View Full Version : Why does level not matter anymore :/

04-07-2019, 01:17 PM
Literally a maxed out lvl30-35 equals around the same damage stats as a maxed out lvl66-71 during those level caps....

Just gonna leave that there.

04-07-2019, 07:49 PM
All depends on the stuff they have. If they have a dev dragon for sure. You do need to consider though that this game is old and the amount of players that are leaving compared to remaining / joining is pretty bad ratio. Tbh I wish they updated this game regularly because it seems like it had more potential if they went the right path and added these boosters in small increments from the beginning of the game.

04-08-2019, 10:50 AM
A level 1 does more damage than a level 100

04-08-2019, 04:11 PM
The new locking of slots for enchantments have also given the addition of an extra 20 damage max for each slot for level 30 amulets.

In the past it was 30 max damage now it is 50 max damage each slot.

As a farmer, I welcome the changes.

But the effects on low level pvp is a huge impact and causes an increase in imbalance between the classes and , a 5 second match is more prominent. One hit wonders , similar to the drastic impact of the stat guns.

Our pvp community are most boisterous and vocal, passionate about the game. At times too passionate and can be very harsh with their words, even arguing with others forcing their ideas upon everyone defending their particular class. They are quick to beat each other down and even point the finger of blame and wish to hate. Just like in the toxic environment of the pvp area on game.

Keep in mind players play PL for different reasons; Pvp, PvE, merching and the social aspect.

We are blessed right now in 2019. STS are clearly listening and active on forums and Discord community Servers.

We are receiving many events, as well as improvements added to the game for better game play.

I love that players are passionate about the game, it is not an easy task to balance pvp, and the game is not all about pvp.

Think about why players continue to buy platinum, and does it all only stem from Pvp?

04-09-2019, 12:42 PM
I would have enjoyed the update alot more had they not increased the stats on Bling and Amulet. 30-40, though already a mess, is now in full fledged pandemonium. Right now there is never any games and since I can't delevel I'm forced to cap. Cinco please lower the stats down. Max should be 10/10 or at least 20/20.

04-09-2019, 02:02 PM
I would have enjoyed the update alot more had they not increased the stats on Bling and Amulet. 30-40, though already a mess, is now in full fledged pandemonium. Right now there is never any games and since I can't delevel I'm forced to cap. Cinco please lower the stats down. Max should be 10/10 or at least 20/20.

I agree with you on this one even tho I have not tried the level 30-40 pvp right now.