View Full Version : au naturale triple

12-09-2011, 06:55 AM
Adieu biosphere definitely won't be missing you, became second nature so much so I'm able to play through it with my eyes closed.

Proof that you can cap sans elixirs (except using dailies, if/when I remember to use em)
Been able to pretty much go without elixirs since I joined back in late august. Only reason I've kept my sanity is because I get bored pretty easily and I'm never on hours upon hours at a time usually space my sessions out throughout the day. If I decide to cap again, elixirs sadly are the way to go bums me out a bit that I'd have to rely on them to have a chance of getting pieces for all 3 classes. Also music pretty much helps with the boredom thingy, not by much but it's something. On another note you don't actually have to play for like a godly amount of hours a day to cap just be efficient about it, although if you do play sl religiously I commend you you oh so dedicated players.

I've pretty much hosted my runs on all 3 toons less on my op which I capped by running with my former guild vendetta (still miss you guys btw). Capped my com solo and held a spot on the lb unintentionally lol consequence of soloing way too much.
Of all 3 I'd have to say engi took the longest personally even with full parties. Definitely a lot easier to get full parties going with ,especially if you can remake runs fairly quick. Hosting runs you meet so many people quite a few of you randoms became legit friends. Couldn't single anyone out especially since there's just too many people I ran with. So to all thank you for putting up with my bs and random disappearing. If you read through this now you know.

And to my guildies, the only reason I'm pretty much almost dead silent with everyone was because I've been a busy bee grinding it out pretty much since I've been acquainted with you sparkly spark spawkly folk.

Now off to finally getting back into that slacker mode running around naked with those rawsome hats
here's a nostalgic Hail to the V! and also adding a bit of fancypants sparkles

12-09-2011, 11:46 AM
Congrats on capping all three!

12-09-2011, 12:08 PM
I really feel I mush congraduate you 3 toons without elixirs is a pain and here I was thinking it was rough to do with elixers

12-09-2011, 12:38 PM
Woo-hoo, CONGRATS!

Def no small feat.

There were a few times I'd join you even though we'd just be duoing because I was tired of groups that weren't playing up to their abilities and I'd just end up getting super aggro. LOL

12-09-2011, 12:56 PM
Gratz Matte! Well done man. Now that yer capped :ahem: looking forward to chillin' wit ya more. I've been soooo slack since i capped the toons that i've been working on. :)

But i think that the reason i play SL is the ppl anyway. :three Cheers: