View Full Version : Epic Humiliation

12-06-2011, 04:01 PM
Okay I was in the end game PvP tourny and I was a lvl 36 engineer. Here is my loadout:
Full custom PlasmaTech armor
Duraskin +50 armor implant
My Arbiter's Helm vanity
Shield Generator
Lvl 35 crossbow gun
Ok I had to fight Aculeas and he was an op with his gear and pink pistol etc. So we both made arrangments and finally managed to do our duel yesterday night. So we both said "ready" and Kano says"Go!". I immediatly start attacking and Aculeas blows me up in five seconds lol. I was like "..." Then Kano tells me that transference heals the enemy! So I wasn't really believeing him until he says "try it on me" so I did.... And it healed him! So after I freaked out and redid my skills (I maxed my transference skill (>.<) ) me and Aculeas got ready again. He blows me up again and again! So Aculeas, showing mercy, takes off ALL HIS ARMOR!!! So I was like "this will help alot!" We both say "ready" then "go!"........ I get blown up (@_@) A naked op killed me! (I still had my loadout on) In the end I managed to get three kills and Aculeas got 11 (I accidentaly targeted an amused spectator) I thank Kano for tutoring me and teaching me how to survive the most. Actually the only way I killed Aculeas was when I casted decay before I died and the ticking damage kills him (yea martydom lol). So the victory pic shows a lvl 36 full custom engineer admitting defeat to a naked lvl 36 op with dual wields (frogot to say he dropped his pinks in an effort to help me lol). Yea Engineers need to be fixed in PvP.
I hope I amused you all. :p

12-06-2011, 04:36 PM
You got beat by a Nekkid Sparkling Ponie... :hypnotysed:

12-06-2011, 04:38 PM
You got beat by a Nekkid Sparkling Ponie... :hypnotysed:
Wow if I knew how to sig that quote I would lol. :p

12-06-2011, 04:40 PM
Wow if I knew how to sig that quote I would lol. :p
You are no longer able to sig quotes as far as I know.

12-06-2011, 04:41 PM
Really? I didn't know that. Why? :confused:

12-06-2011, 05:13 PM
Because stacking multiple quoted lines on top of each other could create a signature that took up over 5" of vertical screen space.

You can still add a quote to your signature, you just can't use the Quote BB tags. For example:

Rodvik said, "You got beat by a Nekkid Sparkling Ponie... :hypnotysed:"

12-06-2011, 05:47 PM
Take a picture and either put it on another picture or use it by itself. Upload the pix to your sig.

12-06-2011, 06:06 PM
I did not feel good about it. Sorry man. I did everything I could to help. I was the one who actually mentioned to kano that you might not know about the engi bugs. :(

Rematch when you get a fix? :)


12-06-2011, 07:30 PM
Sure thing Aculeas! Don't feel bad about it. I accept the challenge when it is fixed. cya

12-06-2011, 11:32 PM
:/ we still love you cah (: