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View Full Version : Help! My bird rides the short bus...

07-16-2010, 11:34 AM
So I've got the pures down for tank and healer pretty well and maxed them out. (Still got some learnin' to do about executing a proper rush) But my bird is lagging behind. I'm burning through pots and I just can't seem to wrap my head around a good basic strategy. Any suggestions? I'm about to roll over to level 35 and have some better gear I'll be able to use then. I do okay running a dungeon, but I sometimes feel like I'm not holding up my end of the campaign.

07-16-2010, 06:10 PM
By level 35 I'm assuming you're spending time in Ancient Swamps now, which IMO is the worst map for avians. The mana drain will hurt you more compared to bears (low skill costs) and elves (innate mana regen). I suggest maxing out meditation for now and respec later when you get better mana regen gear. But basically for PvE at your level you would just have to do a lot of sniping and kiting. Good luck!

07-28-2010, 11:03 PM
What's your build? I find my pure dex bird runs through AO2 faster than my int Mage or str bear, especially the mummy stages. Also, I can kite most melée bosses solo with my dex bird (except Sobek) which I have a hard time doing with my bear and find impossible with my Mage.