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View Full Version : Switching teams penalized with a death

12-07-2011, 05:57 AM
Obviously if you leave the game "in combat" you get a death...hard to tell sometimes what the game considers in combat, because I've left at a few different times and situations in games, all never under direct fire, and received a death for each. Whatever, not the issue here.

Say you're in a 2 vs 1 in your favor, and someone joins...and they join your team, making it 3 vs 1. Happens all the time. Instead of having the 1 kid leave making it 3 vs 0 and a waste of time, I usually leave the game and join the other team. Unfortunately, every time this happens I get a death. I know some people don't care about their ratio, but I do. While I am pro 'rushing', a term I still believe to be fabricated in the minds of people who can't handle defeat, anyone who has played against me knows that I won't join in if the fight is heavily staggered in one direction. I don't get why leaving the game to make things fair penalizes me. It just further promotes unfair teams if you're going to get a death, something you're trying to avoid, for trying to be a good sport.

I'm sure STS is working on a way to better balance teams and a penalty system, just thought I'd throw this into the mix.

12-07-2011, 06:19 AM
I think I read before that if even one in your team is in combat, you're entire time is in combat.

Guess everyone will have to stop first. Lol.

12-07-2011, 06:21 AM
How is in combat defined by the way?

Enemy targeted? (untargetting is impossible afaik)

12-07-2011, 06:24 AM
If its anything like PL, it's any type of skill/attack and taking damage, if I remember correctly. Only moving around doesn't put you in combat.

12-07-2011, 07:11 AM
To un target, click on yourself.... But that won't remove you from combat...

12-07-2011, 07:32 AM
Ur in combat when you auto att or use skills or someone attacks you. So to avoid the death penalty wait 10 SEC before leaving

12-07-2011, 08:49 AM
Is that how it works? I've crippled the enemy into submission and wanting to leave 1v1 (Red), but when there is no other on the (Blue) side you leave and get no death, thought thats how it was determined. Going to have to test this out now :p

12-07-2011, 09:13 AM
I believe its like PL, as it was stated above. If you leave during combat, anyone fighting, you get a death.

To avoid death I believe you must leave when no one is using skills, auto attacks, or anything. I could be wrong tho.

12-07-2011, 10:32 AM
I find it rather ironic you of all people area making a thread about having balanced teams after the way you disagreed with every single point I made in another thread about having team balance.

Say you're in a 2 vs 1 in your favor, and someone joins...and they join your team, making it 3 vs 1. Happens all the time. Instead of having the 1 kid leave making it 3 vs 0 and a waste of time, I usually leave the game and join the other team. Unfortunately, every time this happens I get a death. I don't get why leaving the game to make things fair penalizes me. It just further promotes unfair teams if you're going to get a death, something you're trying to avoid, for trying to be a good sport.

Remember when you said this to me?

"If you see a team of 3 vs a team of 0...then leave. You don't have to join. If you join 3 vs 1, I don't know what else you expect to happen."

Just wondering why all of a sudden you have jumped the fence.

I'm sure STS is working on a way to better balance teams and a penalty system, just thought I'd throw this into the mix.

Again something I mentioned was an issue in another thread and you responded with the above statement.

While I am pro 'rushing', a term I still believe to be fabricated in the minds of people who can't handle defeat,
It is a term we have discussed with heated debate and you personally have made a point of bringing up any time you can. This is the definition of rushing on wikipedia. It's not a term people in SL have made up.

Rush (video games)
- this also describes the masses of hundreds of players in massive, unorganized squabble in effort to win by gross numerical superiority. In these contexts, it is also known as Swarming, Cheese, Mobbing, Goblin Tactics or Zerging

On topic, I have always been a fan of having even teams which I have stated numerous times. Having a feature in game to prevent a team with numbers taking advantage of another team would be simple. Have a " Ready " button. Which I have already stated in other PvP threads.

12-07-2011, 11:13 AM
I know some people don't care about their ratio, but I do.

While I am pro 'rushing', a term I still believe to be fabricated in the minds of people who can't handle defeat... Etc etc

And the people that do care about their k/d, and know rushing is cheap, are like

12-07-2011, 11:14 AM
If the visual identifier didn't make it in last night it will in the next patch. You'll now see a buff icon on your character when you are "In combat". Leaving the game while in this state will result in a death.

12-07-2011, 02:56 PM
Awesome, thank you Thade!

