View Full Version : Chrome Feedback: Key-binds and screen mode.

12-10-2011, 10:52 AM
I know key-bids are coming (hopefully), but I just want to stress how important this is for me if I were to play strictly on PC. I found it very detrimental to play on my keyboard + mouse because of how the skill hotkeys are set out. Even with a gaming mouse, my skill map and skill order wouldn't make sense no matter how I put it. Maybe change the order of how the skill map icons to the hotkeys are made?

I don't know if the Chrome version is meant to be played without a mouse - to me, PC gaming always uses a mouse, but I found that rotating the screen with my mouse cursor always lead to right clicking the "outside" of the game despite being in full screen. This would cause a drop-down menu to pop up and leave my character uncontrollable (if I was pressing W, it would keep walking forward). Is is possible to have a true full screen? The entire game on the entire screen.

Potion keys are what make me think it isn't meant to be played with a mouse - those keys are too far from your left hand.

As much fun as if was trying out Chrome, I think I'll stick to mobile devices now. It's just so much easier.

12-10-2011, 11:21 AM

Change resolution number until it fits your screen fully. Then also F11 to put chrome into full screen mode.
Best experience in pve and pvp i have so far found by using wasd to move, q/e to move camera angle when wont need to hurry(mostly in pvp), and use skills on mouse and move camera angle if needed. I know, it needs some time to get used to it, but least after couple days i did as good as on my iphone if not even better. :]

All what i would need at the moment, is ability to scroll much futher from character. Playing mostly on w=1650 & h=1000 and that how close the camera is to character doesnt look good in my opinion.

12-10-2011, 02:23 PM
I re-mapped my most used skills to be the right-most 4 skills for the 1-4 buttons. Other than that, I use mouse. I don't think it'd ideal either. I could prob get used to more of it, but after 4 skills (and having to re-map them), I find using the other number buttons a bit difficult when I'm also using buttons to move.

12-10-2011, 02:27 PM
Off topic but which buttons control the potions?

12-11-2011, 05:42 AM
Off topic but which buttons control the potions?

[ and ]

Have a look at this :) (well I'm sure you've read it before)

Keyboard commands are built in.

WASD to move
Q and E to rotate your camera
Spacebar to auto attack
Number keys to fire off your different attacks.
r = switch bank of abilities
i = inventory
c = avatar
[ = health potion
] = mana potion
m = minimap.

12-11-2011, 06:13 AM
numbers for abilities? sounds... difficult. if only we could map it ourselves.

ah well. I have a game controller and a program that lets me map keyboard buttons to joystick buttons. let's roll. :cool: