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View Full Version : Are There Recruiting Ethics?

12-05-2011, 10:22 PM
Very recently, tonight, by a VERY well known pl player, one of my officers was being recruited to another guild.

He said, and I quote "why don't you join a real guild"
her reply "I am in a real guild"
His reply "no you're not"
Her reply "how is that"
His reply " no one has ever heard of your guild, its non existent"
Her reply "its fun and works just fine for me"
His reply "sure lmao"

I know it's not AGAINST the rules but this is just down right low.
Aren't there commonly known rules on this? I know in other mmorpgs it's a definite no-no.

So if I must request, please have some morals and don't cross recruit already guilded players.
If a player wishes to leave a guild, I think they'll make it apparent!

12-05-2011, 10:24 PM
Guilds have been out a couple of months, not much of anything yet-although in most mmorpgs the endgame players all come from other guilds and its a constant war to keep loyalists

12-05-2011, 11:04 PM
Wow.... Saddening

The guild I first joined fell apart around me... No worries it happens...

No I am in charge of a guild that I never had intentions of leading!?!?

Currently active players in this guild are me, myself, and I.... Have recruited a total of three people that have asked to join... Yet to see them again lol!

Amidst all the above is what I am trying to get at... I know my "guild" is a lost cause right now... Maybe grow again someday... But I would never try to get another player to leave any guild out there... To join mine or not...

Sorry this has happened... Best of luck you and all!

12-05-2011, 11:13 PM
I know it's not AGAINST the rules but this is just down right low.
Aren't there commonly known rules on this? I know in other mmorpgs it's a definite no-no.

So if I must request, please have some morals and don't cross recruit already guilded players.
If a player wishes to leave a guild, I think they'll make it apparent!

This is the way it is supposed to be. But, sometimes there is a lot of dirty, underhanded stuff going on. People should just make their guild as great as possible. If someone guilds hops once, they are likely to do it again.

12-05-2011, 11:16 PM
If they are trying to "steal" members, I don't like it. Those people who try to recruit people in the guild already, are just trying to get on LB imo.

Would you be so kind as to pm who the person was?:)

12-06-2011, 08:09 PM
This comment is very bad, trying to make you feel bad about your own guild~ " no one has ever heard of your guild, its non existent".

To me the leaderboard is not important, but the friendship in the guild is what make the game more fun~ ^_^V
In a smaller guild, you can get to know everyone in the guild better~

12-06-2011, 08:28 PM
Wow, that's pretty sad.

12-08-2011, 08:28 AM
Wow, that's pretty sad.

Like that time you tried recruiting me, and upon my refusal, proceeded toward trash talking my guild? Dont mean to call you out, but don't critisize something you've practiced yourself without admitting your wrong doing.

12-08-2011, 08:39 AM
Like that time you tried recruiting me, and upon my refusal, proceeded toward trash talking my guild? Dont mean to call you out, but don't critisize something you've practiced yourself without admitting your wrong doing.

That's the Cascade we know and love!
(The Cascade extraction process failed on me too.) lol

12-08-2011, 10:48 AM
I haven't heard of any rule against this kind of behavior in any other MMORPG, on the contrary, this is more rampant in other MMORPG's to the point that they pay popular players in-game gold and even real life cash just to switch guilds (they meet in real life yes, lots of MMO's that are specific per country so meeting up is pretty easy). I guess this is just an issue which will never die, saddening, but not game wrecking, I say just be happy your guildmate did not betray you XD Give her a trophy.

12-09-2011, 12:21 AM
Yeaaa Zeusabe, somebody paid one of my ex guild member 5k gold for him to join them. What a strange way to recruit people. :(

Anyway.... we dont really wanna keep a guild hopper as well.