View Full Version : Build plz skill help

12-08-2011, 10:21 PM
Does anyone have a guide tht has a layout to where to put points in skills like ive been searching and jst none found at all ;/

12-08-2011, 10:45 PM
finding the right build is all about trial and error, the basic skills you need are:

-Increase mass (very important for the armour )
-growing rage ( very useful crit buff)
-Backbreaker (nice damage when combo)
-Neutron stomp (for combo with backbreaker)
-Graviton slam ( for its slow * very useful against op who kite)
-singularity ( for knock back works well when paired with slam )
- Force ( does alot of damage )

^ as for the numbers keep experimenting till you find one that suits your play style ( mass and rage should be kept at 6 )

07-31-2012, 12:41 PM
It Really depends oncyour fighting style...

08-02-2012, 02:15 PM
If attack,
Max all Aoe and buffs

If 1:1 max all 1:1 skills and buffs

08-21-2012, 12:25 PM
keep in mind tho that increase mass does lower crit and dodge unless maxed out, I have found that its not worth it. Not being able to deal as much damage and losing dodge, which could avoid the damage altogether is a big downside for me