View Full Version : idea: status adjustment items

12-05-2011, 01:54 PM
I'm sure this has been said before, but I haven't seen any talk about it lately, so I'll add to whatever discussion may have already happened. I think PL would be improved by having some kind of "status adjustment" items in the game. By "status" I mean things that affect performance: slow, stun, mana drain, etc.

Right now, the system is pretty simple. If you get hit with a status degrader, you have to wait it out or counter it (usually just mage heal). It either hits you for full effect or misses, and always lasts the same duration if not healed. It seems like there could be a lot more nuance introduced here.

Imagine if there were items that had resistances, say 50% to slow. That could mean it helps dodge slow altogether 50% of time, or else reduces the effect or duration of a hit by 50%.

There could also be items that helped with positive status, e.g. speed. The only way to move faster right now is to buy an elixir, and the speed boost comes along with the other effects. But I think having items that added some degree of speed boost would be a very interesting addition to PL. For example, bears ought to stay in front of a party to be effective, so if there were an item that made them somewhat faster than average, they and the party would get a huge amount of benefit from it. And it wouldn't need to be like current elixir effect, where speed is dramatically raised. Even just going a little faster than the main group would have its benefits in coordinating a good team progression through a map.

These are just some of the ideas for building out a dimension of PL that I feel is under-served now. The status effect landscape is static and predictable, but could be a lot more interesting. If there were items in the game that raised speed, lowered chance of being stunned, slowed, pulled, poisoned, etc. or did other status effect changes, the game would get a lot more varied and interesting. It's not uncommon for bosses to be immune to pushes and pulls, for example, but be able to toss players around like rag dolls. Imagine if players had a way to counter back themselves and how that would allow for more interesting strategic battles to be designed in future content updates. I think it would add a lot of potential fun to PL.