View Full Version : Why the Elixirs "Enable XP Gain(5 min)" become so expensive?

12-07-2011, 02:05 PM
Dear ,

I remembered a few days ago that just need $1 ,
why that become so expensive now ?

it's very perfect Elixirs for high level guild officer to help their members and also can earn xp !

i think the price $5 is to expensive for every body ,
It's a waste of the good things , because it will make people not want to use it ....

if you need to use this price , maybe you can Extend the Elixirs time to more ,
This is reasonable ... because 5min is to short ..

I hope you accept my proposal.
Thank you very much.

12-07-2011, 02:57 PM
"...because it will make people not want to use it ...."

This was the point. STS changed the price so people wouldn't abuse it, and in doing so, the price change turned off many people from buying it.

However, it's still one plat in the tier 3 guild hall if you were looking for an alternate route to obtaining that elixir.

12-07-2011, 05:38 PM
i didnt know that

12-07-2011, 09:15 PM
NOO NECRO WHY DID YOU TELL THemmmmmmmm.........
Ahh I predict abuse.

12-07-2011, 09:17 PM
This was the point. STS changed the price so people wouldn't abuse it, and in doing so, the price change turned off many people from buying it.

However, it's still one plat if you get it during deal of the day, one of those rare times, if you were looking for an alternate route to obtaining that elixir.
ty for fixing that.