Too long to quote

I'm very aware what "rushing" is. This is 3 on 3 pvp. I don't really find that to be "hundreds of players in massive, unorganized squabble in effort to win by gross numerical superiority." This is a tiny room with no where to hide or do much of anything. You run forward, you're gonna encounter someone. There is no real "rushing" in this pvp. This is better defined as "unfair teams." Look at it like the movie 300. Thousands of Persians throw themselves at the 300 Spartans in an effort to weaken them from just sheer numbers. It's like throwing rocks at people with guns. You'll eventually get a few, but you're gonna lose a lot of people in the progress. This obviously isn't always the case, as you're going to have a team rushing with players of equal skill level or even better skills, and then it's just a massacre. The reason I say it's a figment of people's imagination in this game is because people call everything 'rushing.' Get killed in a 2 vs 2 because both people teamed up on 1 person? OMG RUSHING!?!? Your teammate doesn't spawn right away and you do, and you get killed. Holy crap, what a bunch of rushers!!! Playing 1 vs 1 and I run up to you and skill spam you? Call in the National Guard, cause we've got a rushing situation!! I never, ever said I would voluntarily join a game and make the teams 3 vs 1, and then proceed to slaughter that 1 person. I said that if you're on that team, what do you expect to happen? If you join a game and in the lobby you see it's 3 people on 1 team, and 0 on the other...and you join? You better believe you're getting 'rushed.' Before you can even type up a "hey let's do a 1 vs 1...you're probably dead."

My example clearly says: I was in a room where it was 2 vs 1. I joined up on the team with less points, but didn't attack because they asked me to let them 1 vs 1 until someone else came. Fine, it wouldn't have been fair anyways. Some new person joined, and instead of joining the team with 1 person, he joined our team, and jumped in the fight. Now we have 3 vs 1. Now it's not fair. Considering I was probably the highest level in the room, I left to switch teams to hep the kid out. I've won 2 vs 1 fights to 10 on my own before, I can handle myself pretty well. I am upset because I got a death when I hadn't engaged an enemy and I wanted to switch to his team to help him out. I know putting a "switch team" button is out of the question because people would just abuse it.

I may be pro "rushing," but I am pro rushing when the teams are relatively balanced and it's a relatively even fight. To me, this is not rushing. To a lot of others; it is. While I will not take part in a 3 vs 1 onslaught, I do know it's going to happen and it's part of the game. Put in too many rules and guidelines and the game becomes boring and slow. I like PvP because it's fast and different from PvE.

And having a "ready" button only works before the match starts. If we're forced to wait for a game to fill up before playing, you're going to be sitting around for like 30 minutes waiting for PUG matches to start.

12-07-2011, 03:01 PM
You are "in combat" as long as your character is in attack stance, resulting in a death

Otherwise, you can't get a death from leaving a PvP room.

12-07-2011, 03:53 PM
Using emotes before leaving also counts as "In combat". (Who knew crying would kill someone?)

12-07-2011, 10:59 PM
I may be pro "rushing," but I am pro rushing when the teams are relatively balanced and it's a relatively even fight. To me, this is not rushing. To a lot of others; it is. While I will not take part in a 3 vs 1 onslaught, I do know it's going to happen and it's part of the game. Put in too many rules and guidelines and the game becomes boring and slow. I like PvP because it's fast and different from PvE.

And having a "ready" button only works before the match starts. If we're forced to wait for a game to fill up before playing, you're going to be sitting around for like 30 minutes waiting for PUG matches to start.

This what I am trying to explain to you but you never seem to actually listen. In THIS game rushing has been defined as attacking other players before rules have been set in place. Whether it be 1vs1 or FFA. Having an option when joining a PvP map that allows players to declare that they are ready would not slow anyone down. As long as everyone can communicate at all times via chat function.

Example -

Player 1,2 join a map on separate teams.

Players join opposite teams.

Players agree to 1vs1 until room fills. Both click " Ready " and begin to duel.

Player 3 joins.

Does not click ready. Asks what the deal is. Is told 1vs1 until room fills.

Player 3 clicks " Ready ".

This prevents players being taken advantage of. And in no way slows down game play. Or allow anyone to take advantage of others.

I suppose having a vote kick/boot options would help also. For those players who just don't listen.

12-08-2011, 04:25 AM
I concur facebones.

I really don't understand how the /ready (or a button for it) would hurt? There are other deficiencies in making 1v1,2v2 and 3v3 games with or without /ready.

I don't buy into arguments that it would result in loitering about, because quite the contrary the lack there of currently leads to a lot of waiting and unnecessary chitchat. And what's worse, farming and juvenile bulls***.

The core of the /ready is to prevent people from taking unfair advantage from those not yet ready. It wouldn't be so needed if we could only chat while not in teams yet. Then joining teams could be perceived as action.

12-08-2011, 04:48 AM
@ Miss Bones

I'm fine with a ready button as long as it's per person and not for the entire game. I like the idea of being able to chat with the people in game before joining too.
But I still don't agree there is such a thing as 1 vs 1 rushing. It's just impossible. You shouldn't be in a pvp game if you're not ready to 1 vs 1...otherwise, I agree.

12-08-2011, 07:39 AM
@ Miss Bones

I'm fine with a ready button as long as it's per person and not for the entire game. I like the idea of being able to chat with the people in game before joining too.
But I still don't agree there is such a thing as 1 vs 1 rushing. It's just impossible. You shouldn't be in a pvp game if you're not ready to 1 vs 1...otherwise, I agree.

No one ever said there was an issue with 1vs 1 rushing. Except maybe Javier. Not I though. Also My mother is Miss Bones not me. I would prefer to be addressed as my forum name indicates.