View Full Version : jetpacks again?

12-08-2011, 05:59 PM
So the jetpacks are back!? Though i didn't know y at first I found out it's because a sl app was released on chrome which is cool but I don't understand how the jetpacks got brought back it's neat but I was hoping for a new event like idk for a vanity pet.! So why did the jetpacks get brought back exactly?

12-08-2011, 06:03 PM
Because the devs wanted to

12-08-2011, 06:07 PM
Because sl and pl are in chrome web store now :)

12-08-2011, 06:09 PM
How did they get bought back? DotD?

12-08-2011, 06:09 PM
I dunno but it seemed like a good way to unload the jetpacks i had till I saw they changed the quest to 150 kill instead of a thousand guess its back to making the new people happy again

12-08-2011, 06:25 PM
I thought that was weird! I had a big jet Pack in less than an hour lol. I'm wondering if they brought it back to keep us busy until the update but you only need a total of 350 kills for them.. Which for a level 36 commando its not exactly challenging! Maybe the devs are trying to confuse us lol

12-08-2011, 06:29 PM
Yes, I'm guessing it was just a time passer. Something to keep us busy before Planet Volaria comes out.

12-08-2011, 06:29 PM
Just making it easy on the newbies

12-08-2011, 06:32 PM
But at 150 kills a jetpack it kept us busy for a total of 5 minutes lol. Oh well, I have a cool jet Pack now lol.

12-08-2011, 06:34 PM
its good for people to peel away from their grindings to level 36 and good for lower levels to enjoy. it's tough at the vular part for level 20+.

12-08-2011, 06:51 PM
I was kinda sad to see the Jetpack Chrome event again. Sure its a chance for new comers to get some cool exclusive Vanities but from what I have seen on the DOTD for the past week, all the exclusive vanities are no longer. Blast Shield, RIVET, Silver Jet Pack... And now the event starts so Chrome Jetpack will be much more common as well.

The only 3 Exclusive Rare Vanities left in the game ( this is my opinion ) are

Mechanical Man Helmet
Squid Buddy
X-Ray Visors

The prices alone speak for themselves. The only non trade-able Vanity that may end up rare is the R.I.P. Apple released the day Steve Jobs passed away. I wouldn't be surprised if that poped up in the future either.

/shakes my head & has very high hopes for the next update

12-08-2011, 07:34 PM
I was kinda sad to see the Jetpack Chrome event again. Sure its a chance for new comers to get some cool exclusive Vanities but from what I have seen on the DOTD for the past week, all the exclusive vanities are no longer. Blast Shield, RIVET, Silver Jet Pack... And now the event starts so Chrome Jetpack will be much more common as well.

The only 3 Exclusive Rare Vanities left in the game ( this is my opinion ) are

Mechanical Man Helmet
Squid Buddy
X-Ray Visors

The prices alone speak for themselves. The only non trade-able Vanity that may end up rare is the R.I.P. Apple released the day Steve Jobs passed away. I wouldn't be surprised if that poped up in the future either.

/shakes my head & has very high hopes for the next update

Exactly how I felt when I seen it buddy :( And for that reason I have logged on literally once today. May just stay away until new content, can't stand to be around this again.. too annoyed.

12-08-2011, 07:41 PM
R.I.P., and the chef hats/BBQ stuff. Otherwise, it's all been rereleased at some point (the Blast Shields have been DotD three times already).

12-08-2011, 07:44 PM
Just making it easy on the newbies

It has nothing to do with newbies. Only has to do with PL coming out on Chrome. And only noobs call people noobs.

To all of those complaining that there are no 'exclusive' vanities left....welcome to what PL has been going through for months.

Just enjoy what you already have/had, and be happy for those who get to get it now seeing as it doesn't radically alter something like Founder's Helm in PL did for low-level PvP.

Complaining about it will get you nowhere and just make you look bad, if nothing else....it was a free jetpack, for crying out loud. It's not as if anyone paid plat for something 'exclusive' and now it's being offered again for less or for free and people might have a legit gripe. It should be pretty obvious that StS re-offers items repeatedly.

Peace out.

12-08-2011, 07:52 PM
It's not as if anyone paid plat for something 'exclusive' and now it's being offered again for less or for free.

That's exactly what's happened buddy, Silver pack being given out for free, while others paid Plat for them as it was 'advertised' as an exclusive one time only deal. (excluding limited time only offer effects)

I went on PL not long ago and the sets you can buy for plat are ridiculous, I bet i missed a few discussions about them on PL side.

12-08-2011, 07:52 PM
It's just that when something like the Chrome event first happened, we all were under the impression that we were getting to experience a one-time-only thing, so it was a bit surprising to have the packs come back (and for 1/10th the kills requirements, at that). Not many things about SL annoy me, but I was pretty bummed when I heard the Chrome Droids were coming back. I also get annoyed if they start giving something away for free that I was required to pay plat for, like the silver jetpack. The silver pack was DotD just yesterday, so to see them for free today is particularly wrong, I feel. (Edit: well, looks like the packs from today don't grant antennae, so I suppose they are a bit different. Just barely, though.)

As for other vanities... Personally, I don't mind the recolors of other vanities for DotD, because it really isn't the same item. The "real" version is still uber rare, so "no harm, no foul" there. i never saw the Blast Shield as being an exclusive vanity, for some reason, but it has been offered three times now, where some of the other ones have only been DotD once... I'd like to see a little more balance there.

12-08-2011, 08:01 PM
Nothing in either game has proven to be a "one time only", so no one should be surprised. It has been happening (to our dispeasure, generally) in PL for months and starting to happen in SL. We could write probably the longest post in recent memory on the number of items that were thought to be 'exclusive' in PL end up being for sale....like 'exclusive' Fiery Antennas that were a reward for a contest for a few dozen folks that were very 'exclusive' and ended up being a DotD a few months later.

And Bod, the Chrome Jetpack and the Silver Pack are two separate items. One has a Google Chrome logo, one does not. You did not pay one single cent for your Chrome Backpack, as far as I know. The Silver Pack was offered yesterday, not the Chrome.

12-08-2011, 08:01 PM
It has nothing to do with newbies. Only has to do with PL coming out on Chrome. And only noobs call people noobs.

To all of those complaining that there are no 'exclusive' vanities left....welcome to what PL has been going through for months.

Just enjoy what you already have/had, and be happy for those who get to get it now seeing as it doesn't radically alter something like Founder's Helm in PL did for low-level PvP.

Complaining about it will get you nowhere and just make you look bad, if nothing else....it was a free jetpack, for crying out loud. It's not as if anyone paid plat for something 'exclusive' and now it's being offered again for less or for free and people might have a legit gripe. It should be pretty obvious that StS re-offers items repeatedly.

Peace out.

Saw this in PL a while ago. That is why I chose to leave PL & stay on SL. I am not complaining by any means, just voicing my opinion. one of the factors in choosing to stay with SL was how much of a fresh start it was. I had x2 lvl 60's geared from Nuri's & left shortly after that. I would like to believe that STS can take opinions like these as constructive criticism & learn from it. I am but a humble gamer hoping that our Voiced Opinions matter.

Side note : Blast Shield was kind of rare. A lot of people miss out on DOTD offers at times & it wasnt a vanity you saw every one wearing until recently. Just seems to me that all the more exclusive offers you don't see often have all been offered with in a weeks span.

12-08-2011, 08:13 PM
Saw this in PL a while ago. That is why I chose to leave PL & stay on SL. I am not complaining by any means, just voicing my opinion. one of the factors in choosing to stay with SL was how much of a fresh start it was. I had x2 lvl 60's geared from Nuri's & left shortly after that. I would like to believe that STS can take opinions like these as constructive criticism & learn from it. I am but a humble gamer hoping that our Voiced Opinions are heard.

Side note : Blast Shield was kind of rare. A lot of people miss out on DOTD offers at times & it wasnt a vanity you saw every one wearing until recently. Just seems to me that all the more exclusive offers you don't see often have all been offered with in a weeks span.

STS is a business, as we all know. STS wants people to stay interested in the game. STS realizes that if some people who love gear and vanities can't get certain fun stuff like Blast Shields, Chrome Jetpacks, Pumpkin Heads, Blue Antennas, that they tend to get frustrated or fade off which of course equals no plat being bought. I am not saying I personally care for 'exclusive' stuff being re-offered, quite the contrary (being the owner of the previously 'exclusive' Fiery Antennas in PL before they were DoTD). But we have to realize that everything that STS has mostly done as of late is making the game less hardcore (especially PL) and more casual, and kindler/happier/gentler as far as the availability of cool/fun/vanity items.

People are obviously buying a lot of the extras and DOTD....it would be stupid of them not to re-offer popular money-makers. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and no one is "wrong", but I think this is just gonna not gain any traction with them from a business perspective...in my (often wrong) opinion. Bowing out of this thread, have at it.

