondering why we AoA are dedicated to not powerlevel people while STS is essentially selling them a powerleveling service.

Um, no? My ego has nothing to do with it and there was no rage involved, I was completely calm and still am. I wasn't only speaking for myself, I was also speaking for hundreds of other players that share my views but didnt want to say it out of fear.

If you are going to come on here and accuse me of being an egotistical maniac then at least attempt to learn about me, im actually a very level-headed nice person.I wasn't speaking about you. Many of the posts in the past few days speak for themselves. Speak volumes actually. This post, while I disagee with the premise, was very well put and thought out.

12-05-2011, 12:43 AM
Lol i havent heard any recent rages about elixirs

12-05-2011, 01:43 AM
Lol i havent heard any recent rages about elixirs

Elixirs are expensive! Dang Plat always mocking me with your elixirs! Too expensive to buy them with gold or crd! Dang Dang Dang!

Danger: Usage of elixirs can cause addiction, only use at the lvl before elite lvl!

Ik ik not enough rage:/ lol

12-05-2011, 02:41 AM
:concern:I just checked my account and I've spent 1000 dollars on this game in 1 year..
This game has also brought me hours,days,weeks of fun and enjoyment.
But I have mentioned numerous times in the last 2 weeks I do not enjoy the rehashing and some of the lack of originality that I've seen in the last 2 campaigns.
It's to the point where I'd rather just close the book and move on with my fond memories then to waste my time on an unoriginal lack luster campaign.
This game was ground breaking and revolutionary but something has gotten lost along the way.
And with smartphones having the capabilities of most lower tier laptops I do understand the rationale behind the needing to rehash skimatics and design of levels.
A dual core 1.2-1.5 gigahertz phone with 1 Gb of ram cant get you a better looking dungeon? Unless you are a game designer I do not believe that is accurate.
I'm prepared to walk away with a smile on my face and not look back and know that this game left an indelible mark on me.
And I still for the life of me cannot understand how Star legends graphics are so far superior to Pocket legends?
I will not be playing pocket legends for the rest of the month including the Christmas event and I will be spending my time and my money on my family and friends.
Make of this game what you want but it's hard when you're not the one pulling the strings and the quality of the product you're being delivered is sub par.
Thanks for listening and know that these words make me sad because this game means so much to me.

12-05-2011, 03:09 AM
I'm a bit curious as to where the numbers from the thread are coming from. Eg. Amount of money their making, how many people are playing, how little people are paying, how many people should be happy, etc.

A review could be saying that STS is making a killing, but that's the revenue side. We don't know the operation side. For all we know, STS could just be breaking even. We don't really know how much they spend on their crew, hardware, software, etc.

We also don't know how the people in the forum actually affect their revenue. Heck, we don't even know how many people are in game at any given time. For all we know, the forum community could be as low as 1% of the active player base.

There's this saying, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. That 20% in PL may not even be on the forums.

I'm not disagreeing with the OP, because I too feel like something new and exciting would be awesome, I just try to put this into context when thinking about it.

Think about it, if we really are just 1-10% of the total player base, while the remaining 90% are spending willfully and freely, we can be vocal about it, but STS will still act in the interest of that 90%.

12-05-2011, 03:15 AM
Firstable I'd like to thank you Lowly for one of the most well thought and written thread I've seen.

I completely agree with you in everything you have stated here.

The "new" content is not as well thought as they were before. Best example is AO3. I was completely blown by it's looks and playability. The enemies and bosses were cool and yet funny. With also humorous storyline it is the best campaign I've ever played in any game.

The lvl 50 cap was also the best IMO. It lasted so long and the devs made the Cyber set and also the Mystery set. I think that they were the "Elite caps". Collecting those totems and shards were the way to show how much you have played the game.

What came after AO3? Sewers? No, they made another lvl 50 campaign, the Shadow Caves with new sets. I loved how long the lvl 50 cap lasted. Instead of making new cap campaigns I think it would be better to stay for a bit longer in each cap and make new Cyber kind of sets and new Shadow Caves like of campaigns. No need to rush to new caps with only mediocre campaigns.

The quality of the new campaigns really have been lowering since AO3. Sewers were yet playable. They actually had the first useful orange equipment. There were no need to pay 1m for good endgame equipment.

Nuri. Those super enemies and another elite cap encouraged ppl to use those 4x elixers even more. Only useful equipment were pinks but there was a wide category of them.

