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View Full Version : A much deserved thanks to the STS team!

05-27-2019, 06:27 PM
I know it isn't said as much as it should, but I personally would like to thank the sts team for everything they have been doing in the past few months. We have a more responsive team now who caters to the needs of the players to the best of their abilties. Futumsh personally looks and addresses the problems players might be facing due to bugs and technical issues. Have also seen Cinco trying to bring about changes to the events and game as needed. Rem is always there too ^^ also a shout-out to all the other devs who arent as active in forums. I remember during the dev week I mentioned to them how we love Spirit Xp events and they had one soon after; they also have other multiple fun events one after the other now. So thanks and hope we keep having you guys here for us.

05-27-2019, 06:33 PM
"There's a time and place for everything, but not now" - Professor Oak

05-27-2019, 06:43 PM
No problem in thanking them any time. If you got nothing good to add you dont have to spam every post. Just saying.

05-27-2019, 08:34 PM

Is what I would of said, but in reality it’s just a fist bump type of thanks. They’re doing a lot better than 2017-2018. That’s for sure. I’m just hoping they don’t get lazy again and just Recolor the same vanities. At least redesign them or something. That’s all I ask, btw hoping to see “Armor to vanity conversion” that would make up for the past 2 years. Just my opinion, don’t care if you disagree or agree with me. Have a great day to whom ever reads this!