12-08-2011, 08:17 PM
And Bod, the Chrome Jetpack and the Silver Pack are two separate items. One has a Google Chrome logo, one does not. You did not pay one single cent for your Chrome Backpack, as far as I know. The Silver Pack was offered yesterday, not the Chrome.

I hadn't mentioned the Chrome JPs just the Silver, and tomato.. tomato if you mean they are different because of a symbol.

Like some others here just voicing, if your (people in general) offended in any way I apologize but its not going to make any difference to how some feel about it.

12-08-2011, 08:26 PM
To quote you:

That's exactly what's happened buddy, Silver pack being given out for free, while others paid Plat for them as it was 'advertised' as an exclusive one time only deal. (excluding limited time only offer effects)

Only the Chrome pack was given out for free...and guess what, it is free again. No one lost out on any money or plat, so it wasn't as if they charged for it in the past and now it is free. The silver jetpack is a different item, whether you want to admit or not.

STS has never told anyone or implied or 'advertised' that any item is a "one time only and will always be exclusive for ever and ever". They have never, ever said that.

12-08-2011, 08:30 PM
That's exactly what's happened buddy, Silver pack being given out for free, while others paid Plat for them as it was 'advertised' as an exclusive one time only deal. (excluding limited time only offer effects)

I went on PL not long ago and the sets you can buy for plat are ridiculous, I bet i missed a few discussions about them on PL side.

Sam's quote was on it somewhere. Trust me, it's a lost cause. Just know this, it releases for one day, everybody has it for a bit, then the popularity of it dies down again, thus become "exclusive".

12-08-2011, 08:33 PM
All civil a valid points, there should be no need for apologies here. The group of people I play & associate with in game all play more than your average player. Most have been around from the start & from what I understand we are all happy with the direction of the game. It is almost a mirror image or Pocket Legends in my opinion with a different theme. Being the newer version it has been fun to be a part of Shaping the game so to speak. STS can only do so much, when it comes to environment we the community have a lot to do with some of the turn outs. From the economy to how New comers see the Higher levels & how they represent themselves. The small community of people that I play with all enjoy playing Star Legends a lot but most of them feel exactly how I do on the subject.

I really do enjoy being part of the community & I hope that our opinions are not over looked.

12-08-2011, 08:43 PM
I myself have lost out on many exclusive items. I think that the thing that people get upset about is this: When they have an exclusive vanity item that they are rather fond of and it gets re-released on DotD, it's normal to be irate. I would be too. This problem didn't plague me in PL because I had every single vanity out there excluding the founder's helm.

On SL? I missed maybe 4-5 vanities, as I didn't have platinum at the time for them. Do I regret it? Not really. Does it irk me when deals are re-released on the items I do have? Yes, naturally. What happens about the items that I don't have? I buy them. I didn't realize the other side until I was the other side. Are these items still exclusive? Yes, because still many people do not have the platinum to buy it and they are only up for a 24 hour period.

12-08-2011, 10:12 PM
i wished i had that apple logo..:(

12-08-2011, 10:36 PM
Maybe the devs are trying to confuse us lol

I find this an ironic proposition. Very humorous but also quite pregnant with probing wisdom.

I for one would hope that they themselves are not confused regarding the 'facts on the ground' here in SL. Yes this game (i nod to pl as well) has given birth to a very prosperous business model, but i enjoy speculating as to the source of the majority of the real enthusiasm and material involvement :ahem:

I realize that SL is a mobile oriented platform, and this begets a certain set of commonly accepted truisms regarding the nature of people's interaction with the game. However, it is my suspicion and the central idea of this muse that this common wisdom is not what it seems.

I hope the management knows how i feel, and the majority of the excellent community- :sparrrkls: - nevertheless i for one am not in the crowd clamoring for equity here. :)

12-08-2011, 10:37 PM
Yeah but hopefully the new update comes out in a week

12-08-2011, 11:13 PM
When i heard jet packs are back i thought it ment some kind of Christmas jet packs.

12-08-2011, 11:50 PM
When i heard jet packs are back i thought it ment some kind of Christmas jet packs.

Now, THAT would have been sweet.

12-09-2011, 02:50 AM
Imo where it failed for this event, sts should have at least changed the color of the little jetpacks from quest. Red, yellow, green...

