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View Full Version : Twinking is an ADDICTION! Beware....

12-08-2011, 08:29 PM
Hello all,

I just want to share my idea's and experiences of twinking. If you don't know what twinking is, it's basically locking your character at a certain level (10,15,20,25 etc.) and spec'ed to PVP other twinks your level or higher if you want a challenge.

You may be thinking, why would I listen to silly Beanie? Firstly, I am NOT silly :playful: and secondly, I've been twinking for over a year in PL, with many different leveled twinks. Things you should expect if you do twink...

1. Have enough plat to buy the best gear, implants, or respec. If you develop many twinks, you will soon be IN DEBT of platinum. I've currently spent a good 300 platinum for my twinks in PL, and you can expect the same thing to happen in SL.

2. Be prepared to have bad days. Not everyone is nice, some people will ruin your whole PvP experience by teaming, flamming, or simply rushing you. Be cautious when PvPing and don't feel afraid to use the ignore button or report them if necessary (cussing etc.)

3. You will find that you are spending more time on the game, instead of when you used to just focus on your main. Generally you should get the best (or decent) gear for your main before your twinks unless you are playing SL just to twink.
Remember mains before twinks!

With these reasons, I highly suggest you to think if you would like to develop your main characters and save a lot of credits and platinum, or if you are really eager to twink, I'd say don't make more than 2/two twinks!!! If you don't remain your discipline to keep your twink numbers low, you will soon be making one for every 5 levels.

12-08-2011, 08:44 PM
If PL is any indication, be advised, twinking will have more rushing and insults than level cap as well. Find the range that you like and stick to it.

12-08-2011, 09:09 PM
Twinking is a great from of PVP but remember currently any one 5 levels above or below the person who hosted the room can enter. Keeping that in mind also note that you cannot see the level of your opponent.