View Full Version : Old vanities

04-20-2019, 09:13 PM
i've started playing this game in the late cap 36 and the best thing i've loved in this game was the vanities. it has tremendous vanities that i love to do combos and to know which fits well in every avatar.

in the time i was playing arcane legends the vanities from 36-46 are the best ones in my opinion specially vanities from halloween the frankenstein and the bathax vanities but also one of my best and loved vanity is when the tour of arlor happened i was too dumb and unexprienced to run and play the elites so i've missed the vanity but started rockin' the heraldic vanity cuz of its similarities.

so for the devs out there i am saying that maybe we can have new designs or even recolor (maybe?) for the old vanities such as steel heraldic and the other ones. for the satisfaction of the old players nostalgic memories and for the new players to have more options for their loved vanity combo.

peace out! have a nice easter!