Now we come to the Fang. The enemies aren't as super hard as they were on Nuri's but they sure are more endurable and they seem to dodge a lot. Equipment? Only actually useful items are the pinks and there are ONLY 2 diffirent pink items for each build (sanguine and vampyr for Dex).

The best way to notice this downfall of the campaigns is the amount of players in other campaigns. There are only lvl 50-55 in Sewers, only lvl 55-60 in Nuri's and so on. How about AO3?

There is a great amount of diffirent lvl players constantly running K'Sarr and T'Paxx. Why? Cyber set and the awesome dungeons. When there is something what to come for to another campaign than your lvl is, then it has to be a good campaign.

This might be a problem in the future. If there are only those few players who just need to lvl up, will there be enough diffirent runs for ppl to remain their interest? It would be boring to lvl up about 15lvls just with a few ppl. This is MMORPG and other ppl are one of the best sides of the whole category.

Just my two cents but I certainly hope this thread makes the devs think.

12-05-2011, 05:41 AM
The devs have not removed any posts/threads with criticism for the sole reason that it's criticism.

I've seen a few threads disappear for no other apparent reason.

12-05-2011, 06:04 AM
Im not reading all but spendings plat are our really freedom. I just hope they are price correctly... The 4x elixirs are really expensive when your on it... The powerlvling are the old day pl but it was free then... I enjoyed it actually ..,

12-05-2011, 08:14 AM
I have to agree with OP fears. I have seen less and less creativity in the last camapaigns.
Sewers :
GOOD -> accessing special leves trough actual campaing levels
BAD -> recicled weapons
GOOD -> the last level of the campaign
BAD -> recycled trash to rare items
GOOD -> finally some good-looking bosses and some tactics (not all and that saddens me)
BAD -> recicled trash to rare items, to ambience, to enemies.

As i said numerous times we need get an hold on half-baked mechanics (crafting and pets) and implements new ones (minigames, high level instances present in lower level campaings, more intermediate maps like croc feud, more eye candies ...).

As for now I feel getting to the end level cap like a torture more than an enjoynment.

12-05-2011, 08:21 AM
lowly, i understand most of what ur saying and why your mad,but i never expected this from you, to criticize STS like this, as i have said many times they are working as hard as possible and they are people so they make mistakes too.(250 replies in a day!!!...wow)

12-05-2011, 08:48 AM
And now to your recent decision to make "level anywhere" elixers. This decision just baffled me to no end at first, why would a company that attempted to outlaw powerleveling with the decision to make maps level restricted even think to make something like this? Now i know. I decided to join an AO2 game today to work on my 42 and saw something that just disgusted me, literally 20 locked games of Plasma Pyramid all with one person in them and the max level of the group was in the 60's.

EDIT: I gave you guys a link to my suggestions for campaigns on par with AO3 somewhere in this pile of posts but i'll put it here for ease of finding it, check them out and let me know what you think when you get the time. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?44569-My-ideas-as-requested-by-Javi

Lowly, I was probably one of those level 60 plus players in a locked Plasma run. I farm pots in Plasma. And the gold isn't bad either. I'm lvl 66 now so there's no xp for me any how. Believe it or not a lot of players don't know u can farm pots. LOL. I've taught a lot of my guild mates how to farm pots and plasma is a good place to do it. Please don't assume that everyone in a locked plasma run is leveling in there. Some of us are just farmers trying to save a coin or 2. :-). Personally I've saved over 10k in gold by farming for 30 min or so every other day or so. (once I learned how to do it myself) LOL

12-05-2011, 08:51 AM
lowly, i understand most of what ur saying and why your mad,but i never expected this from you, to criticize STS like this, as i have said many times they are working as hard as possible and they are people so they make mistakes too.(250 replies in a day!!!...wow)

Seeing their previous work, we're just saying they can do better, like the last 2 campaigns have simply reused the trash drops from AO3, and u say 'criticize' like its bad o_O

12-05-2011, 09:33 AM
lowly, i understand most of what ur saying and why your mad,but i never expected this from you, to criticize STS like this, as i have said many times they are working as hard as possible and they are people so they make mistakes too.(250 replies in a day!!!...wow) personally I think more people should criticize them but a lot are afraid of being banned, however if u notice how I made the OP very respectful (mostly) and kept vulgarity out of it. Really you can say watever u want on this forum, so long as you follow the ToS.

12-05-2011, 10:35 AM
Obviously a lot of passion in this thread. I need to remind you to please keep it civil, both to each other and to us. We're busting our tails to make a great game that you can play for free while trying to make a successful business out of it. We've read through everything here, gonna lock it now.

- g