How hard is to change to pink, black, blue... or any other color. :(

12-09-2011, 03:34 AM
Imo where it failed for this event, sts should have at least changed the color of the little jetpacks from quest. Red, yellow, green...

How hard is to change to pink, black, blue... or any other color. :(

Because the Google Chrome logo is Red Yellow and Green. We all should've known since Google Chrome compatibility was in beta. This coming from a guy who had a mule specifically for jetpacks :/

12-09-2011, 03:50 AM
Imo where it failed for this event, sts should have at least changed the color of the little jetpacks from quest. Red, yellow, green...

How hard is to change to pink, black, blue... or any other color. :(

Because the Google Chrome logo is Red Yellow and Green. We all should've known since Google Chrome compatibility was in beta. This coming from a guy who had a mule specifically for jetpacks :/

Ah eba... stoopid me... Forgot that each jetpack is a color of the logo. :p

Bah... guess theyll keep different color for other event or dotd then.

Nothin much more to say about this repetitive event I guess... ill go pvp.

12-09-2011, 04:46 AM
I dunno but it seemed like a good way to unload the jetpacks i had till I saw they changed the quest to 150 kill instead of a thousand guess its back to making the new people happy again

I did not personally try to do this (I got my 1000 kill x3 set the first time and I was done) but I know several players that were actively trying to buy them up and corner the market. Given that I spent maybe an hour getting my second set (and the 30p silver price from yesterdays DoTD) I'd say they are now worth approximately 50 credits and speculators are highly annoyed. The chrome ones were fairly exclusive and now everyone has one, just like those annoying turkey/kitten pets..

I'm actually OK with all of this, nobody promised that those would be exclusive items and the chrome ones were always exploitable but non-tradeable...now if they start offering easy pink weapons/epic helms after the update that's another story, because those took waaay the heck more than 3000 kills to get.

Devils Reapers.4 life

12-09-2011, 04:54 AM
...and on that note, bring on the free pets. I personally find all of them annoying as hell and as of the thanksgiving event/cat lady expansions they're no longer exclusive (500p vs 40p). At this point you may as well start offering them as door prizes.

12-12-2011, 12:49 AM
Does the black jetpack have anything stat-wise after the promo event is over?

Because i just got mine... like a couple minutes ago.

12-12-2011, 01:06 AM
I kinda liked that they came back I did get all four jet packs in the beginning which took awhile, but I gave my colored ones away too people that were missing that one color I had I let them keep it more room in my inventory but all I wanted was the black one so it didnt matter

Then when i saw they came back I thought
" again...YES another black one for me"
When I saw that they lowered the kills I thought
"hm if I knew they would have done this I wouldn't have had to go crazy for a while"
Then when I got all the other three colored ones I decided to keep them to show I did it without the trading of others

12-12-2011, 04:48 AM
Bod are you sure the Silver Jet Pack was being given out for free? I saw it in the DotD for 30 plat. It was originally 50 from the plat store I think.

Jet Packs were a miss for a lot of people anyways. The black ('chrome') pack is kind of ugly and sits way too low anyways, which is why you hardly see anyone at cap wearing a jet pack. Everyone, including myself, were very excited for the original jet pack release, but ended up disappointed with the looks, especially after we pointed out their poor position on our backs, and simply wore them for the speed boost until the event was over.

And now they're back again....can't help but LOL at the people who invested a bunch in them...not gonna say I told you so...but...yeah.

12-12-2011, 06:17 AM
Try getting lots of people to sugest a slight reposition so they'll sit higher up?

Doesn't seem all that hard to change if enough players ask.

12-12-2011, 06:22 AM
Try getting lots of people to sugest a slight reposition so they'll sit higher up?

Doesn't seem all that hard to change if enough players ask.
Well a LOT of us did...and nothing changed :p

12-12-2011, 07:56 AM
Darn,jetpacks are even more worthless(i was waiting till next year and they would be worth more)

12-12-2011, 08:33 AM
No that was only for the last jetpack event as far as I know.

12-12-2011, 08:33 AM
Ergh /failed ↑

12-12-2011, 08:35 AM
Does the black jetpack have anything stat-wise after the promo event is over?

Because i just got mine... like a couple minutes ago.

As I was trying to say, no that was only for the first event as far as I know.

12-12-2011, 10:10 AM
Ah well.

Kinda surprised you get ot keep the three component packs, but I guess the intent is to spread the love around.

Speaking of, anyone want mine? Not sure if I wanna charge anything or not, might give yellow and red away, charge for green.